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Best Poems Written by Isaac Asante

Below are the all-time best Isaac Asante poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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O' Mother Ghana

O' Mother Ghana 
O' mother Ghana, how proud am i to be your grand son
My skin so black from the burn of the sun
For a woman to head a country shows your bravery
You won us our freedom from our colonial masters during the slavery
You are a brave African black beauty 
Even at the age of sixty 
Your red,yellow,green and black wrapper makes you look bold
How can you go hungry when you farm cocoa and mine gold
Despite your bravery,you are known world wide as a mother of peace
Whiles other parents are still struggling for peace
O' mother Ghana, embrace us with your warm loving heart
Your African cultures will forever dwell in our hearts
Gone were the days when those masters called you Gold Coast
Now you are an independent woman and with that you can boast
You first son the brave intellectual Dr. Kwame Nkrumah 
And your handsome and beautiful grand children Kofi and Ama
You serve as with Banku with grinded pepper,Fufu with Groundnut soup and other delicious meals
We love you mother Ghana
May you live long O mother Ghana.

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2017

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Aphrodisiac 18plus

Aphrodisiac (18+)

 We got beaten by the rain on our way home
Looking so wet and feeling cold all home alone
She is not my bride and I'm not her groom
She is not my girlfriend and I'm not her boyfriend
Maybe its just benefits derived from being best friends 
 I drew her closer but my arms reached for her waist
Her pebbled breasts in full glare through her wet clinging dress.
With her nipples erected hard
I  run my hands through her hair whiles she stood quiet

The rush through my veins made me  grabbed her ever soft buttocks and squeeze them gently.

Both wet from head to toe and dripping and getting warm
She looked me in the eyes, come after my kingdom she whispered 
Your wish is my command
I pressed my lips on hers our tongues intertwining with strange sounds
She held me so tight that I long for a swift release
kissing her from lips down to her neck
She began to moan with heavy breaths 
I passed my hands around her breasts,  she was braless i started feeling hot
I tore her dress off with a stare in her eyes.
How beautiful her breasts were as they cried for my touch
Slowly I cupped them both from beneath 
My tongue was eager to sample
I teased her  around her nipples
She grabbed me more tighter 
I moved back to her lips and she kissed back harder 

Her lips felt so soft it tickled, I could forever kiss them
I felt harder and heavy by the second
I fondled her chest with dedication
My tongue in desperation  
I pleased its desire with her nipples
I licked and sucked her thick erected nipples 
Drawn into a maelstrom of pleasure
She moaned in submission
Climax came at her in drugging waves
With her body trembling all over
Her barrier of resistance crumbled into the sofa
I went on and worked my way into her
She held my head to have control 
She took off my wet shirt with the strength of an angry goddess
Body to body Skin to skin we felt each other

I caressed her beneath reaching for her powerhouse of pleasure
rubbing rhythmically like i would on a glass mouth.
I listened to her Voice quaver  with the after effects
Kissing all over her body as we moaned together
Planting kisses on her neck nipples and chest. on her navel thighs legs and feet ow on her shoulder and her back
Both naked and sweating heavily
She was suddenly a dominatrix
My length hardly erected with veins pumping blood  heavily..

Close your eyes she whispered with a smirk at me
Licking my ear lobes I felt I was flying
Kissing and teasing my nipples I felt almost desperate 
Don't move stay ever so still a move and I start all over..
Circling my hard length with her hands and then her mouth
 Giving me such breathless urgency
I yearned for her more in frenzy 
I grabbed her wet hair and didn't know what to do
Ow dear me what a rush I felt.
A rollercoaster right in bed
She sat on me and directed my chariot into her kingdom
Gently and slowly as she went down on me
I moaned her name in pleasure
She rode with passion and naughtiness
I held her breasts squeezing them to the rhythm of her ride
She had a penetrating gaze and the feeling was crazy
She rode so rough I pleaded for mercy
But please don't stop was what I whispered

She got up, crawled over to the floor and with a signalling finger
She smiled your turn
I grasped her knee and eased them further apart.
Like a captain I sailed deep into the sea of endless pleasure
Ridding so hard her stubborn bother almost would not want more
Like a knight I thrust deep with my sword she moaned and clinched my waists
Shattering in ecstasy
She felt so tight
Shock waves of pleasure sizzled us both with neither ready to surrender
The more she held my waist the more the king thrust his sword deep in and wild
Withdrawing and sliding home over again 
We were so tired and fell asleep
There was a knock on the door
I woke and was all alone 
In my favourite blue jeans 
And my shaft dry as sugar cane
I opened the door and ow what a sight. it was her 
Just at the door
Oh boy' it only been just a dream
but a dream come true
She reached for my lips and kissed me.

Written by: Isaac Asante

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2018

Details | Isaac Asante Poem

Ohemaa ,Princess

Ohemaa (Princess)

She is the real definition of an African beauty,
A woman of zeal and determination,
Her words are lead by power,
She never rests until her goals are met,
A confident woman with heart filled with love,
Well raised from a respectable African home,
She bears the name of a royal (Ohemaa),
As if she is the type of woman to live under a man,
No, she has a territory of her own,
Nevertheless a wife material any man will thank God for,
She goes about her chores with dignity and pride,
She touches the heart of anyone who watches her smile,
A real African woman who lacks nothing as a woman,
A real African woman every child will love to have as a mother,
She has no competition because she was born a winner,
The role model to every girl child.

Written by: Isaac Asante
@facebook: Trapking Tales
Visit link to read more of my poems for free:

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2019

Details | Isaac Asante Poem

The Masked Faces

“The Masked Faces”

We peeling off the foreskin of our rich culture,
Ignorance is the reason we feed on the carcass of a Vulture,
The more we fail the more we weaken the pillars of the structure,
Created by God but creating an illusion of a creature,
The skeletons never rot but maintains its posture,
They only emboss on their cave walls a perfect picture,
The township call it an adventure,
While the Kings call it an indenture.

Greedy and selfish leaders ripping what they did not sow,
Deceiving the youths to pay with their innocent soul,
Big dreams scattered all over and it shouldn't be so,
They move from east, west, north and south,
Just to buy our intelligence with sugar coated mouth,
After they get into power they turn to be our enemy,
Making life a hell instead of being our remedy,
Hungry for power and fame politicians,
They make promises like magicians,
But actually they are professional politricians.

They wear suits and ties driving in expensive cars,
Sitting in the comfort of their office with fresh skin no scars,
They call it favour for favour,
What a shameful behavior,
No favour no position,
No favour no promotion,
But this favour favours a particular gender,
They are so engulfed that they cannot take it out of their agenda,
They misuse power and authority,
You will have no choice because that is your only opportunity,
They will demand for your certificate as if that's what they really want,
They will think they are having fun but rather tarnishing their image and causing calamity.

They claim they were called,
Thirsty for power and fame,
Not only by their dressing, you will also know them by their names,
Performing magic instead of miracles,
With the blood of the devil they build their tabernacles,
Inside this tabernacles they gather innocent souls,
Assisting the devil to control the world as a whole,
Acting as angels of God but serving the devil,
No wonder, with a glance they can recite the whole bible,
They never practice what they preach,
They use the Bible but represent the devil when they teach,
Living a fancy life whiles their members swim the pool of poverty,
Adopting tittles of supremacy,
They will never preach about the end time,
They rather preach about how to be rich meanwhile they will never give you a dime,
But God will be the judge in his own time.

Written by: Isaac Asante
@facebook: Trapking Tales

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2019

Details | Isaac Asante Poem

Death, the Passage of Life

Death (the passage of life)

Its daybreak and the sun rose
Yes! but it rose with a bad pose
I wish to clear my throat
But it comes with tears from my eye
In this cases we all ask God why
What tomorrow brings we never know
And what tomorrow takes we never know
It happens in such a sudden swift
It makes me wonder if life is a shift
After all the struggle we aught to rest
But we never intended to rest with our hands folded on to our chest
If it could be bribed with money,still the poor will experience it
If it could be fought,still the weak will experience it
Some says God knows best,some also say they are gone to rest
But all the same its part of life,as if we are not aware
It took daddy,it took mummy, it took brother,it took sister,it took all the loved ones and left us with sorrow
The fight between life and death will never end
We came to the earth in dust and we shall leave in dust
Its sounds like a painful custom we aught to follow
It will take everyone as time goes on,yes its a must
Death is inevitable.........RIP to all gone souls.

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2017

Details | Isaac Asante Poem

My Grandfather's Bicycle

"My grandfather's bicycle"

I still have the memories of my grandfather's old bicycle that was a always packed behind the house,it was blue in colour and always sparkling because he always spends three hours to wash it thoroughly. The tyres were so black and big that I love playing with them. It has a bell that when rang every one in the community hears of it. The basket in front of it was where he usually put me if I cry to join him..The breaks were very fast and always serviced..he always say to my dad "the breaks are your only hope in case of unforeseen accidents".Not forgetting the seat which was made of a thick and soft cushion covered with a genuine black leather,my grandfather never jokes with his bicycle. Sometimes I get jealous because its like he loves and pays so much attention to his bicycle than to me..haha I guess I was very young to think so. I remember the bicycle been given to an uncle when my grandfather died,since then I have never set eyes on it. Any way it just came to mind..

Isaac Asante
Nov. 2017

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2017

Details | Isaac Asante Poem

Proud Servant

Proud Servant
I was a prince in my father's house,
Even though my father was not a king
Neither was my mother a queen
I was loved by all and nice to all
I got all I wanted,all I needed to do was ask
My friends were always around me day and
I was the favorite student at school
I was never punished nor made to cry
My father was not a king,he just had enough money 
Enough that he could be made a leader of the town
I got all the pampering a child could get from all
High class dignitaries visits my parents just to have a cup of coffee
Many come to my father for financial help
         .......FAST FORWARD.......
I lost my parents in a nasty car accident
It was like my world was coming to an end
At the age of 23 and an orphan I got to survive any ways
I looked back into my past and realised that time really changes
I had to sweat to make a living on my own
All those my father helped back then are now turning their backs at me
Am now a servant to a master and a slave to life
One is only poor if they choose to be
I now do all kinds of dirty jobs to earn a penny 
I have tasted sugar and now tasting salt,or better still pepper 
Had I known is always at last
There is no food for a lazy man
Many life lessons I have learnt
Am proud of who I am now
But still life goes on.......

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2017

Details | Isaac Asante Poem



As young as we were, playing in the rain
Totally naked with no hard feelings
We played our hearts out till our parents called
We chase and catch flying insects when the rain stops
The sun shines over our heads even as we sat under trees
Making bags and skirts out of fallen leaves
We play and fight but we fight to make up
You were the best friend I ever had
We ate together,walked to school together and oh yeah we bath together
Even though we saw each other as friends
Our parents calls us husband and wife
At school I never left your side
I help you finish your class work on time
My pencil was your pencil and eraser was your eraser
Some teachers taught we were siblings
Some also said we look alike
It felt like the time never moved 

But its amazing how time flies so quick 
We grew so fast into adults
We were separated by distance
I didn't know where you moved to
If I had known, I would have traveled to you
My heart longed for you
My soul yearned for you
Distance indeed is wicked 
I knew you missed me just as I did
All I had was our childhood photo
I found it difficult to love any other girl
Your memories were inscribed on to my heart
Your name rang in my head all the time

Where ever you are please think about me
I pray we meet again, but where?
If you had informed me, I swear I would have followed you 
I know its never too late to do that but,
I will stay back to tell everyone how we begun our journey
And tell them how painfully you left without informing me
My tears will never stop running down
My heart will never stop grieving 
My life will never stop being useless without you
Death is indeed inevitable
Rest In Peace my friend,my sister, my lover
You were all this to me and I will continue to love you till we meet again.. 


Poet: Isaac Asante

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2018

Details | Isaac Asante Poem

Missing You

*Missing you*
I remember the day u went away
For sure i had a lot say
Your thoughts run through my mind each day
Can't 4get those nights in bed wen we laugh n play
U said u‘ll be back in march but its already may
Every night i miss u n all i do is pray
Hoping u will return someday
Its not easy feeling this way
Our favorite love song is always on replay..

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2017

Details | Isaac Asante Poem

Village Champion

Village Champion 

He beats his chest as the drum rolls,
the story of a great warrior never told,
but now listen attentively as it unfolds,

wild as a Buffalo,smart as a great Ape,intelligent as a Chimpanzee,
skillful as a Hyena,strong as a Gorilla,dangerous as a Black Mamba and fast as a Falcon.

His only weapons are a bow and arrow,a short sharp knife and a club. 
He never sleeps, yes he never sleeps, he always says, a bushy head is owned by a lazy man.
His muscles are well built and always in shape,he has a chest as hard as a tortoise back.
Training day and night and has the eye of an Owl which enables him to see in the dark, not knowing when the enemies will attack.

This warrior dwells in the deepest forest of the village, he is only seen when he comes to present the heads of the enemies he has killed to the king.

How does he feed? Good question, every warrior has the qualities of a hunter,he feeds on bush animals and edible plants,also he heals the little wounds he obtains from every attack with herbs.

He is the main target of every war troupe from other villages. His record has never been broken. He fights against hundreds of warriors and has no fear of been killed.

Victory is always his. His name is never known,due to that everyone calls him village champion..

Copyright © Isaac Asante | Year Posted 2018


Book: Reflection on the Important Things