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Best Poems Written by Motloang Matabane

Below are the all-time best Motloang Matabane poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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God’s joy and awe at this being before him
Not even the angels’ jubilation could compare
A beginning, a calling and an eternity were placed beside him
A heart of gold to house the breath of God
A path was laid before him for his feet to follow
God gave him day and night as company
Day so he can marvel at the goodness of the Lord in the light 
Night to ask for guidance in the dark
He gave him also, a tongue to praise and worship His greatness
God gave him trials and tribulations to build his faith and trust in Him
He gave him a destiny and passion to fuel his feet forward and forget the trials 
and tribulations of yesterday
God made him a friend because He knew he could not do it by himself
In conclusion, God gave him a soul as a promise as a promise that one day He 
would come back to get him
And with love, He sent him on his way…
God smiled and named him

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2007

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Our Names

Our names are like a beautiful melody that is written on the edges our souls that echoes
through the ages.
Our names are the stepping stones that lay behind us reminding us which way home is.
Our names are not who we are but they are the beginning of who we are to become.

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2008

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To Whom I Owe All That I Speak

To whom do i owe the pleasure of sharing my intricate clicks and drum bound 
dancing of my tongue of a dying people?
to whom do i owe the pleasure of sharing the claps and the steps that massage 
the earth and invoke the rains to water our crowns?
With whom do i share the pain in my land?
With whom do i speak of our fallen kings and warriors to whom i owe my being?
To whom do i owe the mahogany tainted skin and dark earth eyes?
To whom do i owe the subtle hint of kingship in my step?
With whom do i unfold the aged pages of our history that is deeply buried in the 
elderly, for they soon will visit the grave?
The lines on their faces hold the essence of life and true wisdom, but all we see 
is their old ways that pale in comparison to my mp3 player!
These thoughts are with me like the constant humming of an expectant mother, 
pregnant with life, pregnant with the future, pregnant with the hope of better 
things promised to come! 
It is to she, for she is my truest companion.
She gave witness to my first breath and it is she who will witness my last.
I will return to her whence forth i came.
She is Africa, to whom i owe all that i speak!

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2006

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Welcomed Home

Sarah Adams 14 August 1848

Conrad Aiken 17 August 1973

Kinsley Amis 22 October 1995

Allen Gingsberg 5 April 1997

Pablo Nerudo 23 September 1973

Walt Whitman 26 March 1892

I hope it is not too soon that i too

Am welcomed home

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2007

Details | Motloang Matabane Poem

A Woman I Knew

There was a woman I knew once
Her beauty was awe inspiring
And she wore her pride on her head like a crown
She wrapped her confidence around her neck like the fine beads her mother 
In the palm of her heart she kept she kept mine
Her body was molded and perfected by the hand of the Creator
Solely to deliver His gift of life
Her chest was full and her breasts rich with the milk that built nations
Her hips were carved and chiseled impeccably to give birth to tomorrow
So hypothetically the rising and the setting of the sun were placed in between her 
Swaying from side to side
Echoing hypnotically into infinity
This dismantled the very fabric of the men who craved to be with her 
She traded in her beads; she took off her crown and left her confidence out for 
the hyenas to tear up
All for the smooth silky fabric that did not fit her waist
The cut of that dress did not flatter her hips
Her chest was too full and her breasts were just too big 
She smiled and laughed but she had no joy
They made the dresses smaller even and in to them she had to fit 
She tried and over centuries she passed down to her daughters that into that 
dress she had to fit but it didn't happen
So what they learned was that she was not enough
She was not slim enough, that her hair was not soft enough
That her skin was not fair enough, that her feet were not small enough
And eventually she felt ugly and that she was not good enough!
But one of these daughters realized, that before 'they ' created this size two into 
which she had fit 
Her body was already dancing in her Creators all its glory
So she tore that dress to shreds, and with it went the standards of beauty that did 
not worship her curves
She put back her crown; she wrapped her confidence around her neck even 
tighter and retrieved her beads
Her body was not too big for that dress
That dress was not worthy of her body
Till this day that woman holds in the palm of her heart, mine
And this woman I knew
Is the woman in you

Love yourselves ladies? ALL your glory!

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2008

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From One Keeper To Another

My love,

Under the influence of the essence of our joined spirits
and the cover of the moon lit night, i promised you forever
Forever to be by your side
Forever to bare your load
Forever share your laughter and joy
Forever to only dream of you...that dream has come true
Forever to love you
Forever never to hurt you
Forever never to disappoint you or cause you pain...but i did
Forever can still be as long as we imagined it once was
Under the influence of the essence of our joined spirits
and the cover of the moon lit night

Forgive me, awaiting your response
The Keeper of your heart

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2007

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I'M Letting Go

Far beyond the edges of my reasoning a beautiful dream stood…waiting to come true
A dream erected up from cold dusty earth to the searing proximity of the sun
A star like dream, one built from hopes, aspirations and wishes
One whose light is drawn in and out from other stars
In its shadow lays the memory of soft spoken goodbyes and gentle kisses 
I have led my life on the side lines too afraid to repeat your mistakes
See I learned the hard way what not to break
The shattered pieces of her heart lay across the living room floor
I have learned also then how to find my way across the battlefield of broken vows
Because growing up when you’re being pushed back and forth between
What you got and what you wanted makes you question
The truths that are your foundation
You start to see cracks in the, ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I miss you’s’ 
And notice the fractures between the, ‘You are my worlds” and the “I can’t live without you’s’
See this father is why my heart has no door even to let me in
Because I live in the consequence of these lessons that you teach
But father know that you are a dream among dreams
A dream whose quarter is rooted in reality
And whose walls I built an inch from fantasy
You are a dream whose ends touch the circumference of the hole that you left
Your razor blade edges cut the inside of my mind and shows up as scars in my personality
But you kept my world and heart from falling apart
Now you are gone…

Where he used to be, God please put a new morning and the fragrance of cherry blossoms in
Spring, let the sunshine in and with it reasons to smile, let me hear the laughter of my
soul and give me PEACE
Amazing, calming, PEACE where there was none. 

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2008

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Dreams don’t make it here
They are choked by smoke from fires fueled by bodies too bruised to recognize
Here hope is like a forgotten thought that has left traces of its existence in your 
You know you can do it but you just can’t remember how
The children’s playgrounds are now just a memory of a peace and calm that 
used to be
I have forgotten the sound of children playing and laughing 
I know they can try but I think even they have forgotten what joy sounds like
My reason to smile today is that 19 children died last night, yesterday it was 43
The rubble that carpets the streets gives testimony to the broken dreams of 
revolutionaries; the pillars and beams of a nation
“The walls of the great cities have fallen and its homes caved in.”
The constant anguish has left my face mournful but
I trust the flicker of hope is still visible in my old eyes
They have seen far beyond more than I can swallow
I have no more tears to shed, that well is dried up and hollow now
This pain is like a splinter under the nail of my heart
And with every gunshot it is pushed deeper and deeper and deeper but still
I have no more tears to shed, that well is dried up and hollow now
I am afraid of how much we claim to see and the paradox of how blind we act
I am in awe of my spirits resilience and endurance;
Truly suggestions of something divine

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2007

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The Train

My and mines' next meal awaits
My sons school fees awaits 
My youngest daughters' shoes await
My nieces' dress awaits 
My mothers' medication awaits
My mud huts' repairs await
The winter blankets await
And so does the winter coal 
Rosies' next instalment awaits...
Get me to work, I have to be there by eight.

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2007

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I Stepped In To the Light

I do not close my eyes to sleep; I fear that today will be lost 
Buried in the past; the single smile amidst all the injustice that I see
A ray of hope on the guilt tarnished horizon
I own these thoughts and keep them to myself

I do not reach too high to succeed; I fear that I will
Success is not always the destination we had imagined
The road is paved with the selfless sacrifice of the dreams and goals that others 
had wished to achieve
But I hold these thoughts and keep them to myself 

I do not give myself to love; I dread I will not be accepted
I keep my heart at bay; I fear it broken, the blades of love are always sharpened
But I am overcome by the sweet aroma of all the ways that you make me feel 
I wish I could change these thoughts that I keep secret, even to myself 

I do not speak my words out loud; I fear that I will be heard
Lives have been lost for those ignorantly uttered
But souls have been damned for those never lovingly spoken
I had these thoughts to myself but they are of little use inside
So I stepped into the light, open this book
And now the whole world is listening

Copyright © Motloang Matabane | Year Posted 2008


Book: Shattered Sighs