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Best Poems Written by Mallory Snodgrass

Below are the all-time best Mallory Snodgrass poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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To Be Seen

It all started with a glance. 
A look into this hallowed reflection.
I could no longer take a chance, 
Nor explain this odd projection. 

I tried looking deep,
To peer into my own skin, 
Imagining how it would feel to weep,
Only knowing it would not be a win.

I turn away.

I could not face my own fate, 
I could not believe my dismay,
I could not bear to be seen,

So thus, I turn away.

Even when I look back into my own eyes,
All I can see is that they’re too close together.
And even when I recognize these as lies,
All I can hear are the cruel voices etched forever.

I turn away.
I must face my fate. 
I must believe my dismay,
I must long to be seen.

I do long to be seen. 
For others to see me, sure. 
But for myself, 
To be able to look at my own reflection,
And recognize the truth that has been hidden.

I long to be seen. 
To see my “too close together” eyes and be thankful to have them.
To see my stretch marks, and to be grateful, for what they represent. 
To see my legs, and to appreciate that they’re what keep me walking. 

To see my face, 
My own skin,
and face it. 

I long to be seen.
And I must not turn away.

Copyright © Mallory Snodgrass | Year Posted 2018

Details | Mallory Snodgrass Poem


I had never been afraid of water. 
Water was the pool, the ocean, 
And even the morning. 
Water was inviting, wholesome, 
And water was clean. 
Water was waking up in the morning. 
Splashing upon my youthful face, 
Drinking from a tall glass, 
And carrying on. 
But water is now my fear.  
An enemy I cannot abandon.  
Water is the pool, 
A place I cannot bear to be seen. 
Water is the ocean, 
A place that has lost its glory. 
And water is the morning, 
Begging to be used for self-care.  
But I do not care. 
You see, I used to thirst.  
Thirst for life, thirst for joy. 
Because as water quenches thirst,  
It is happiness that quenches despair. 
But I now find myself parched, 
Even after I've been drinking. 
Drinking from an empty glass,  
Splashing upon my tired face. 
I can’t drink water,  
For people will stare. 
But I can’t not drink water, 
For people will question what is wrong. 
Nothing is wrong, I say. 
The water is fine. 
It is just me that is not.

Copyright © Mallory Snodgrass | Year Posted 2018

Book: Reflection on the Important Things