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Best Poems Written by Mr Jaybus

Below are the all-time best Mr Jaybus poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Worker Bee

Caught in the hidden trap of normality
Where the weird little freak inside can never be free
Are we really any better in this society?
With every unusual act we judge the worker bee
For daring to be different instead of the same
Wishing to be free of this copycat chain
With hears that vibrate and bodies refusing to resonate
When a mind is unique we begin to hate
Nobody wants to be ostracized so we act the same
Inside the higher self is paralysed by pain
With nothing to lose and everything to gain
Except all of your friends and disposition of sane

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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Addiction chasing
cannot ever be sated
eternal cycle

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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Girl With the Mystery Eyes

What lies behind those mysterious black eyes?
What happened to our paths why did they become tied?
Nobody spoke to you, why were you alone?
After seeing you smile my heart has fondly grown.
In the middle of nowhere you're from my home town?
This cannot be real I realise with a frown.
Maybe it's time to put these mushrooms down.

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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My School

How does a kid who loves learning come to hate a place designed for teaching?

School was like a military prison in my experience
get in at 0900 hours sharp with no resistance, 
you'll speak when you are spoken to,
you are inferior to anyone older than you,
shut up and mindlessly accept what we tell you or you will be punished,
I don't care that you say 2+2 is 4 when I say its 3 then its 3
I am right because you are smaller than me

How does a kid who loves learning come to hate a place designed for teaching?

The innocent excitement of a child who is learning
crushed under the cold weight of authoritarian might
you better shut up and keep out of sight
because if you dont fit into the picture of what you should be
loneliness in the corridor is all you will see
And its not just the teachers who want you to conform 
anyone whose different the other children will scorn
Don't get too far ahead or the teacher will give you no time
and the kids will take note and you'll be the blunt of the next malious rhyme.

How does a kid who loves learning come to hate a place designed for teaching?

The desperation of tying to understand a system that feels opressive
that everyone says is so good for you its impressive
that simultaneously tells you that the things that you love most
are too unusual for this educational host
and if you and the other kids arent the same you better fight
before they gang up on you and start to bite 

How does a kid who loves learning come to hate a place designed for teaching?

They say all of your passions can't fit into the picture
while they force me to read often incorrect literature
They say your only goal in life is to get a job
and make somebody rich who you think is a n*b
The teachers in school think of you as a fool
destined to be just another industry tool

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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Mirror In Her Eye

I look in the mirror and I lock eyes with a vile wretch
The physical embodiment of mankinds ugliest stares back
Peering into a window I catch a glimpse of every imperfection buried deep within my soul
I shatter the mirror the pain of the reflection overpowering the feelings of the glass now stuck in my hand
Another reminder of why life has always tip toed around my existant
excusing itself to a world relieved of my presence
free from the uncomfortable questions of a curious mind
And the free expression of a soul that danced to its own seranade for lack of a better option
Free from a spirit that could not be contorted into the place society had etched out for it
But contorting into something unwanted something disconcerting
carving a way through unfamiliar terrain in the hope of finding a place it could call home
Gathering scars and wounds so deep they cut into the soul tainting it with the corruption and hate 
spilling out of the daggers of alienation stabbing from unkind strangers in a world of contempt
glowing brighter with every new experience unclear of whether its transcending or descending 
growing graceful and grotesque colouring outside of the lines of societies expectances
On this journey my eyes lock with a pair of blue-green eyes shining with the brightness of familiarity
But where in the mirror I had seen something odd, out of place and unwelcome
in her eyes danced the beauty of the universe's most perfect creation
The oddities and strangeness not subtracting from but somehow adding to her mysterious charm
Where I saw the failure in my own design reflected in her I saw only the perfection of a vibrant soul
My scientific mind had its first taste of destiny as the will of fate was pulling at my heartstrings
As if all of the struggles of life had been overcome just for this one moment where I could see this being of a divinity
And in the reflection of my eye she saw only the reflection of herself a reflection society had told her to depise
like the vile wretch of a man society tells her is standing before her 
but she sees in me the same that I see in her 
an essence of perfection whose far too good for me

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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You know I'm tired.
I'm tired of conforming to societies standards,
I can not fit into such a narrow role as you defined for me,
I'm tired of the choice between being happy with myself and pleasing you,
You defined the scope of my socialisable identity,
A thin mask hiding infinite potential of origional existance,
I'm tired of listening to the same soulless bullshit
origionating from the same soulless machine
that would put a pricetag on your spirit if it had a chance,
Because if it isn't mainstream it doesn't matter,
I'm tired of the same old tedious chatter,
We recycle phrases so often we lose meaning,
something modern man has long lost,
We are taught to aspire to get the grades,
that will tie us into bondage
for the least shoddy pay we can bargain for
with ever increasing hours and targets getting harder to meet,
All to make some greedy fatcat richer,
Signing your most valuable and energetic hours away for minimum pay,
At least we get to keep the dark, cold exhausted hours to ourselves,
I'm tired of the endless stream of technology that makes it easier to work harder,
That connects us all digitally as we sever the ability to genuinely connect together,
There's got to be more to life than stacking numbers in a digital account that
will lose value with the next bank bailout,
And there's got to be more to life than facebook and texting
Maybe its why we're disconnecting and the status quo is something I'm rejecting
I'm tired of this relentless assault on my soul

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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Rebuilding From Within

Since the beggining of my journey people always been pushing ignorant views on me,
The evidence is always lacking but still insisting its the way it has to be,
Spend my time escaping to build a mind palace, 
Whilst stumbling through this crazy world like Alice,
Everything I learn is like a new brick,
but piecing them together is the real trick as the evils of the world begin to stick,
Meditating on my throne channeling peace and serenity,
Attempting to make some sense of the black, white and grey with clarity,
but my inner sanctuary from the outside becomes corrupted,
Finally time this place was deconstructed,
As you cannot build a structure on broken foundations,
I take my best bricks and work amalgamations,
In my new palace there be holes where once was black,
This time I'll keep it clean and make sure they never come back,
I need to gather better bricks to rebuild my mind,
with new adventures and new experiences is the only way I will find
The only way to start again is to sift through all of the rubble,
If I fail in this then again there will be trouble,
And when the negatives of my mind attempt to seep in,
I'll be meditating in my palace protected from sin.

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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Winter Solstice

Grasped by the unrelenting hold of depression is like having all of the joy sucked out of your life,
You pay life's prices but it withholds the rewards,
Just wanting every experience to be over so you can embrace the numbing arms of sleep or drugs,
But blissful unconsciousness is over so fast and its memories persistantly fail to last,
But sleep and drugs are a temporary haven for weekend and night,
So we develop mechanisms for surviving the day,
Smoking kills and I soon light up, praying that it does,
Forced to fake happiness to make friends whilst oscillating between the extreme states of apathy and anger internalising them to prevent others from becoming entagled, like unmanaged cable wires it can get...messy
Reaching out for someone who can shine a light on this blackened world of despair,
In this place it is always nightime,
She finally came, my full moon to my winter solstice,
lighting my world with her beautiful transcendent aura,
But when a full moon passes it begins to diminish,
bite by bite night consumed us both,
I showed you a world that few could see and once you saw it you became like me,
When it became too much I knew I had to get free,
And so like Icarus I began to take flight,
better to burn out than fade into night.

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

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Many Questions

What is man?
He is not like the ocean
He does not dance to the oneness of his brothers indistinguishable from the next
He is not like the forest
He does not provide wealth in abundance from simply being 
He is not like the stars 
He does not bring beauty to those he will never touch
   Who is man?
He is not like the bee 
his vibrations would not end life should they cease to exist
He is not like the beasts
He does not see himself as one that came out of the earth
He is not like the fish
He is not a victim of his own environment
   Where is man?
He is not in heaven
He does not live in a realm of pure bliss
He is not in space
He is unable to prevent suffocating others as he expands
He is not in prison
He is not trapped in lifeless bondage
   How is man?
Man is like a blackhole
He is always hungry but can never be sated
Man is like a spaceship
He is always travelling but never home
Man is like an actor
He is always someone but never himself
   Why is man?

Copyright © Mr Jaybus | Year Posted 2014

Book: Shattered Sighs