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Best Poems Written by Folajin Ademola

Below are the all-time best Folajin Ademola poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Half of a Full Moon

Half of a full moon in the sky,
Riding on the tides of the night;
Glowing from an horizon so high,
Half of a full moon ever bright.
Riding on the tides of the night,
The earth passes by with a smile;
Half of a full moon ever bright,
Always a sight so worthwhile.
The earth passes by with a smile
In response to the illumination;
Always a sight so worthwhile
Is that beautiful communication.
In response to the illumination
Glowing from an horizon so high,
Is that beautiful communication:
Half of a full moon in the sky.

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2014

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A Broken Clock

If a broken clock
Could be twice correct a day,
Then I have no right being less
No matter what my time may say;
Tho' yesterday is long past 
And today is almost due,
Yet the future may be born
With all hopes emerging new.

For if a man dies,
Yet shall he live life again,
If in God he does not doubt
Nor believe in himself in vain;
Therefore, if a broken clock
Could be twice correct a day,
Then we have no right my friend
To waste our dear lives away!

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2018

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A Thin Line Between Love and Madness

Wake not the passions you cannot tame:
A thin line there is between love and madness;
Lest you soon have yourself to blame,
Dear beautiful but an impatient mistress.
Even when in his fine eyes appear the sparks
Which at your sight seem like some magic,
Fall not too flatly for such trademarks
'Cause they could be far more than tragic!
That which often times disguises as passion,
Is nothing but a devastating monster
Which opens the door to vain obsession
—Oh, a feeling but a heartless life waster!
In between love and madness lies a thin line
Bordering every fragile mind by design.

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2016

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Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon

Nebuchadnezzar his royal highness
Engulfed by the abundance of his sight,
Once mused himself to the madness
Which arose from the pride of his heart:
"Is this not the great Babylon kingdom
Built by the swiftness of my might?
The kingdom that seizes the freedom
Of whatsoever nation it chooses to fight!
Whosoever it deems me fit to spare,
What shall make him not see the night?
And whosoever's life to spare I less care,
How could he escape my fury's fright?
O great Babylon the city of valour
Whose majesty of no precarious flight,
Remains at its best an epitome of honour
To the insatiable view of my delight!"

But while the utterances of his folly
Reeled from the abundance of his pride,
The Ancient of Days—Lord Most Holy—
Could not afford Himself of glory deprived;
Therefore He (God) had to prove to him
That all on which his pride such relied,
Were conquests which in his wildest dream
Couldn't have been, however all he tried.
For only He (God) to whoever He wills,
Has that power and discretion to decide
Who is he who dies, and who is he who lives
—Even the fate of all that crawl and glide!
These He does that no flesh may share
In the glory which in Him alone should abide;
Even that no lifeless god may least bear
A glory with which it was never designed.

And so to him a Voice at the instant came
That in his next seven years to be spent,
He would be devoid of same feat and fame
By which he became so proud and impudent:
That he may know that only The Most High
Has the ultimate power at every moment,
To deliver into a king's hands who should die
At any imaginable or unprecedented event.
Alas, a pathetic judgement was passed
(Which turned him a beast for a torment);
Oh, the disgraced king on the fields housed,
Far from the comfort of his majestic tent! 
But the repented king (whose new birth
occured after the years of his punishment),
Praised the God of the heavens and earth
For such a great opportunity to repent.

"King Nebuchadnezzar is really worthy of emulation for his recompense
of heart...But most especially, for his repentance from pride and folly!"

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2016

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Jesus My Hero

When for all I care less
I get lost in Your adoration,
My soul desires nothing but to bless
And sing the beauty of your Name.

O Jesus, You grabbed my mess
At the risk of Your holy reputation;
And in spite of my worthlessness
You dared to bear all of my shame!

This love in my heart is endless
For You who without my consultation,
Paid for my life a price so priceless
And went ahead to take my blame.

Tho' I'm rendered speechless
In great awe of such a propitiation,
Yet by grace I'll forever witness
The blessedness of Your holy fame.

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2016

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Simple Arithmetic

Plus two,
Equals three;
Three and one, four.
One plus four makes five
...Three in two places?...Six!
Hence, six less one, five;
Four less none, four.
Five less three,
Gives two...

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2016

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Earth To Earth, Dust To Dust

Earth to earth, dust to dust,
Shall all flesh someday return.
Soul to its own, body to the crust,
Shall one day every man his turn.
The duration of life is so short
That it may not last the next mile
For it could in a single report
Rob a life of its precious smile.
That is why no one should boast
Of what is yet to be tomorrow;
Even all that seem of surety most,
Could any moment be a sorrow.
Life on earth is never forever;
One can only wish but it'd never!

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2014

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The Humble Irony

The one pride that I've ever had,
Is that I've never had any;
Tho' it sometimes paints me bad
Not to have one out of many.
But I, a man of a simple frame
Betrothed to an uncommon soul,
Consider conceit a ridiculous shame
That should never on me take a toll!
Yet I, tho' of no famous novelty
That anyone could least speak of,
Reside within a strong territory
Which treats folly with keen rebuff.
And not that I meant to be this proud:
My pen rather chose to be this loud.

"Never disdain a one who chose to be simple;
Humility is enough a virtue worthy of honour."

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2016

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Gone Are Those Days

Gone are those days
When the world young and gay,
Beheld the brightest lights of the moon
—When the world in her yesterday
Never went to bed too soon.

Gone are those days
When the world young and gay,
Basked in the warmth of the blue sun
—When the world by each new day
Smiled as it brightly shone.

Gone are those days
When the world young and gay,
Sat by the pool of Yhang for recession
—When the world far from astray
Lived in perfect obsession.

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2016

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On the Mount of Transfiguration

Revelation in its plainest form,
Glory revealed before the naked eyes;
To whom is this understanding granted?
Oh behold Him on the mount of holiness—
Oh behold the transfigured Christ!

A brightness beyond the sun's compare,
Yet visible to the eyes of the beloved;
Of them that are born of a woman,
None indeed is greater than John the Baptist;
But of a truth in the Kingdom of God,
The least of the heirs are greater than he!

Peter, always in a hurry to speak,
Thought it wise to build three thrones:
One each for the Lord, Moses, and Elijah;
If only he knew with Whom he stood—
That no one can ever be equal with Him!

The Light that shines the brightest,
The Tabernacle not made with hands;
Yet the humblest and loveliest of them all,
Who came to redeem a world of darkness.

Revelation in its most naked frame,
Redemption before the blindest eyes;
To whom is this understanding granted?
Oh behold the Saviour of the world...
On The Mount of Transfiguration.

Copyright © Folajin Ademola | Year Posted 2017


Book: Shattered Sighs