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Best Poems Written by Ralph Burkhardt

Below are the all-time best Ralph Burkhardt poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Don'T Be Angry

don't be angry
              for i don't mean to be unkind,
                                    and i don't mean to be rude;
but,there are times when i must walk alone,
                sometimes down a forest path,
                                    and,sometimes along some rocky trail;
and,it's not through laziness,
               that i sit here silently gazing,
                                      upon some gurgling brook;
or that i lay here upon my back,
                 watching some puffy clouds drifting by;
and please,don't rebuke me,
                   for the flowers that i've picked;
for i go to the woods to be alone with my God,
                   so that i might hear his voice,
                                          in quiet contemplation;
for every cloud that floats by,
                     writes another letter in his book;
and every bird that sings,
                      but sings of that mystery,
                                           that is God's love.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

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The Silver Bells

Once,many christmases ago,
                    my grandma gave us kids aspecial gift;
she gave each of us three silver bells connected by a silver chain;
the three silver bells she said,
                     represented the holy trinity,
                                             as well as God's love of us;
the bells were made of siver,
                      because silver gives off the purest notes,
                                                 and the silver is pure, like God's love;
grandma saidthat these bells were given,
                        to remind us first of God's love for us,
                                                   as well as grandma's love for us;
over the years most of the grandkids have lost those silver bells
                         but i've managed to keep mine;
and every christmas eve i take those silver bells out,
                         and i marvel out their sweet tones;
my dear sweet grandma has since past over,
                          yet,when i hold those silver bells,and hear their sweet music,
                                                     i can once more hear my grandma's voice,
                                                                             as well as feel her sweet love;
the years have slwed my steps,
                            and age has dimed my sight,
                                                        but when i ring my silver bells
                                                                                 their sweet music still touches me;
the music of those bells speaks to me of God's love,
                              as well as that of my sweet grandma,
                                                           and it reminds me of the true meaning of christmas.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

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A Poem For Those Alone

he who is alone,
                  often seeks for the mercy  and grace of his God;
very sad is that faithful man,
                   who suddenly finds himself alone;
for he sees the world a wasteland,
                   a bare wall that is blown upon by a cold wind;
he sees a empty house that once was a warm home,
                    but now is a cold empty shell;
yes,he sees an empty shell,
                    where snow sifts in through worn window frames,
                                                and around a broken front door;
the snow gathers in corners,
                     and gathers in great heaps upon cold empty beds;
alas for the once bright home,
                     once filled with sounds of cheer,             
                                                 and for bare cubboards once well stocked;
alas for weed infested yards,
                      once well kept with love;
alas for the one who worked to keep the wolf at bay,
                       for the wolf-slayer is no more----no more,no more;
for he is now alone; and his purpose is no more;
come spring,come summer,
                         may the eagle and  the raven soar;
may the warm breezes flow once more,
                        and may a new day yet dawn.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

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No One Took Their Place

they rode boldly across the silver screen,
                 these hero's of my youth;
they lived their lives by the "code of the west",
                  and honor was a part of that code,
                                         truth and honor was in their blood;
my hero's lived their lives by this code,
                   they lived boldly up there on the big screen,
                                          so much bigger than life;
yes,these were my hero's,
                    these brave men who rode on horse back,
                                           and who carried the law in a holster,
                                                                    while riding tall in the saddle;
oh how i eagarley followed their exploits,

                      men like Roy rogers and the Cisco Kid,
                                            along with Gene Autry ,John Wayne,and the Lone Ranger;
these men kept the law in the wild west,
                       along with hop-a-long,and Tex Ritter,
                                             and i anxiously followed their adventures,
                                                                   until that sad,sad day when---,
                                                                                       they rode off into the sun set;
yes, they rode off into the sunset,
                          old John,Roy, and Gene,
                                                they rode off into the sunset,and no one took their place;
how sad i felt on that dark dreary day,
                          when my hero's rode away,
                                                 but no one took their place,
                                                                   and,no one took their place.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

Details | Ralph Burkhardt Poem

No One Took Their Place

they rode boldly across the silver screen,
                 these hero's of my youth;
they lived their lives by the "code of the west",
                  and honor was a part of that code,
                                         truth and honor was in their blood;
my hero's lived their lives by this code,
                   they lived boldly up there on the big screen,
                                          so much bigger than life;
yes,these were my hero's,
                    these brave men who rode on horse back,
                                           and who carried the law in a holster,
                                                                    while riding tall in the saddle;
oh how i eagarley followed their exploits,

                      men like Roy rogers and the Cisco Kid,
                                            along with Gene Autry ,John Wayne,and the Lone Ranger;
these men kept the law in the wild west,
                       along with hop-a-long,and Tex Ritter,
                                             and i anxiously followed their adventures,
                                                                   until that sad,sad day when---,
                                                                                       they rode off into the sun set;
yes, they rode off into the sunset,
                          old John,Roy, and Gene,
                                                they rode off into the sunset,and no one took their place;
how sad i felt on that dark dreary day,
                          when my hero's rode away,
                                                 but no one took their place,
                                                                   and,no one took their place.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

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A Tossed Stone

does anything ever have a true end,
             is there anyone who ever truely forgets,
                               is the past ever truely buried,
                                               and put to rest;
the words that a man speaks today,
              lives on in his thoughts tomorrow,
                                as well as in the memories of others,
                                                   often, even after his death;
the shot that is fired,
                or, the blow that is struck,
                                 or, the words that are spoken in haste------;
these are like stones,
                  which are tossed into a pond,
                                  and,they begin to create ripples,
                                                      and,these ripples keep widening;
yes,these ripples keep widening,
                    widening ever outward;
until they touch the lives of others,
                      often people who are far removed from ourselves.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

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what strange wonderful clocks women are,
                        biological clocks,for they nest in time;
these gentle,smiling ones,
                         who own the good secret;
for what man,like wman,
                         lies down in darkness,
                                            and then gets up with child;
women,they make the flesh that holds fast,
                          and then binds eternity;
they live inside the gift,
                           they know the power,
                                              they accept it, and need not mention it;
for why speak of time,
                           when you are time,
                                               and can shape those moments into warmth, and action;
how often men envy them,
                           and, sometimes even hate them, these warm clocks;
for they know that they will live forever,
                            men know this too,but,does he really believe it;
for he has carried no burden,and felt no pain,
                             but,the woman,she knows it.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

Details | Ralph Burkhardt Poem

A Tossed Stone

does anything ever have a true end,
             is there anyone who ever truely forgets,
                               is the past ever truely buried,
                                               and put to rest;
the words that a man speaks today,
              lives on in his thoughts tomorrow,
                                as well as in the memories of others,
                                                   often, even after his death;
the shot that is fired,
                or, the blow that is struck,
                                 or, the words that are spoken in haste------;
these are like stones,
                  which are tossed into a pond,
                                  and,they begin to create ripples,
                                                      and,these ripples keep widening;
yes,these ripples keep widening,
                    widening ever outward;
until they touch the lives of others,
                      often people who are far removed from ourselves.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

Details | Ralph Burkhardt Poem


     what is life,
                      or,what is known of life,
                                                   but what we experience;
for to know life one must experience life,
        and to experience life,
                        one mjst get out and live it;
one must trumpet among the elephants,
          and to crow among the cocks;
one must run with the mustangs,
           bleat with the goats,
                           and to soar with the eagles;
for to truely know life,
            one must cry with those who cry,
                             and to rejoice with those who laugh;
yes,we must work with those who labour,
             minister with those who heal,
                               and fight alongside those who fight;
for to truely know life,
               we must not be afraid to live life,
                                 we must aim for the mountaintops,
                                                     and then begin to climb.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013

Details | Ralph Burkhardt Poem

Forgotten Past

They come at night,unbidden,
these demons of the dark.
Scarey,shifting,spooky forms,
that brings me from my sleep.

They slither over the walls,
they creep along the halls;
these dark and empty halls,
that i seldom visit.

They creep in unawares,
they leap without warning;
these demons of my past,
that brings hurt,pain, and tears.

They sneak in at night,
past all of my defenses;
they bring the past to light,
the past i want forgotten.

Copyright © Ralph Burkhardt | Year Posted 2013


Book: Shattered Sighs