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Best Poems Written by Carol Rae Bradford

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CREMATION  -  Poem for a Husband and Probably his Wife, Also

He wants his bones
	No more grown
To her, he groans…
	Wants loss of bones

That is, Cremation!

He wants to lose
	That precious body
	No chance for a last toddy
That route couldn’t keep
	Those healthy bones
So it is she who’ll acquiesce
	And lose her bones, his bones,
		no moans

That is, Cremation!

His wife, instead
	Enjoys their bed
She wants to visit
	Him, without limit
Though gone, she’d like to see
	His bones together, then
Underneath the green, no mind the weather

Please! No Cremation

Visiting him over the dark sky
	Underneath that green bed
No one could ever emit a sigh
	For, it is known, all others will tread.

Marriage ‘til death departed?
	This gal won’t see him martyred
Her bones beside his bones
	Or left to her, not his, moans.

He’d like to have sister’s no-bones
	In with us! So-La! La!
Setting up a threesome
	Ending that freesome.
No more, the Twosome!

About it, make no bones
	Cremations don’t go like loans
Paid off, reverse no possibility
	Done, there’s now no probability.

Gone, the bones to other energies
	Try o try to find those synergies
Gone, is the dust forevermore,
	Now - the ashes - you must store.
	Gone, the body, evermore.

Ashes to ashes, so it is said
	While here, be sure to enjoy your bed.

Cremation, Darnation! 

(to be read loud + emphatically)

Carol Rae Bradford

March 2, 2006
9:00 am thru 10:00 am

Copyright © Carol Rae Bradford | Year Posted 2015

Details | Carol Rae Bradford Poem

Willow Tree


I submitted Willow Tree yesterday on your site and I do want this poem feaured on the PoetrySoup home page.

I can't click the "Yes" above.

Let me know if you wish me to submit it again. Thanks.

Thank you.

Carol Rae Bradford (Mayflower Arab)

Copyright © Carol Rae Bradford | Year Posted 2015

Details | Carol Rae Bradford Poem

Time and Reality

Time and Reality

To snatch the worlds of what you once were
Cannot be held in the palm of your hand
Friends dead and gone, you’ll wish to reconnect
They’ll not--the past gone--the loss of that land.
What were you then, and what are you now,
What do you chase, when you are low?
This world hurts, for you do not grow
You must, if you can, lose the foe.

The "foe" agin’ reality that will help to go
To growth, and renewal, though you throw
The roots, the stems, of what you would know.
Who are you, my friend, my self, to know?

We try, we always attempt to know us
Difficult to work without the show-us
But try hard to solve the mystery 
Of meditation that would make one’s history. 
The priests of knowledge will always tell
Go history, go, to study your knell
You must, in order to move that bell
Order, structure and practice will prove
Time, now, to get in the groove.
Love, Love, and meeting each other
Brings riches and life one to another
We all need that fabulous grace
As we meet each other face to face.
Extend, extend, your time together
Enjoy, work hard, no matter the weather
Time flees quickly, as you will see
Fritter it not, or you may not be
Given Life on the Proverbial Tree.

Carol Rae Bradford, 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm
January 12, 2025, Monday
Amended January 13, 2015 @ 5:35 am
Amended again, January 14-2015 12:40 pm
(c) Final @ 3/6, 2015, 6:30 pm & 3/12/7:48 am

Copyright © Carol Rae Bradford | Year Posted 2015

Book: Shattered Sighs