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Best Poems Written by Merri Nicole

Below are the all-time best Merri Nicole poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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This Is Me

This is me
This is who I am
Im  not a girl of good fortune
Yes, I went to school
Yes, a two parent home is my origin
Is this me ? 
My pride
My ego
I refuse to look down on those less fortunate 
Because I'm less fortunate 
No, not homeless
This is me
I lack the knowledge. 
Knowledge to know how the world works 
Blind to see people for who they are
Oblivious to the signs. 
This is my silent killer. 
The killer that roars loud in the end. 
This is me 
I try to hide.
Hide behind what isn't there. 
Bring me from the other side, 
Or kill me now for this I swear.

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

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Power of Knowing

What power does he feel?
Does he feel superior?
When he pushed her down?
When he violently grabbed her 
By the arm, leaving bruises.
The beautiful mix of
These colors are her favorite.
Does he enjoy watching the tears 
Stream from her eyes, down each cheek.
He kneels. Kisses. Thinking it would make things better.
What about the time, he forced her out
From her comfort zone,
Into a stranger’s place 
They call home.
Multiple men in and out.
He forces her. 
What power does he have?
What right to to feel superior.
Belittling her, as a simple object.
Together with the color red, he loved
So he would paint her body. 
From her face down to the gift that 
God gave her that makes her a woman.
What power does he believe in?
This is right
Her body to be punished only because
He failed to make her to be his puppet.
What power he lacks?
The knowledge.
To know that women HAVE NOT
Ever come with strings.
Her body, not made to be punished, 
But made to protected.
Her body, not made for rape,
But made to be caressed.
Her body, not made to be unappreciated,
But made to be loved.
Her body, not his use 
But for God’s use only.

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

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In every waking moment, I longed for his touch.
Every breath I took, I held onto his kiss.
At night, when I closed my eyes, all that came to mind were his eerie lies.
As each promise he made, sealed with a kiss, 
Never to mention his knife in my back with a cross- fingered diss.
In the tales of men, his slithering serpent be known.
To those most vulnerable, his true colors will be shown.
With this vivid evidence of my loyal testimony,
Hard to imagine the promise of a new lasting matrimony.
His seamless audacity of forcing me to believe it has always been my imperfection,
The harsh reality has always been the act of his transgression.
Our love that was once promised to last,
I bid him adieu to all the memories passed.

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2020

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Manic Depression

Two sides
Double life
In her head, how can she decide.
The happiness of the day,
The mournfulness of the night.
With the sun she rises like lilies in spring time,
Until the sunset, death steals away her joy,
Bringing nothing but the pain she endured throughout 
Her short life. It devours her soul.
She cries for help, trying to explain.
The so called loved ones just cover up,
Instead of trying to heal that pain.
Is it her fault?
Straight out of the womb;
Was this to be her everlasting curse?
Or is there a cure for this illness?
She wonders why people won’t love her.
All she wants in this life, to be normal.
No pills forced down her throat,
No more tears
No more aggressive tones
Normal life is all she wants.
So she prays,
“Dear Lord, 
My life, my soul,
I hope you take.”

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

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A Mother That Knows

They say “a mother knows best”.
Best for who?
Best for you?
You see, nobody knows me like I know me.
Yes, she may know me as a helpless infant,
But do you know the real me?
Favorite color? Like it matters, I wear it in my eyes.
Favorite sport? Obvious because I lack the knowledge of many.
What she fails to do is see her child.
She sees only what is physically there.
You see my emotional state may not be what you
Want but it’s still there.
Like a beating heart it’s still there.
Like my eerie shadows it’s still there.
If you really knew me, 
You’d know I hate the toxic smell of okra and tomatoes
If you really knew me, 
You’d know that I can see right through the closed doors.
If you really knew me,
Why antagonize my emotional state anymore?
If you really knew me, 
You’d leave me be to take a knee.
If you really knew me,
Why waste time pretending what I’m not meant to be?
No, I don’t want you to stop being a mother.
I want you to be able to understand.
Not underestimate.
I learned it may not always be her fault.
For I am just her only, therefore she is still learning.
Learning what it is to be me.
How to deal with my condition.
This condition does not come with a manual.
In this life, she is helping me realize that this condition,
My illness, 
It does not define me.
A mother that really knows, 
Continues to show,
The love, support, and energy.
She lets me know that only God has the power to define me.

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

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I Am Still Here

When I die,
Believe that I am still here.
 Everything you hear.
From the shake of the earth
To the vibrations of voices.
I am still here.
The way you see the world,
It may be ugly. 
But, take my hand so you’ll
Then see the beauty of my world.
Because I am still here.
Be brave. Have strength.
Hold on to faith and courage.
Though I am gone,
I am still here.
Though I left, God..
God let me be here. 
Left pieces of me. 
So you’ll never be alone.
My child. Hear this soft voice.
I am still here.
Your heart?  I am there.
The sky? I am there.
The earth? I am there.
Everywhere you go.
My child. Have faith.
‘Cause I am still here.

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

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The Taking

Nothing in this world is handed to us.
It is up to us to go out and take it.
Just like the man who wanted sex,
He went out and took the the girl’s virginity.
Just like the man who needed another girl,
He went and took her from her home.
Just like the man who wanted to watch,
He had his friends dog her out.
Just like the man who needed money,
He took the money the girl earned.
Just like the girl wants revenge,
She’ll take that in the end.

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

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Tiny But Mighty

When I walk outside.
I don’t walk.
I strut.
When I talk.
I don’t talk.
I shout.
When you see me,
Cute is all you see.
Mistake my tiny size
For weakness.
Mistake my quiet
For silence.
Do not be fooled.
For me,
I am tiny but mighty.
I am ferocious.
I got spunk
‘Cause mama didn’t
Raise no punk.
I am ferocious.
Fear me.
Or be sorry.

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

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The Streets

Out from shelter he took me
Into the streets he lead me
Away he took free will
Gave away me to street corners

Tell my family one thing
A lie is what he is
Tell them I’m safe
Tell them worry not
‘Cause he’s what I got

Gave me to the streets
My pimp is what he is to be
Charge fifty
A hundred

Night after night

My money. I earned 
My heart. He burned
Trust turned to lust
Being desired soon
Turned to being retired

Copyright © Merri Nicole | Year Posted 2017

Book: Shattered Sighs