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Best Poems Written by Michaela Johnson

Below are the all-time best Michaela Johnson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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How Do I Get There

Isolated, closed door, evil stare...
Trying to get out.
How do I get there?

Uncertainty, disgusted, let down in compressed air...
Trying to make sense of it.
How do I get there?

Faithful friends, truthful in what they share...
Trying to absorb their words.
How do I get there?
Pre-trial, revealing devastating news, life seems so unfair...
Trying to stay afloat.
How do I get there?

Bad news confirmed, court room again, filled with lies in thin air...  
Trying to keep my babies and myself safe.
How do I get there?

Trying to quench and hold onto the Lord's Prayer...
How do I get there?

Alone, depressed, in despair...
Trying for their sake to just be there.
How do I get there? 

Faith, counseling, oh how I'm in need of prayer.
Trying not to be hurt.
How do I get there?
Final hearing, I feel let down again...
Trying to get my life back.
How do I get there?

Compassionate new friends, 6 day trip, eager to share...
Trying to heal my heart and wounds.
How do I get there?

New freedom, feeling alive, silly online questionnaire...
Trying to do something fun to find myself again.
How do I get there? 

Interesting biography, cute smile, do I take the dare?
Trying to move forward.
How do I get there?

Feeling unattractive, awkward, and out of place, what do I wear?
Trying to stay positive.
How do I get there?

Unwilling to commit, afraid and in disrepair...
Trying to guard my heart.
How do I get there?

Encouraging and empathetic, to my surprise, he has tender loving care...
Trying to remain hopeful and joyous.
How do I get there?

God has sent me an angel, but still, I get that evil stare...
Trying to understand the feelings of my children.
How do I get there?
Everything happens for a reason, even when it seems unfair...
Trying to live up to His expectations.
How do I get there?
written by Michaela Johnson
August 2011

Copyright © Michaela Johnson | Year Posted 2013

Book: Reflection on the Important Things