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Best Poems Written by Bleddyn Pullen

Below are the all-time best Bleddyn Pullen poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I Love Rugby

Rugby, what a beautiful and passionate game
Its not about money, fashion or fame.
Invented one day by a guy named Webb
How do go "I have a game to play"? 

A war that's fought on a muddy field
They'll give their last breath to insure victory is sealed.
The pride of a nation rests on their shoulders 
They have the heart, they're stood like boulders.
Its not about winning and they know
We're a rugby nation, we wanna see heart and a good show.

With quick passes out to the wings
The Millennium erupts, the entire country sings.
He's on his twenty two, he has a way to go
And stood in front of him is a Tommy Bow.
He has the pace and a Rugby brain
He makes ten yards and changes his lane.
He beats the one but not the other
A cheeky offload, its in the hands of his brother.
He's tackled fast and what a hit!
Two minutes on the floor he'll need to sit.

The balls been recovered and passed inside
The forwards have got it, you better run and hide.
Bests of men who never get the glory
I think their work is 80% of the story.

We're just over the half way and today's not the defenses day.
They missed their chance, 
the ball went back but they was all in a trance.
We still have the ball and we're smashing trough
Now we're on their twenty two.
The balls being passed from left to right
Their looking for a gap, that little bit of daylight.
Our captain he gets in in his two hands
He boulders through on his ass the defender lands.

That was it! The chance we need
He done his job, he knows how to lead.
The ball goes out straight to the right
Only one defender left in the fight.
One quick dummy and he's been conned
He touches the ball down and you see the brotherly bond.

Crying, cheering and cwtching and that's just the crowd 
They can take a break, they done their country proud.
Those feelings they have I'll never know
I just wanted to say, "Thank you for the show".

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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Waters Dying

Water, our literal elixir of life
Beautiful, blue and rife.
Now our drinking supplies are running low
The Banksters are polluting it, you really need to know.
Indigenous people are fighting for a right to not drink poison and die
A big oil spill "media cover up and lie".
Telling the truth is not their bizz
Why do think? Who do you think their sponsor is?

We the people need to stand and fight
For our water its a human right.
Over 80% water we are
We can't drink oil, it belongs in a car.
The truth you already know
Only with renewables can we grow.
Energy could be free if you look
The truth is hidden because there's no money to be took.
There is a better way for you and me
Let's all take shelter under life's tree and finally find our destiny.
A world in harmony with life and we'll all be fine
Find the balance and we can shine.

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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Tory, Liar, Cheat, Tax Avoider, Friend of the Banksters and Enemy of the People

Everyone is struggling, in debt and dismay
Why would anyone consider voting Theresa May.
Answers a question with a question
She'll say what she needs to, to win her first election.
She doesn't care about you or me
Tax cuts for the rich that's all you'll see.
Teachers, nurses, doctors all walking the picket lines
They can't do their jobs! It says so on their signs.

Promise after promise the Tories break
We go to a food bank, while they're eating steak.
Brexit needs someone who thinks of the people
Jeremy Corbyn, he isn't another Sheeple.
He'll do what's right and for the good of us all
Vote for the Tories and our freedoms will fall.

Their manifesto is but a piece of paper with a few chosen words
They think we're stupid to follow in hurds.
G4S is how her husband makes his money
The amount of government contracts I don't find funny.
Conflicts of interest one after the other
G4S employees break fingers for her lover.

The economy has hit bottom, we're on the brink
Middle and lower classes budgets are the ones that shrink.
Unless you have 1 million sat in your bank
You'll struggle with bills and its the Tories you should thank.
Big businesses profits and Banksters pay is all that will rise
Tories only care about their wallet size.
Record poverty, not enough teachers or drs this country is upside down
No hope for anyone, they live in a desolate town.
Tories live in their own reality of what Britain looks like
They're partying in yachts, while we can't afford a peddle bike.
There not enough jobs that pay half of enough
Both can be working still life is ruff, silver spoon Tories have never had it tuff.
They'll win this election in the same manner as the last
Fraud, lies, buying off the old or are you forgetting the past.
They'll ruin us all, we'll be at the mercy of the Banksters
Go ahead and give your freedom to the Tory gangsters.

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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My Love Will Never Be Enough

My relationships can be amazing but they're destined to fail
I'm like a blind man trying to read without braille.
To easy I fall in love and think it'll last forever
I'd break your heart if we ever got together.
Hurting anyone has never been my intention
I drink, because i hate society, there is no big revelation.
I can't cope and need to escape this fake reality
Falling for me wouldn't be good for your sanity.

You'll see my good and think I could change
I could, I could be anything and that's whats so strange.
For years, I'll leave the drink sat in its bottle
Then for no reason, I'll hit it full throttle.
I can be a Devil and my soul is already damned
I don't mean to be, this life I never planned.
I need to go live alone in the trees and be free
You'll make a mistake if you pin your hopes on me.

My soul mate knows this, that's why she's just my best friend
My drunken stupidity gets the better of me in the end.
I can't be a slave, I can't work for their gain
No matter what we do, life would always be the same.
Maybe one day I'll find the one who ignites my fire
I need heart and soul not just a sexual desire.
I will be better, I will rule my own life
I refuse to do anything under our leaders knife.
I'm a work horse and a man that can't be bought
Many painful lessons this life has brought.
I'm not what I was, I've lived so many lives
I want to live a life where I'm the only one that drives.
Our love would never be enough for me
I'm lost on this road and a future I can't see.

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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I'M Not a Label

Labelled a conspiracy nut because I don't believe mainstream media.
Labelled a terrorist because I think my government lies.
Labelled an Anon because I agree with most their points.
Labelled an anarchist because I think democracy has failed.
Labelled a racist because my skin is white.
Labelled a Bible basher because I believe in god.
Labelled a Dole bum because I didn't have a job.
Labelled a freak because I refuse to conform.
Labelled crazy because my mind works faster.
Labelled lazy because I like to sit and think.
Labelled liberal because I think they have a good heart.
Labelled strange because I observe life.
Labelled a druggy because I smoke weed.
Labelled a hippy because I love the earth.

I am all of these and a lot more! Take your labels from my door!

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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Social Media Games

They know when you're sleeping, they know when you're awake
They know where you live and when you eat your birthday cake.
Yours and children's photos they have on file
They know your family and what makes you smile.
They know your taste in music and the games you like to play
Even on which subjects you like to have your say.
Your loved ones and friends you talk to the most
Or the types of parties you like to host.

Social media it started as a scam
They've hacked your life and your web cam.
All these different companies working for the same people
Apple, fb, Twitter, Google and more! It's time to wake up sheeple.
I'm not telling you I think it should be banned
Just that all this was really planned.

There was but a few who decided to change the game
They're able to wake the world because they all look the same.
With hidden hidden IPs and an anonymous profile
They're only concerned with helping, before it goes out of style.

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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The Brex Hit

O what a mess they have made
I'm sat here watching our values fade.
Hatred and anger on either side
An entire nation they managed to divide.
Muslims to the left of me, white supremacy to the right
O when will you ever see the light?

Media pushing hate filled lies
They've hidden the truth from our eyes.
We're bombing nation after nation
and you wonder why it's not safe on a vacation.
The whites did that so the Muslims did this
We're all being played even ISIS.
The banks and our governments are destroying the earth
We squabble while they increase their worth.

It does not matter what side you fell on
Just that humanity is all but gone.
The media did this, they gave us all name tag
We need to come together, all under earths flag.
A difference in opinion can only help us grow
We need understanding because you reap what you sow.

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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Left the Herd

I never really enjoyed being with the herd
Sitting back watching i always preferred.
From within my mind I learned to find.
What makes us tick and what makes us turn
What makes the fire within us burn.
People are stupid it's easy to see
Yes I include even me.

We're told what to think and what to buy
If we don't fit in then we should die.
Lying to yourself and lying to your brother
All these lovers that is cheating on each other.
Into their shit I never bought 
I'm still in shock it's been purposely taught.

They needed to make you this vein 
Just a bunch of zombies without a working brain.
You started loving objects instead of the people
Why can't you see, you're all just sheeple.
Day by day to work you'll run
When do you ever think or have fun.

I know for a reason we all must live
I just hate only the poor ever give.
Surely you all must see the celebrity hypocrisy.
Drinking champagne while sat in a castle
Giving a speech on hunger isn't really a hassle.

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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We Are the Barbarians

Why do you not see the world's in a civil war
I'll bet you'll notice when the army kicks in your door.
We fear anyone who doesn't look or think the same
Thinking you're better, you're playing the Banksters game.
These greedy creatures own you and your home
It's been this way since the days of Rome.

Only in conflict they will ever invest
After the Arabs, who's next to be oppressed.
Anyone who's different we need to defeat
Who really hates these people, you or the elite.
They love their power, they love the status quo
Who's next to fall, only they know.

The only way to survive is to lose your individuality
We're free ranch chickens, stuck in a fake reality.
Do what you're told or go straight to jail
The systems been rigged for any change to fail.
Lies and indoctrination is all you'll find in a school
Qualifications don't make you smart, you're just another tool.
We are the slaves under the money whip
We beg for water while champagne they'll sip.
They're comfortable in the knowledge, the masses are dumb enough
Working for them is what makes life tuff.
You'll stay in their system that you'll avoid trying to see
I suppose it's easier than asking "is this me"

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017

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A Valley Boy

People not from here don't often understand
What its like to live upon this green land.
With the wind and the rain all they see is pain.
Most never complain.
To live here is a privilege you see
Right in the heart of a Welsh valley.

With castles of old and great stories to be told
We certainly fit the Celtic mold.
Never surrendered and revolt on the mind
A Royalist is hard to find.
Dragons fire in our hearts and love in the soul
Its not all rain and coal.
The land is lush, green and wet
(Nature provides) never forget.
A country of poets, musicians and lovers
We may seem quite strange to others.
We'd open our hearts and the land
There's plenty of green and little sand.

We could provide for ourselves you see
We've just been fed lies daily.
We're lucky to be here or don't you agree
I'm just happy to live in a Welsh Valley

Copyright © Bleddyn Pullen | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs