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Best Poems Written by Latoya Ri

Below are the all-time best Latoya Ri poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Who Am I

Who am I? I am not fully in touch with myself, no I do not know why. I have lost a piece of me along the trails & dragged with the trials. Ugh, which way is the right way. 
Who am I? My soul cried out last night, didn't it? Yet my face showed no exact expression of that. Who would know what is afflicted upon me, if I choose not to speak out about it. But why? Why should one speak, if the others never really listen to comprehend. But to shortly listen only to reply & repeat. Not to listen and express genuine compassion. Do you really care? 
Who am I? "I" not You. Why do I have to be like you? Do not compare your apples to my apples; especially just to utter that yours are greener. We were all created individually, and separately seasoned. Why does it matter to you, of the wierd quirky way that I tie my shoes. Hello, we are different. Diversity exists purposely for a reason.


Copyright © Latoya Ri | Year Posted 2015

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The sanctimonious tabernacle; where the desolated tongues confess.
The covetous, unwed beds are hungry, exuberant anatomies get undressed.
The biased courthouse; where many admissible lies rattle but hardly unfold.
The lewd jail cells are full, innocent bodies, minds, and souls loathly probed.

Create An Idiom

Copyright © Latoya Ri | Year Posted 2016

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Distorted Gloom

This rainy precipitation keeps falling endlessly from my face. My hand slips everytime I attempt to wipe the wetness away.
No one cares, because no one sees me as myself. Why? They just see me as a some number on a bulletin board. I am quite literally a poster child.
I am practically an invisible glob of existence to all humanity. The same humanity that kills each other off as some type of high to achieve.

Hi world, I will take my chances. Where no one listens and no one speaks to me. Although, I am free and confined in the same breath. My eyes are bleeding. Yet, I still noticed that my finger tips were turning icy blue. 
The blank spaces in my mind, allows me to calm the roaring sounds of what is left of my sanity. The colourful liveliness of my body is escaping me in slow motion. My breathing patterns are rapidly increasing against my control.
What the heck is happening to me? The inner parts of my thighs are drenched in man-like sweat. Gravity is getting the best of my movement. I passed out in the middle of the alley, and awoke to pooping birds, teenage gossip and zooming cars.
The pedestrians walking by were staring, basically gawking their eyes at me. Then my cousin Cassy called for me and chuckled. I reached into my pockets for something, for anything. What I found was a burnt roach of the cannabis that I had smoked for the very first time. You mean to tell me that I was hallucinating in a upper high this entire while. I will not on ant occasion, smoke again!

Copyright © Latoya Ri | Year Posted 2016

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Happy Love

I gazed across the room. You smiled, you winked, I blushed. Then when our eyes locked together into an undying connection, we simply could not let go of one another. Twenty written numbers were exchanged in a rush, along with leg buckling butterflies.

Courting, courting, a plethora of courting. Ah your lips fervently greeted my lips, as I giggled like a school girl. It was far beyond heavenly. The scent of your cologne escorts me to a cloud of ecstasy. A mere tingling sensation took the wheel of my body. 

Clichely I thought, "My my, he is driving me crazy already." But oh, in a very electrifying, weak winded, toes curling good way. Despite our overzealous display of affection. Any persons blind to endearment could see our compassion.

I rested my head upon his chest, and gently pressed my hand just above his heart. His heartbeat was thoroughly in sync with mine. The musical melody of our love overjoyed me with immense delight. For an eternity, our union shall forever be sacred.
God, I love you.


Copyright © Latoya Ri | Year Posted 2016

Book: Shattered Sighs