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Best Poems Written by Sherif Monem

Below are the all-time best Sherif Monem poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Elephant, Elephant

Elephant, Elephant
Elephant, elephant, elephant

You lovely mighty creature
The children are fond of you

We all love you
Sweetly we adore 

You little cute giant
All the day you are busy 

In peace relaxing
and munching bales of food

You have an awesome trunk
one of a kind we all admire 

You use it for drinking
and helping to feed

You have ivory great tusks 
and use it as a useful  tool 

You are a star of the circus
and perform great acts

Your earn your wages
With sacks of peanuts

Stacks of hay
and bundles of sugar canes

History wrote much about you
leader in great battles

You were fearless and warrior
and enemy look at you with awe

In India they honor you
and fancy you with roses 

and colorful ornaments
wearing beautiful garments

Worship you and calling you 
Our lord Ganesha

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2017

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Love of Geometry

I have fun with the world of geometry
The square, the rectangle and the parallelogram
Oh' the trapezoid and the rhombus
The triangles, the isosceles and the equilateral 
All are a great tight family together
The circles and ellipses are closely related
The formulas of geometry try to memorize
The areas and circumferences
The diagonals and angles
For the trigonometric functions 
You discover a new world 
The sines and cosines
The tangents and arc tangents
If all this is not enough to entice you
Most probably now you fell in love with geometry

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2019

Details | Sherif Monem Poem

Fun With Geometry

I have fun with the world of geometry
The square, the rectangle and the parallelogram
Oh' the trapezoid and the rhombus
The triangles, the isosceles and the equilateral
All are a great happy family together
The circles and ellipses are closely related
The formulas of geometry try to memorize
The areas and circumferences
The diagonals and angles
Learn the trigonometric functions
You discover a new world
The sines and cosines
The tangents and arc tangents
If all this is not enough to entice you
Hopefully and much soon you probably 
will fall in love with world of geometry

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2019

Details | Sherif Monem Poem

Lion Lion

Lion you are awesome king 
The king of the jungle
You are a mighty one
You are the feared by many
Your roar is loud and scary
It echoes all around
through the prairies and safaris
The animals are frightened when they hear it
They run and hide for their lives
You follow them in pursuit
Hungry, hungry for a meal
This is your way for survival
Your crown golden hair is majestic
It shows pride and attract lioness
Your jaw and canine are crushing
At day light you rest and have a nab
At the night you are awake and ready
scouting for a prey
Long, long live you lion
You still the king of the jungle

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2017

Details | Sherif Monem Poem

George Washington

George Washington is founder of our nation

He was born in time so early in our country

His story starts as a young man with ambitions

He was handsome tall man with grate ideals

He loved chivalry, horses and swordsmanship

He came from a family of English ancestry 

who lived in Virginia for many generations

His family was fine but not of riches and fortune 

He lived time when the British ruled the land

His first task in his life that brought him fame

was arduous trip to deliver message to the French

To leave and evacuate the large Ohio territory

The French defiantly and stubbornly reused

Defeating George Washington in some battle

George Washington learned from mistakes

After many numerous battles of win and defeat

George Washington returned to Virginia 

He owned huge estate in Mount Vernon

He through his wife owned many slaves

He was much occupied running this huge fortune

He watched in the mean time what is happening

Great resentment of the British was building

No taxation without presentation was battle cry

After the Boston massacre and calls for actions

It was all obvious military campaign was a must

George Washington was chosen to be the commander

of newly formed all volunteer Continental army 

He showed great perseverance and leadership

When finally he won and the British rule ended

There was a new country called the United states

All different factions agreed he will be the president

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2019

Details | Sherif Monem Poem

The Month of May

I love the month of May

It is the month of flowers

Thanks for the April showers

It brought us  this garden full of colors

The month of May is outstanding

It is the fifth month of the year

January, February, March and April have passed

Soon June will come signalling

Half year have almost have gone

I do not like the months pass so quickly

Let us enjoy them as sweet and no hurry

Lets have happiness and joy

Lets enjoy the sun and the breeze

So month of May be slow to go

The month of May reminds of flowers

The marigold, the Azalea and the Yasmin

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2017

Details | Sherif Monem Poem

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

It was brief and short sad moment of time
That still flashes and rings in the painful memory of the country
Enjoying and his wife Mary Todd the play 'Our American Cousin'
In the midst of the laughter and roar of the audience
A southerner John Wilkes Booth full of anger, rancor and revenge
He entered the Lincoln's lounge hitting the president by a bullet
It was fatal and landed in the back of Lincoln's head
The assassin jumped from the balcony and injured his leg
Outside the theater he fled on a horse heading to the south
Two weeks later he met his end
A single bullet of Sergeant Boston Corbett hitting him in the head
Trapped in a burning barn of a Virginia farm laid dead
The assassination of Abraham Lincoln opened a new wound
to a nation whose wounds did not heal yet from long civil war
The irony Abraham Lincoln death was at the peak of his triumph
A long thought victory after many years of bruising civil war
A nation united again and looking for the future
Ending centuries of slavery and humiliation of blacks in chains
A promise to bringing dignity and honor for all mankind races
Opening the long road for full equality and Justice
A holy struggle for all to live in peace and harmony
For all who share the land of America and call it their home

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2019

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Town Uvalde

Uvalde a small town in Texas

Distance away from San Antonio

not well known about by many

In a fateful day Uvalde, Uvalde

Hits the news, media and nation

Tragedy struck real hard

The sitting was an elementary school

A devil intruder with machine guns

Seeking blood, murder and gore

In class room he started shootings

Victims of young age of ten lost lives

Two innocent teachers joined the list

The town mourned the victims

Prayers and vigil were conducted

A sad day for Uvalde, Texas and America

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2022

Details | Sherif Monem Poem

Hillary Clinton

Hillary a lady with a great ambition
She wanted to be the boss of the nation
She dreamed to be president of USA
She ran a grueling campaign
She knocked opponents in succession
She met finally with one remaining obstacle
A tough guy from her city of Chicago
His name Barack Hussein Obama
They ran neck to neck for a while
His slogan was 'Yes We Can'
He mesmerized the crowds
As the race progressed
He streaked ahead
He finally won the race
With big smile he won the prize
Hillary Clinton had her place
In the history books and pages
Her name will be engraved
As the first lady
Who almost reached the top

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2019

Details | Sherif Monem Poem

Sinking of Titanic

The Titanic the luxury steamship

Fabulously built and true legend

On her maiden joyous voyage

Crossing the North Atlantic ocean

From the port of Southampton, England

to the new world and New York city

Fate suddenly struck with drama

At the dawn of a new century

In a moonless dark night

In early April 14, 1912

Tragedy visited in bold letters

There were many icebergs around

The ship collided with a hidden one

The captain realized what had happened

There were calls for quick evacuation

Women and children were first to leave 

The water was dark, chilly and icy

There were few lifeboats for rescue

The passengers were in total panic

Many jumped off the shipboard

to their doom and drowned

Others from hypothermia soon died

Calls for ships in the close area

Please come in hurry and help

Telegraphic signals were sent

The Titanic sank in few hours

A tragic page of history unfolded

More than 1500 lives sadly perished

The first ship came to rescue

more than two hours too late

The frightened passengers on lifeboats

were pulled up and luckily saved

The raging waters beneath

showed no mercy or care

Across the other side of the ocean

At New York city port

friends and relatives

all were anxiously waiting

The sinking of the Titanic

news soon reached them

Each praying their loved ones

have been miraculously rescued

The Titanic tragic sinking

still remembered to our days

Titanic stories are recounted

Books written and movies made

Copyright © Sherif Monem | Year Posted 2019


Book: Shattered Sighs