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Best Poems Written by Felipe Garcia

Below are the all-time best Felipe Garcia poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Love Is Strange

Love Is Strange 

I wish I could be the ocean: free, vast, and open, without mundane human responsibility. 
Can you get me a coffee with a spoonful of magic?
The one that tastes like malt liquor, smells like honey, feels like velvet, looks like danger, and sounds like explosions caused by planes. 
They say terrorists are real, but stories are made up everyday, the stories that look like America and taste like lies. 
George Bush, The White House. 
I don’t want to be the ocean, it’s so cold, open, and vast. Eternal, 
that is all it is. Eternal. 
Bae hates this land. 
If we elect our next president, he, she, they will change our world for the better. 
Ne me quitte pas
The red cow of Value knows trigonometry.
I went to India last summer and met Buddha, talked to Jesus, too, and he told me society was a trick. 
Phil is a smart, kind, and compassionate person; he is a good friend. 
This poem is published all over the world, it’s exposed the biggest lie from the rulers of the world.
I met thrilling in Italy. 
It is possible for a cow to jump over the moon if the cow is strapped to rockets.
No chingues!
Every night my Vinyl player begs for me to sleep with her. She starts singing to me and before I know it, she has seduced me. Still,
Red cows bleed virtue over humans and speak trigonometry in those sleepless nights.

Copyright © Felipe Garcia | Year Posted 2015

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Between Cultures

All my favorite poets are dead 
Pero sus poemas los leo en el atardecer 
And they come alive again. 

Soy sus Lazaros; los revivo, y viven en mi vida, en este presente.
I want to be like them, 
O ser como el pajaro, como las nubes blancas. Pure. Whole. White. 

I asked Federico if we could work together on a masterpiece, but he said 
No se si pueda, me voy a Nueva York. Perhaps on your return we’ll conversate on ars poetica or post modern art. 

Pero no se si pueda. 
Regreso a mi cuaderno y bajo la Luna escribo. A Veces abro el libro de Federico. 
He helps me create my personal masterpiece, just like he said one day he would.

Copyright © Felipe Garcia | Year Posted 2015

Book: Shattered Sighs