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Best Poems Written by Akshmala Sharma

Below are the all-time best Akshmala Sharma poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Unprecedented Confluence - Duet

(Male’s part)
First verse
Why they swarmed into piling on sympathy
Why they came thirsty of my tethered heart and tearful eye
Why they were not done for my melancholic stance
Why they talked sour of my love and allegiance
Why they thought you have sailed back to return never

(Female’s part)
Second verse
My soul mate, my beloved
They meant me as a talking body, now mute forever
But you played endlessly with my soul
Still around, abiding in your heart

(Male’s part)
Third verse
Ah, I can breathe you deep down in my heart
Unable to differentiate you and the self
Feel renewed with your dreams
Getting feather in my eye

Death succumbed to our love
For it can only kill the flesh
Can’t even tamper with soul
Wherein breathe our love.

Oh almighty, I warmly acclaim your phenomenal craft
Of mortal body and immortal soul  
As a token of gratefulness
I will keep your particle, god particle, the soul
Dipped in immense sea of love

Copyright © Akshmala Sharma | Year Posted 2017

Details | Akshmala Sharma Poem

We and the Tree

When we sow a seed 
Give generous earth a baby to breast feed
Water, mineral and air
She anchors to her lap the root of kid
To let it weather away stormy air

When seed break through earth
Air and light help it achieve the real worth
Now it cooks food
Disarm air of fear to live in oxygen dearth
Bear flowers and fruit getting brilliantly hued

When seed grow to a tree
Bird, animal, reptile call it home for free
Caters refreshing shade in a sizzling summer day
Become part of festive season with glee 
When on its arm swings lay

When we cut tree
Mourn everyone except us
Mother earth wreathe in agony to see her child mercilessly slain
She sobs and says “I won’t let a seed become tree”
But relents to not let us wane

Dear friends, shouldn’t we feel shame
To roughly hack who actually tame
The wonderful world we rejoice 
Let us take pledge to not maim
Tree breathing life, for our choice

Copyright © Akshmala Sharma | Year Posted 2017

Details | Akshmala Sharma Poem

Autumn Royal

Leaves has bowed to tempting look of the moon
Turning into amber or crimson red
Fire in the wind has been smoothly hewn
As pleasant "hello" tickling cold breeze said
The burnt umber earth laughs at being rain fed
Laying child bed for pinecones, pumpkin
Ah, stage set to mark climb and fall herein

Heart pines for him, his love, his argent arm
To see moon hung between naked tree trunk
Rain of petals swirl down cheek to disarm
Me of bearing to stay for long undrunk
Everyday i pick up saffron flower
Cinnamon sticks and ginger swollen leaves
To make autumn present for my lost love

Copyright © Akshmala Sharma | Year Posted 2017

Details | Akshmala Sharma Poem


Why grieve over death
It sheds what is not yours.
Water, air, earth, fire and space.
To let real you – the soul
Exercise its real power.
Why fear death
It liberates you
Without being asked to
From fleshy prison.
Why not love death
It disrobe you of constraints
Put sneakily by crazily loved body.
Cherish it hence.
For death is freedom
The real lover 
Lends who the wing
To the stranded soul
To fly beyond zenith
To hug the ocean 
It dropped wherefrom.

Copyright © Akshmala Sharma | Year Posted 2017

Book: Reflection on the Important Things