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Best Poems Written by Debbie Mcgill

Below are the all-time best Debbie Mcgill poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Beauty In Thy Eyes

Time drifts by with waves of undertow...

Standing on the abyss teetering to and fro

Fate determines left or right

Back or forth

Front or Center

Stepping to the precipice without wonder

Dreams evaporated into thin air

A mere marionette dictated by the winds of fate

No more the captain of my ship

No more filled with exuberance

Allowing the winds of chance to charter my course

Fear of leaving the shore

Allowing the winds of chance to dictate my steps

Oh hollow being inside calling all the shots

Where have you gone my strong will

Has life taken the will away

Have I allowed it to be so

Can the winds of fate be truly challenged

In youth I knew it to be so...

Now overwhelm takes it toll

Dictates of the past not indicative of the future

Whisps of change no longer welcomed

Plant my feet firmly on this hollowed ground.

Winds of fate be damned

I will not bend

Perhaps in the end there is no choice

I knee down holding tightly to what was

Afraid of what can become.

Oh winds take me into thy vortex

Spin me around to a new beginning.

Take all the pain evaporate it into mist upon the sea..

Let me fly like a bird freely of disease.

Let me dance in fields full of daffodils swaying limber,free, and smiling..

Transport me to my former being

For all my will have failed

All my inner strength evaporated into nothingness

All hopes and dreams in the past.

Give me a glimmer of hope

Inspire me to be a fraction of my former self

Let me live away from pain.

Carry me to the horizon of peace, joy, and homeostaticness

Oh deep night let me rest in peace.

Let me dance freely.

If only for brief moments.

Copyright © Debbie Mcgill | Year Posted 2016

Details | Debbie Mcgill Poem

Dancing On the Wind Beaten Beaches of Life

I  tuck my head under the wrapping of grey facing away from the frothy sea. 

Oh how I ponder the loss of the dance.

Who came and robbed me of my rhythm.

I know the steps , the beat, the music, the loss of rhythm ever so present.

The music is silenced .

The beat not beating,

How shall I endure the loss.

What will make it all better.

My love of the dance is still within the confines of my mind.

My body now refuses to move to the melodious sounds.

My body has betrayed me.

There is no hope for the dance.

Then I close my eyes while the sea mist embraces me.

Oh love dear love you are still alive within the confines of my mind.

One step two steps I am dancing once again,

My journey is to a new music.

A music within my heart.

I smile as the sun sets over the horizon.

Another day.... another dance... slower... less encompassing, but, I smile...

The ol; gal still has the moves.... in the confines of her mind..

Dance little ol lady dance... This is your final hour..

Embrace the journey... today ... beating to a different drummer.

Oh smile, little lady at least you can move to the grove of the sunset.

The sun goes down... I sit down tired from dancing in the wild wind of life

The wind sustained me.  The brisk breeze held me up while I celebrated life in the grey lane.

Copyright © Debbie Mcgill | Year Posted 2016

Book: Reflection on the Important Things