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Best Poems Written by Mel Marakalala

Below are the all-time best Mel Marakalala poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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You're the reason I love this music,
You're the reason I joined the movement.
Five shots in one night,
Sweat after a big fight,
We're just living life.
The stage is on fire, these folks love it,
My memory is a playlist -- filled with your hits,
My heart is a drum beating to when you say things.
You're the reason I love this,
You're the reason behind your lyrics,
You're the reason I appreciate
The wonderful moments your videos create.
I was floating on misery, until you caught me,
I was filled with envy, until I became me.
You taught to see the light,
You're the reason there's a bright in my nights.
You're reason I came here to write this,
You're the reason I follow the club scenes.
You're the reason the microphone is a song on it's own,
You're the reason I held to my own.
You inspired the kid,
Now I'm going to inspire some kids.
** A Rap Inspired by
and Dedicated to
South African rap artist

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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The Heart Wants What It Wants

Forget what the world wants,
Forget what they expect from us.

The heart wants what it wants,
And our hearts want an us.

We can't keep away from the warmness
Both yours and my heart brings.

We should sing love songs regardless
Of the tragedies that life brings.

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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God, The One placed above all,
I call Your name in times of tears,
I call Your name in times of laughter.

God, The One placed above all,
I write You this...
You already knew I would,
You already know what comes after it.

God, The One placed above all,
Thank You for life,
Thank You - I feel alive.
These are Your days I live,
The life You planned for me.

God, The One placed above all,
God, I thank You for it all.

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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My First 5 Lines

I'm am not a writer, but I love to write.
I have no honor, but I love being right.
We just love it, right?
Telling others how to live life
and love only the things we like.

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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Love Is Like

Love is like a brick
Hitting your face repeatedly.
You don't want it to,
But you love every moment,
Every bruise that's being created.

Love is like the world spinning;
You're standing still,
But your heart's going places.
Your mind gets filled with pictures of you broken,
You just act like they don't exist,
Because you feel like you're complete.

Love is like getting on every ride at the amusement park,
Your body needs to throw up, but your eyes are full of sparks.
You're on a high on that high,
Everything around you breathes air like it's alive.

Love strange,
It's great and then burns you with its flames...
But we don't care,
We'd rather get burnt than keep it away.

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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It Haunts Me, I Swear

He pinned her to the bed,
he stabbed her dead,
he looked into my eyes after that,
I thought it was my life he'd take next,
but he just did nothing and left.
He told us his name,
he called us his prey,
I could feel my heart fall as I prayed,
It was death that stared into my face.
I had never felt so scared,
I wish he killed me first,
nothing hurt more in this life than seeing what he did,
I had never ever before seen anyone getting killed.
Now I have to live it,
Now I have all of our people's questions stuck in my head;
"Why didn't you do anything?"
"Why did you just let it happen?"
"How do you sleep at night?"
"How do you feel inside?"
He tortured me by letting me live,
with so much guilt,
I feel like it was... Like it was... Like it was me,
I feel like I caused the death of millions.
The blood on her body, it kept flowing, dripping, it still haunts me.
Her last shriek, her sudden silence, it's still... It's still haunting me.
I could hear her breathe really hard before she left her body...

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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Poor Girl, Rich Thoughts

I come from a place where dreams are only pushed by people who should -- Your parents or guardians, nobody else.
I would be everything I want, change the world if I could,
But there is so much in my way -- so I believe that I can't.

I had to pretend all my life like I don't have any dreams,
I was made to feel like I'll turn into them, and not amount to anything.
I had to keep awake all my life because of the things I'd see when my eyes weren't open,
Because of the goals my heart wishes to see happen.
I'm just an insomniac with so much to think about and none of these thoughts will I do.
I'm just another skirt in the crowd fetching water and chopping some wood.

I should be, honestly, designing dresses I want to see people wear,
Our fashion is growing -- with my ideas, I could three girls into millionaires.
I should be, honestly, writing my 9th book already, 
The market seems to be growing -- with my words, I could make these people see there's more to us than being empty.
I should be, honestly, in a studio making other people's favourite songs,
Music is an incredible form of art -- with my soul and love for it, I could make it as big as all of those Katy Perry songs.

I should be, BUT honestly, I have been defeated -- Like these people, I'll sit on a lawnchair on my stoep one day wishIng I did all that I had wanted,
I'll probably tell some other poor girl, with rich thoughts to quit dreaming --
Make her believe, just like us, that she'll amount into anything.

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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Four letters and my best friends.
"You go next,"
Into the chasing room I went.
I came out after some moments, "What a lovely red dress,"
Melinda said,
And they all agreed - yes.
I thought to myself I definitely want it,
I am definitely getting it.
As I went back in...
"It's horrible on her," Melinda said,
And they all laughed.
What was that I heard?
I went back in to take it off me,
I looked in the mirror at my not-completely-naked body,
And then I cried.
How could they have lied?
I thought back to five Fridays ago,
Did they lie then also?
How bad have I been dressing?
"Hurry up, Mel!" Tina shouted.
With how I feel, this room I won't leave.
*Knock, knock*
I wonder who that this...
*Knock, knock*
TG... Thank God they are gone,
I don't need friends like this.

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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Charlotte's Death

I came in and heard her scream,
I climbed the stairs, but then there was a dark silence, was I just in a dream?
I quickly walked to her room,
I walked in and there was her blood everywhere my eyes looked.
Her lifeless body laid there on the bed,
There was suddenly a ringing in my head, "Please, please tell me this is all in my head!"
Everything inside of me wanted to touch her,
I wanted it to be just another nightmare.
I screamed and screamed and nobody could hear me,
I screamed and screamed, where is the man that did this.
How did he leave? Who is he?
Only a man without a heart could do this,
Only a woman who's lost a love could do this.
Charlotte got around,
she made every man her own.
Now I'll never know...
Was it an old flame, or a new one? Was it a woman she stole him from?
Charlotte got around,
she made every man her own.
Now I'll never know,
who was it in that room when her face was being deformed?

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015

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A Poem For Mother

It was in your arms I was first held,
It was your face I saw when my eyes first opened.

You were the first words I heard,
You were the first scent I smelled.

I love your kisses, your wonderful kisses,
I love your warmness and caresses.

You were designed for me,
The only place I need to be.

You are the beginning that never ended,
You've been with me since my days started.

You stopped your whole life to watch mine,
You did your hardest so I always smile.

I will never be able to thank you enough,
You give and give and give when I want.

You are never thinking of yourself,
You've made yourself the only life I have.

I don't see myself going through the world without you,
You have to always be you in what I go through...

Copyright © Mel Marakalala | Year Posted 2015


Book: Shattered Sighs