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Poems by The Brooklyn Six Project

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Below are poems written by United States poet The Brooklyn Six Project. If you like the poems, please comment on the work of this poet. Remember, Poetrysoup is an environment of encouragement and growth so only provide specific positive comments that indicate what you appreciate about the poems of The Brooklyn Six Project.

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Best The Brooklyn Six Project Poems

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Date PostedPoemTitle# ViewsForm  
11/14/2018 Continue To Write 308 Free verse
11/14/2018 Take That Chance 214 Free verse
11/14/2018 Encourage the Students 320 Free verse
11/14/2018 Girl, With Every Kiss 392 Free verse
11/14/2018 Reach For That Gold 236 Free verse
11/14/2018 Always Turn the Page 247 Free verse
11/01/2018 The Clock Is Ticking 412 Free verse
10/31/2018 Enlighten, Encourage and Empower 578 Free verse
10/31/2018 As You Read Along 309 Free verse
10/31/2018 Success Is There 239 Free verse
10/31/2018 Good Thoughts and Words 247 Free verse
10/31/2018 Girl, Beautiful You Are 436 Free verse
10/31/2018 Make Those Adjustments 192 Free verse
10/25/2018 We Search With Care 170 Free verse
10/24/2018 Take Everything To Heart 190 Free verse
10/24/2018 Keep Walking That Mile 234 Free verse
10/24/2018 Yes, the Battle Is Tough 213 Free verse
10/24/2018 Brighten a Person's Day 272 Free verse
10/24/2018 Make Your Presence Felt 180 Free verse
10/24/2018 Take the Time To Communicate 223 Free verse
10/18/2018 The Words Are There 238 Free verse
10/17/2018 Speak Your Voice 266 Free verse
10/17/2018 Moments Are Forever Fleeting 264 Free verse
10/16/2018 Opportunity Is There 484 Free verse
10/16/2018 She Sadly Walks Away 289 Free verse
10/16/2018 As You Travel Along the Road 234 Free verse
10/16/2018 Do Not Suffer In Silence 231 Free verse
10/11/2018 Of a Placid Nature 233 Free verse
10/10/2018 The Challenges of Life 221 Free verse
10/09/2018 Let Your Imagination Captive You 207 Free verse
10/08/2018 Continue To Surge 193 Free verse
10/07/2018 Just Live Your Life 224 Free verse
10/06/2018 Girl, It Is Just Us Two 328 Free verse
10/05/2018 Put Your Heart Into Everything 226 Free verse
10/04/2018 It Can Be Done 252 Free verse
10/03/2018 Just Be There 288 Free verse
10/02/2018 Do Not Waste Your Life Away 220 Free verse
10/01/2018 She Sadly Drowns In Tears 275 Free verse
09/30/2018 Always Remain Determined 244 Free verse
09/29/2018 Continue To Have Courage 193 Free verse
09/29/2018 You Lose By Default 258 Free verse
09/27/2018 You Wake Up Tomorrow 250 Free verse
09/26/2018 Attitude Is Everything 258 Free verse
09/25/2018 Just Take That Chance 190 Free verse
09/24/2018 When You Feel Like Giving Up 191 Free verse
09/23/2018 Girl, When We Lay Together At Night 319 Free verse
09/23/2018 Work Hard Towards Your Goals 431 Free verse
09/21/2018 Look At the Way At How You Treat Your Lady 251 Free verse
09/20/2018 Just Go For It 178 Free verse
09/19/2018 Some of the Sunshine Disappears 232 Free verse
09/18/2018 Take Care of the Matter Now 207 Free verse
09/17/2018 The Choice Is Yours 243 Free verse
09/16/2018 Be Willing To Embrace Life 223 Free verse
09/15/2018 Things May Appear To Be Tough 1489 Free verse
09/14/2018 You May Take a Tumble 187 Free verse
09/13/2018 Be Willing To Try 176 Free verse
09/12/2018 Always Write To Inspire 197 Free verse
09/11/2018 It Has Been Seventeen Years 184 Free verse
09/10/2018 Sometimes We Search For Answers 223 Free verse
09/09/2018 Be There For Her 281 Free verse
09/08/2018 Always Forge Ahead 262 Free verse
09/07/2018 Stormy Clouds May Appear 210 Free verse
09/06/2018 Wisdom and Knowledge Are There 274 Free verse
09/05/2018 The Kids Are Back At School 477 Free verse
09/04/2018 Another Morning Has Broken 213 Free verse
09/03/2018 Always Take That Step Forward 233 Free verse
09/02/2018 Utilize Your Words 221 Free verse
09/01/2018 We Struggle and Can Hurt Sometimes 242 Free verse
08/31/2018 As a Parent 210 Free verse
08/30/2018 Stop Hanging Around the Wrong Crowd 258 Free verse
08/29/2018 Girl, With Each Moment That We Share 272 Free verse
08/28/2018 Just Remember To Stay On Course 223 Free verse
08/27/2018 Have That Energy and Effort 197 Free verse
08/26/2018 When We Teach Our Children 290 Free verse
08/25/2018 Such Clarity Is In the Air 252 Free verse
08/24/2018 Take Those Necessary Steps 235 Free verse
08/23/2018 Edification Is Where It's At 238 Free verse
08/22/2018 Darkness Will Surround You 207 Free verse
08/21/2018 Girl, As We Embark On This Journey 382 Free verse
08/20/2018 The Teacher Is There 281 Free verse
08/19/2018 Always Step Forward 181 Free verse
08/18/2018 Aretha Louise Franklin 513 Free verse
08/17/2018 Have a Sharp Wit 278 Free verse
08/16/2018 Tough Times Will Appear 299 Free verse
08/15/2018 Science Is Intriguing 930 Free verse
08/14/2018 Put Effort Into Everything 235 Free verse
08/13/2018 Keep Pushing Yourself Always 276 Free verse
08/12/2018 Of a Peaceful Nature 223 Free verse
08/11/2018 Girl, Together We Can Make It 357 Free verse
08/10/2018 With Each Day 252 Free verse
08/09/2018 Be Willing To Enhance Your Mind 198 Free verse
08/08/2018 Always Be That Spark 251 Free verse
08/07/2018 When the Message Has Been Spoken 223 Free verse
08/06/2018 As Time Withers Away 218 Free verse
08/05/2018 Just Maintain That Course 465 Free verse
08/04/2018 The Ability Is There 260 Free verse
08/03/2018 Girl, With Every Little Step 498 Free verse
08/02/2018 The Negligent Parent 270 Free verse
08/01/2018 Show Persistence and Resilience 830 Free verse
07/31/2018 Another New Day Arises 246 Free verse

Book: Reflection on the Important Things