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Best Poems Written by Edoja Faith

Below are the all-time best Edoja Faith poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Satire To the Famous Politician

Politics! Politics! 
What a deadly 
her victim early 
memories i 
recall there 
was but once 
an election,but 
present tell us 
of selection.
With eyes as a 
night owl ,we 
see men with 
ill mind as 
ancient saul, it 
would have 
been a 
pleasure to pay 
them the visit 
of christ and 
rename them 
paul, they think 
the game is 
neat yet it 
leads them to 
early pit,the 
whole thing 
digs a trench 
when they 
think its a 
 They believe 
they are 
players yet all 
they need is 
are v.i.p at 
they need to 
prepare their 
think they 
have alot of 
fans but soon 
they will be 
taken away in 
Your form of 
revenue is 
workers at 
your avenue 
are busy, they 
went rubbing 
the poor to fill 
their abyss 
their purses 
were opened 
by INEC leaches.
 Their wealthy 
company are 
now crumbling 
before a fall, 
and their once 
healthy skin 
are growing 
wrinkled,at the 
right time, the 
bile of death 
sensation of a 
last breath 
their life cud 
was cut, to 6 
feet he 

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2014

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Death At Winter

I bares my bosom to 
the open wind.

caressing and kissing 
enternal peace to 
what only heart can 

I have stayed too 
on this night of dead 

Muttered lips gives 
birth to words from 
frozen and senile 

No farewell,  
thankless,i departed 
as my heart sleeps 
with the ice and 

what is left of me? 
The silver tears of 
angelic wife,such 
golden goddess.

And the wail of 
cherubic kids. 
With my fore i now lie.

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2014

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Peer Pressure

If i don't groom my 
hair like the cock,
and return from home 
before night clock,
nor did i wear a jean 
they'll say i don't have 

Did he flirt around?
jane,julie ,he has girls 
Did he pencil his 
trousar or wear it 
below his waist?
No! Was always the 
answer, ah! They say 
my youth is a waste.

If i don't drink
and i don't smoke
they'll say my 
maturity is still shrink
and the notification i 
get is a poke.

But i know who i am
i know what i am
though their pressure 
be strong as a cyclone
i'll remain THAT 

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2014

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Hidden among 
thick shadows 
of sin
man's ancient 
world is seen
the lost path 
to paradise 
is worth my 
swayling from 
this worthless 

I defile sin and 
all it's lust
i realize here on 
this quay am 
away,far from 
father's land 
av'e strayed
wasted on 
dying earth 
av'e stayed.

My old path 
have gone so 
narrower than 
the wings of a 
crucked with 
thorns and 
yet when 
pathways turn 
to bushes
i shall with 
jah's help be a

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2014

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Merry Mind


Your heart is merry
your cheeks are cherry
with joy as ripe as berry
your lip drip with jelly.

Ours is a resounding congratulation
on your successful admission
we will be there during your matriculation
with more tears of joy at your graduation.

Sleep not before the light of knowledge
education is not a pie or sausage
its worth is not a pen to borrow
its legacy lives on after tomorrow.

Congratulations! Our earnest prayer
cultivate the habit, be a priceless reader
Read, don't  depend on any, be the reader
in the way you have sown, you will be a reaper.
(from a heart that cares: Edoja faith)

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2015

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My Pain

My eyes fountain
As i muster up to our nations mountain
This fact i ascertain
But no pleasures i entertained.

My eyes fountains
For the waif 
My voice wails for the poor
Sleeping in cold on bare floor.

My eyes fountain
For the orphans
Whom sweat became their daily bread
whom pain becomes their dinner gown.

My eyes fountain
For the homeless
Those who are truly hopeless
Those whose time are less.

I wail for our drown economy
No more peace nor harmony
No sweet cuddles, no honey
No one to dry our tears, this is not funny.

This is my pain
Like dark ache its upon my spine
the nation is drunk with wine
In regret we now dine.

My eyes fountain
For now 3 square meal is not square
balanced diet is no longer balanced
Vitamins can no longer be gotten through our VITAL MEANS.

I give my voice in prayer
My tears i offer in supplication
Lord please let your Kingdom Come

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2016

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She is an encyclopedia
she is a reservoir
she is a resource person
she is a central bank of wisdom.

She has sustained
she has nurtured
she has cared for
she has protected.

I call her my hope
i call her my model
i call her a heavenly gift
i call her a blessing.

She is a queen
a true protector of those she hold dear
a personification of love
she is onime, the woman i call mother.

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2015

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Wound and Scars

Two elephant fought,
No death these giant sought,
Victory their trumpet bought,
But it is the grass that dies without suffering drought.

The canon sound the dying drums,
Relics of war, ale and rum,
Silent the snipper for a bottle of whisky,
Aye! Aye! Soldiers, even life is risky.

Let us fight for freedom,
Let us do combat to break chains,
Peace is the son of war,
Bought with the blood of the dead,
Cos death is freedom.

The remains shall strive ,
Like a sprout after a fire,
Singing songs of a memorial,
Gathering their deceased for burial.

Mothers standing, awaiting their sons,
Infant trying to suckle from her dead mother,
Boys daring to aid their wobbling knees,
Only to fall back to the ground.

Flesh serrated by stray bullets seeking a home,
Hands lost to swords like a ghost seeking a host,
Corpses littered around from the greatest massacre,
Hunger enthroned as the new king.

Eye bare to mere burnt,
Every thing lost in war,
Fathers rendered fatherless,
Mothers reaped of their children,
Sons and daughters sing the solo songs of sorrow.

Missing in combat,
Peace if folly
When bought with war.

These wounds may heal,
These vacuum may be filled,
But the scars would never leave,
For such are relics of war.

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2017

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The World Cup Saga

Brasil 2014, mortals in 
plants character, 
playing the role of the 
river and her famous 

The pretty plants and 
flowers of her great 
amazon forest. Tuned 
step by step along 
the famous Ball dance. 

Twisting along 
acrobats of the long 
lasting martial art. 

Cherubic 64 kids in the 
wine of the soccer 

 3 great singers,2 
stunning angel voice 
gracing the ears of 
homo sapiens 
gathered like the 
sands on the shores 
of river brasil. 

That was at the 
stadium. Around our 
spherical globe teens 
and olds squeeze in 
rooms, halls straining 
eyes to watch the 
happening. All in the 
world cup saga.

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2014

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Slow Wind

Slow wind
peeping through 
unattended wind 
sweeping silkly dirty 
floor, hoping a still 
wake soul to find.

Slow wind 
touching and 
bare bodies 
with sweat.

Slow wind
and still wet 
with dew
bidding peace 
to earth's face.

Slow wind
kissing life into
mortals nostrils
rocking leaves 
and giving life 
with its single sway.

Copyright © Edoja Faith | Year Posted 2014


Book: Reflection on the Important Things