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Best Poems Written by Reid Lewis

Below are the all-time best Reid Lewis poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Why I Speak So Loudly About My Creator


From the very beginning, when I took my first breath, I was
	brought out of the darkness into the light,
From a warm comfortable cave, so to speak, into reality, a
	cold dark world, a new and living hell.
I did not want to leave the confines of my Mother’s womb,
	I screamed and clawed, tried to gum my way back
	in, but my Mother pushed with all her might
I lost the battle, was evicted, sent on a journey that would
	give me the ability to teach your child that hell
Begins in the mind and will stop there if you allow yourself
	to set it free.

My Creator, my Higher Power did not abandon me in this,
	rather, He had a plan for me, a mission for my life.
God had and still has a plan for me, brought me to the brink
	of self destruction, and kept me alive in spite of me.
My Creator took me to places no man has gone before, taught
	me the meaning of survival and the meaning of life
In the end a Positive Force surrounds me, so much so, that the
	way of the world is no match for me being free
To testify to how great He is.

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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The Beginning of Our Love Affair


We had a rough start, neither one of us wanted to leave our safe
	little world for a taste of the unknown
We both tried our hands at love, gave our mind, body and soul
	and in the end disaster won the love game.
Caution became our middle name, finding a way out of this 
	in spite of what was being shown,
And as is in the past, the incompatability of our ways could once
	again be used to blame
The failure of our hearts becoming one.

I would not let you go, I needed someone in my life to love me, to
	care for me and to set my spirit free,
And a Power greater than the both of us decreed that we were the
	answer to each other’s prayer.
So now we love each other with all our hearts and souls and have
	promised each that is now we
That from now and through eternity our love will last and with the
	grace of the Creator we will always be there and care

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven,But, Nobody Want's To Be Dead

                BUT NOBODY WANT TO BE DEAD

Everybody in GOD’S green earth want’s to join the Creator
	in heaven also known as Paradise, 
They want to join their ancestor’s in the land of Milk and
	Honey where there is an end to all time and space.
Life would change drastically, as an entity has no limits no
	constraints and hopefully we become more wise
As an added incentive the problems of life cease to exist,
	there is an abrupt end to the rat race 
We used to know as LIFE.

There is one big problem, one giant hurdle that keeps us
	that keeps us from meeting our Higher Power
We need to end these restraints we call life, there has to be 
	a transition from living to being dead.
As we accept this major barrier that stands in the way of
	this meeting and it  don’t matter when will be the hour
Many people come to the conclusion that heaven is not so	
	Important and that rather than being dead
A life of sin and temptation is a better way to live.

Reid J. Lewis

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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The Revolution Will Be Televised


All the news you can use is no longer completely controlled
      by CNN, ABC, CBS OR NBC,
The new GATEKEEPERS because of our cell phone, web cams
      and these new toys have become you and I.
Cops killing Black Folks, put on social media and the news
      spread all over for the world to see
That the land of milk and honey does not follow its own
      laws, and that Black folks continue to die
So the rich and famous will live off the sweat of our brow.

I am tired of being a third class citizen in a land my people
       helped to build, design and form,
Tired of walking on eggshells, being leery of people that my
       taxes pay to protect and serve.
Slavery still exists, subservience in the mind of our people
       is reaching the level of a class five storm
And we want deserve and demand our “HUMAN RIGHTS”
       and we also want to preserve
The dignity that comes with being born in THE GOOD OLE
       US OF A.

Reid J Lewis 11/30/2014

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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The Va- Hell In Disguise


Us Veterans know the deal, the rhetoric that thanks the VET for
	his/her service to the good ole US of A and promises to
	take care of us until death comes your way
Is nothing but words, watch out, the Vaseline is not far behind.
They will screw you and make it hurt, keep watching for the
	blood from your butt each and every day
And it becomes hard to control what you were taught and to
	look deep in your soul to find
The peace that war took away from you.

There are some that care at the VA, but they are far and very
	few and very hard to find,
Taking care of the VET is their number one priority is at the
	front door of every VA in this country,
The lie is blatant the soul of the VA is to hang around until
	the pension comes, until then we are commanded 
	to kiss their behind
And even if you die, that is not on us, in fact they keep score
	and remind us daily that they will be free
To add another Veteran to their list.

Reid J. Lewis

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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Thnks Mj


Words of wisdom can come from anywhere and when
	I least expect it and cause me to look at my star
These words has me looking at my soul, has me in deep
	thought about my life and as I dissect me
Man In The Mirror has me looking at me, what I have
	done and what I can do to change things from
	what they are
To create a better world of peace and love instead of
	all the hatred that is here in America and winds
	winds up from sea to shining sea
And spreads around the world.

The chains are real, they do come from inside and outside
	from people with a well thought out plan to rid
	a whole race of people from the planet earth.
Their death wish for us is real, their methods have been
	tried and has been successful so far.
The Man In The Mirror instructs me to survive in this
	country, the land of my birth
And to peacefully try to turn this dodo around and if that
	don’t work bring out the feathers and the tar
And do the same thing to them that they did to us.

Reid J. Lewis

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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Mom,You Are Still Alive and Well


I miss your smile, the times we shared and the world that
	you opened my eyes to.
I smile at the major ass whippings you put on me in your 
	goal to bring discipline and manhood to me.
The Cherokee in you got wild at times especially if some
	fool disrespected the seven that came from you
Yet, the most important part of you and your life was 
	that you were MOM to many and as much as
	you loved me,

You left here twelve years ago today, and though there
	are tears, I feel all love and no pain
I talk to you often, see your smiling face and laugh when
	you shake your head at your crazy son
The absence of pain I believe is because I was present
	when you went to meet your LORD, at that time
	there was only sunshine, no rain
I got your last earthly smile, the peace I saw, although I
	was losing you, MOM, you won
And I am thankful to my Creator for loaning you to me
	even if just for a little while

Reid J. Lewis

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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Once Dead In My Soul, Now Very Much Alive

Reid Lewis

6 hrs · Fayetteville, NC · 


Once Dead In My Soul, Now Very Much Alive

I have learned to recognize desire as a physical need that
 I do rise above and think with the right head.
 Because I am not ashamed to feel and show that I can and
 do feel, my behavior is adjusted to fit my life.
 Love is still very much alive in my world and I do sometimes
 try to catch up on what on what was once dead
 From being afraid to love and take a chance on feeling the
 pain that inevitably comes along for the ride, I now
 have a wife,
 And to death do we part is the reality I live in now.

Reid J. Lewis

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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Part of the Human Race, Recognized As Asecond Classs Citizen

Part of the Human Race and Recognized As
                                A Second Class Citizen

In the land of the free and the home of the brave, I live
	as a slave in the land my ancestors helped
	to build and form.
The laws and the words of the chosen few say we are
	equal and have human rights and their actions
	speak with hate and lies.
I do love America, yet I hate what they do, how they act
	and the lies they tell us to get folks to conform.
All my life pacification was the key to keeping me and
	other’s like me to be good citizens and comply
To a land full of hate mongers whose only desire is to
	make as much money as they can,

The Holy Roman Empire lived this way and sustaining
	this lifestyle ended in a state of decadent
	misery for the masses they controlled
The people of Rome became totally fed up and woke
	up creating an ending to a unholy way of life.
In the end the world was better off progress took on
	a new meaning as individuality took over being
But it had become too late and the attempt to start all
	over again ended up on deaf ears and all that
	was became the end of their life
Because the Creator had enough.

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015

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The Sun, the Moon, the Stars, My Highway To Heaven

The Sun, The Moon And The Stars, My Highway To Heaven

As I sit on the moon, watching the stars fly by at the speed
	of light leaving a trail of black light
I am thoroughly amazed at the powers that have been given 
	me  by a loving and caring GOD. 
I watch the brilliance of the sun from my perch, the waves 
	of vibrating light mesmerize my soul and I become 
	aware how all this is so right.
As I concentrate all of my power on what I am feeling and
	what I am seeing I lay back on the moon and thank
	my Creator, my God
For allowing me into His space and time. 
Reid Lewis

Copyright © Reid Lewis | Year Posted 2015


Book: Reflection on the Important Things