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Best Poems Written by Mike Pierce

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Guard Duty

Today the gates were fortified, first time since I've been here. 
The razor wire and barricades help to justify my fear. 

Half the city went dark last night and now it's dark again. 
And I can feel the cold of war, it’s slowly creeping in. 

I've never seen a night so dark with stars afraid to shine. 
Or felt a fear that starts to shear the fabric of my mind. 

"No one enters", "Shoot to kill", my orders weren't candy coated. 
So I stand here in full battle gear, rifle locked and loaded. 

My nerves are shot, I try to swallow but the lump is getting bigger. 
One hand calms my beating heart and one hands on the trigger.
If this goes down I pray to God, "please Lord let me be spared". 
'cause prayings all I know to do, I've never been this scared. 

The sounds of war are closer now, closer than they've been before. 
And I'm prepared to fight the fight, should hell come to my door.
No one enters be him friend or foe, unless I give a yes. 
And "halt" is just a four letter word between life and death. 

My mind drifts for a moment but a moments all I need. 
To ask myself with all I've seen and felt, is this place changing me? 

When I leave here and I go home, who will people see? 
Will I be someone they don't know, or who I used to be? 

I'm not sure I know myself, this place can take it's toll. 
But I play the hand that I was dealt and I didn't come to fold. 

I'll go all in if that's what it takes, I came prepared to fight. 
So I'd stay clear and don't come 'round here, 
While I'm on watch tonight.

Copyright © Mike Pierce | Year Posted 2007

Book: Shattered Sighs