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Best Poems Written by Vipin Pratap

Below are the all-time best Vipin Pratap poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I remember the days
When we would talk lengths
When, slowly, our words
Would mingle
Into the common image 
Our eyes saw,
With mine exploring yours
And yours squandering mine.

I remember the nights
When we would sit by the lake
Covered with your jacket
Wrapped in each other's arms
Counting the countless stars
Feeling the cold breeze
Against the warmth we shared.

But today,
When I count the stars
I count one more.
Which shines the brightest.
It winks at me
Each time I am low.
With whom I spend my nights.
My eyes exploring the star
And star squandering mine.

-Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2017

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The Dinner Table

She lit the candles 
With all the light
She had in her eyes.
She put the flowers in the vase
The freshest of all.
Food and deserts on the table
With all the love 
She had for him.
The Cutlery she kept
Reflected her smile
And the excitement she carried.

Holding the hands of his love
He pulled the chair.
The candles shimmered light
On the love they shared.
Their eyes aligned
Throughout the treat.
Their hearts danced 
To match the beats.

She woke up to the
Candles extinguished
And the flowers that lay blemished.
Everything on the table untouched.
She saw his message on her phone.
It said,"Sorry, I cannot 
Make it to home". 
Ignorant she was 
To a lie he repeated,
Because it wasn't her table
Last night he attended.
He loved the game
To play with feelings
And like always
She trusted her love 
And continued believing.
-Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2018

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We were somehow
The most beautiful
Thing together.
Our reflection
Clearer than any other
In the mirror
That the lake held.

But just like a stone
She came
Into the lake
Distorting the reflections
Blurring the dreams.

We were like the waves,
Waves that
Always make their way
Back to the shores
No matter how far they go away.
No matter how stormy they turn.

But just like a
Fiery rain she came,
Drying up the oceans
We sailed in.
Making the waves disappear.
Watching us drowning,
Drowning into the
Setting sun.

-Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2017

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Chases and Traces

Chases and Traces I still have the traces, Only her was among many faces, That drove me writing so many pages, That got me into so many chases. Chases, to get into her dreams. Chases, to get a little bit noticed. Chases, to fall in her eyes so hazy. Chase, to hold her hands in life’s different phases. Chase, to get her tumbled into same chases. But those chases, Always remained like tangled laces. No dreams I could be a part of, Unnoticed I always went, Forever invisible in haze of her eyes I was. I still am vulnerable to her smile, Wish she could forever be mine, With whom I could walk infinite miles. But CHASES remained CHASES, And TRACES still remain TRACES. -Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2017

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There he lay Smiling and giggling In the comfort of his cradle. His birth marking The birth of new possibilities The birth of new hopes. Ignorant of what Life holds for him, He thrives ahead. As he grows He unlocks new mysteries. Even falls sometimes But gathers courage To rise a bit more high. Uncertain he becomes Ambiguous he himself turns, But he learns to be himself. The more he learns, The less it appears. But he realizes each time, That life holds a lot more Still many pebbles Are left unturned. He realizes that His life has a purpose His birth had a purpose. He realizes that There's no wrong in breaking Because, he still Is a man in the making. -Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2017

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To You

To him
Who locks his door
Looks into the mirror
Rubs that lipstick on his lips
That he bought saying
"It's a gift for someone"
thinking how strangely it helps
him smile atleast for a minute 
until he washes it again.

To her
Who pulls her hair back
And looks into the mirror
How would she look
With one side shaven
And the other with short hair
Thinking how badly
She wants it.

To you
Who's writing this
And to many who couldn't,
Don't worry
About what they'll say.
Worry about yourself
And all the sadness
You've caused yourself
By not doing something 
Which'd make you happy.
By not being someone
Who you always wanted to be.

-Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2019

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that the child sitting in the
many years back,
who kept his hand
under a heap of moist sand
patting some more over it
with the other,
and then pulled out his hand
slowly and very carefully,
so that
his castle could have a
perfect and ginormous entrance,
didn't know
that this life is a tough crowd.
that someday it'd be so hard
for him to find happiness
in a heap of sand.

-Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2019

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Different people
Have different
Stories to tell
With different
Ways to tell.

He told me mine
By leaving.
Telling me stories
How everyone 
Walked away.
Like he did.

Telling me stories
How everyone
Watched me burning
In the flames
That they lit.
Like he did.

I saw my past
Become my present
Listening to the
Familiar sounds of
Footsteps leaving the door.

I saw my life 
Become a tape
Put on repeat
Playing the melodies
Making my heart bleed.

-Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2017

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Lying on the ground
Eyeing the twinkling stars
He wondered if he is alive.

He feels chained
Chained to the 
Expectations of people.
Chained to the
Rules set by the world.

He cannot cry tears
He cannot ask for help
Or for the world
He will be
Less a man.
He fears his virility
To become a question.
He fears his potency
To become a joke.

He turns pretentious
For the world so contentious.
It cripples his heart
It breaks him down.
He hides his tears,
To survive through years.
-Vipin Pratap

Copyright © Vipin Pratap | Year Posted 2018

Book: Shattered Sighs