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Best Poems Written by Scott Young

Below are the all-time best Scott Young poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Wild Animals

We  keep  our  hearts  locked  away  in  cages
deep  down,  away  from  the  light 

We  keep  them  caged  like  wild  animals, 
not  to  be  trusted  in  the  presence  of  others

But  like  wild  animals 
we  cannot  keep  our  hearts  subdued,
they  cannot  be  tamed. 

It  takes  only  one  person 
to  open  the  gates. 

In  one  simple  moment,  we  drop  our  guard
and  our  hearts  break  free.

Truly  terrifying  is  the  fact, 
That  people  don’t  understand  wild  animals
and  fear  what  they  don’t  understand.

Copyright © Scott Young | Year Posted 2015

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Weird Creatures

Humans are such weird creatures. 
We crave things so desperately, 
and even sacrifice necessities to obtain these things.

Yet in a twist of terribly tragic irony,
once it is in our clumsy grips
it loses all value. 
It ceases to matter to our fickle selves.

You stray from the side of loyal companions.
Trade diamonds for Fool's Gold. 
A lover who doesn't betray you, 
you now betray. 
It surely must be entertaining for all those above to watch.
But to us it stings, dripping with treacherous venom
Until it is our turn,
to do the same thing that cut us so deep
to another innocent soul.
Just to ease our own pain. 

Oh, how truly strange creatures we all are...

Copyright © Scott Young | Year Posted 2015

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We  are  living  in  a  generation  of  people,
that  are  great  at  starting  fires
but  horrible  at  keeping  them  alive.

People  who  find  it  so  easy 
to  awaken  something  so  raw  and  powerful 
only  to  let  it  burn  out  mere  moments  later. 

I,  along  with  countless  others,  would  rather, 
be  consumed  entirely  by  the  warm  flame  of  an  embrace
than  be  left  cold  and  lonely  with  an  empty  pit.

Yet  the  other  half  doesn’t  truly  understand
just  how  delicate  a  smoldering  heart  is.

Copyright © Scott Young | Year Posted 2015

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I  don’t  know  what  scares  me  more:

That  there  exists  monsters  in  our  world,
or  the  fact  that  monsters  are  not  simply  born.

You  may  question  how  this  is  possible
Yet  at  its  core,  there  is  truth  to  what  I  say.

For  monsters  are  created  and  formed,
by  forces  so  terribly  sad  and  awfully  tragic.

So  do  not  fear  the  monster  under  your  bed. 
Understand  the  beast’s  wretched  sorrow.
And  instead  fear  the  horrible  pain  it  endures.

Copyright © Scott Young | Year Posted 2015

Book: Shattered Sighs