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Best Poems Written by Terry Hilton

Below are the all-time best Terry Hilton poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Do not talk like that. Read my mind. I'm giving you my attention-all of my attention. 
Kudos to you. 
I am anxious. Tomorrow is coming soon. I will be exhausted. My daughter is 
Thunder. My favorite weather is outside my window. Tonight? In a dream? I've got 
to tell you something.
A handle. Captain. They are white, not black. Volume is getting turned down.
Blonde vs. brown. Past vs. present. Flaws are almost here. Not yet though. Hold 
your breath.
Now breathe. Past is in the past. Words are now. Dry throat. Weed free, what a 
shame. Don't miss it a bit.
Hungry. Still, no pot. Still don't miss it. My daughter is perfect. Tired.
Steak, filet. Chicken, fajita. Shrimp, pasta. Tilapia, grilled. Wine, red, merlot. Beer, 
Miller light. Liquor, give me a beer.
Crazy hair. Needing a massage, now. No, yesterday. Hungry. Not fair.
You are beautiful. Period. Talk to me. Voice. Sexy. Hair, looks fine. Outfit, looked 
good. Sorry. Complimented too late.
Hungry. Anxious. Tired. Sore. Thirsty. You. Gorgeous. My daughter is perfect.

Copyright © Terry Hilton | Year Posted 2007

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Zion (Part Two)

I am still in Zion for you are the one I long to please, let this world, this town try 
and break me and attempt to bring me to my knees, for it cannot and shall not 
ever even come close to defeating this-what we have, what God gave to us what 
we have bled for and how we came so close, so close to perfection and to 
everything I have never known, you have loved me and you have finally shown, 
you have shown me what it is to desire a true but forbidden fire and the rest of my 
years here on this earth and the rest of my tears and fears I long to share with 
you and the temple I have raised in your name while I praise God that you came 
and shattered all the false dreams and hopes and for this reality I cope and try to 
deal with all of the farce that I must deal with and my sanity is now a blissful part 
of life for I have lost that pain and lost that strife that has plagued me I shall obey 
thee and strive to please you in the way only a King could please his Queen by 
offering her the world and all the jewels within it. Thank you for this

Copyright © Terry Hilton | Year Posted 2007

Details | Terry Hilton Poem


I am still in Zion , I am taming love's lion, with these wings I spread I will fly on,
I shower you with diamonds, with my hands I lay to waste all of these mountains,
You to me, you are a treasure that took a lifetime to find.
You to me, you are a star that crashed down upon my earth and landed in my sea,
You are the heaven, for which I seek to find,
You are the eternity after life that I cannot define.
I stand proud against all these mobs that rise against me,
I fight back and scream with courage and intensity!
I lead my army against your foes and my foes and all the other fiends,
I use my sword and with my word I devour them and destroy those who wish to 
strike and sting,
I sing a new song that describes your majestic beauty and praise the way you 
I am the one that conquers and divides and offers to you the sun and the silver 
All of the world I offer to you with all of her gold, silver and precious gems,
I give you more than your heart could ever desire, I give you so much more than 
I have built a temple to worship your perfect body with all of your God-given 
I am studying the history of this world and striving to know more about you, for 
you I constantly learn.
No longer does my world revolve around you for you have become my entire 
No longer does my sun and moon shine upon you for you are the one that I have 
learned to serve.
I shower you with a million rose petals and tulip blossoms that would cover the 
country side!
I abide in your spirit and praise your gorgeous self for no longer do I choose to 

Copyright © Terry Hilton | Year Posted 2007

Book: Shattered Sighs