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Best Poems Written by Haley Mackaben

Below are the all-time best Haley Mackaben poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Move Along

I move along.
My legs are weak, and I'm tired.
Exhausted, hungry, stressed
But I move along.
I have to know the square roots
I have to know the muscle tissues
I have to know what shirt will match my boots.
I can't come to terms with having my own issues.
So I move along. 
"What's your gpa, what's your ACT?"
We all like to pretend that this is easy.
Why is it frowned upon to get a C?
Is he just using me? How could this be?
Whatever, move along.
I'm told to be myself, but not overbearing. 
Yet in the morning I have to triple check what I'm wearing.
God forbid a guy do a double take.
Stop thinking, move along.
We are told to keep moving, to grow and prosper.
But yet we are held back from a world we didn't even know
we could conquer.
Our minds are so closed off in an education system,
and society that tears us apart and opens up flaws
that aren't even there.
I'm moving, and I'm scared.

Copyright © Haley Mackaben | Year Posted 2016

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Where I Come From

I’m from a small town and big cities.
I’m from boat rides and barbecues,
While the smell of hotdogs fill the air.
I’m from Johnny Cash and guitar picks,
Strumming to the tune of life. 
I’m from scraped knees and mud pies, 
From bridge jumping and four square. 
I’m from 4s 3s 2s and 1s
Instead of As Bs Cs and Fs.
I’m from green eyes and red curly hair,
That fall so gently against ivory skin.
I’m from public schools and progress park,
From playing cops and robbers in the dark.
I’m from close neighbors and bonfires,
And trick or treating on Halloween night.
I’m from snow days and hot chocolate, 
And sledding down suicide hill. 
I’m from bike rides and long walks
I’m from the island and the clubhouse.
I’m from simpler times, when society
Didn’t rule everyone’s life.

Copyright © Haley Mackaben | Year Posted 2016

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You are my angel
You shine down, with light and glory
Bringing me peace

Copyright © Haley Mackaben | Year Posted 2016

Book: Shattered Sighs