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Best Poems Written by Neil Thirstrup

Below are the all-time best Neil Thirstrup poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Sobriety Anniversary

TWO YEARS TODAY!!That's right, go ahead 
and let the UNIVERSE know big SISTA, that's 
1,051,200 min sober yeah we're countin 
WITH YA! Raise your arms, leap, feel free to 
shout a SCRIPTURE, crowds clapping, joyful 
smiles and tears, NOW PLAYING " DAWN'S 
DAY" A Paramount PICTURE... The past and 
all the uncontrollable, irresistible, impractical 
disease infected moments are 
WITHDRAWALABLE, they are erasable, no 
longer noticeable and you have shown ALL 
easy cuz those overemotional thoughts 
are so easily MANIPULATABLE, and attack 
every weakness to breakdown your guard 
trying to convince you that those cravings 
are simply IRRESISTIBLE! But exactly 
63,072,000 seconds ago you Dawn-ster
stood up to that MONSTER, took your life 
recalculated and refinanced the interest and
showed STRIFE, took down the for sale sign  
put a hold on moving on to the AFTER LIFE!

Copyright © Neil Thirstrup | Year Posted 2014

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Allen “Gene” Claibourn
Grandpa showed me the way to 
get things done and how to do 
them right,  he showed me how 
to make a knot but i could 
never get it quite as tight. He 
showed me how to splice a 
board to support a shaky beam, 
he taught me how to get that 
row boat easily upstream. He 
showed me how to be polite 
and to act with dignity, showed 
me that respect and honor go 
one and one with common 
courtesy. He told me to have 
Pride and honor in all the work 
I do, do it right the first time 
and it will surely repay you. 
You have to sacrifice in life to 
get the things you want, keep 
your wants last put your family 
out in front . Always take two 
steps back before that one 
ahead, don't stress about 
material things you can't take 
them when your dead. I only 
started realizing how right he 
was as I grew into a man,our 
lives pass by so fast like air 
through his  homemade blower 
fan. I wish I had just one more 
week with him or even just one 
day, maybe do his metal runs, 
junk a car and maybe hear him 
say, I had that once "took exlax 
"then adjust his hat with his 
thumb and index finger, look at 
someone smile shake his head 
and say "humdinger", maybe 
hear him whistle an old tune 
that I'd never heard, sit on the 
porch in the morning with him 
while he mimicked every bird, 
go trim some trees, cut some 
weeds, maybe dig some more, 
the list of things to do never 
shortened that's one thing I 
know for sure ! He was a family 
man who knew what life was all 
about, he worked hard so his 
family wouldn't have to go 
without. He helped and helped 
oh yeah and then he helped 
some more, never turned his 
back, wide open is how he kept 
his door. Your hungry then 
come eat we have plenty is 
what he'd say, then give 
someone his money for the bill 
they couldn't pay. But most of 
all the greatest thing my 
grandpa's ever done, was ask 
my Grandma Shirley if she 
would be the one? I don't know 
exactly how they met or where 
they went on their first date, 
but I know one thing for sure 
this was no accident a Love like 
this is Fate. I guess I 
underestimated the power 
LOVE can hold, I witnessed it 
recently  it was worth more 
than any amount of Gold. 
Grandpa loved You Grandma he 
fought so very hard to stay, he 
knew he'd get one more Eskimo 
kiss if he could make it just one 
more day. I'm telling you first 
hand at night he laid there so 
very still, but when you walked 
into the room magic is all that 
u could feel. I know he's up in 
heaven driving through a small 
ol country town, looking for the 
perfect place to settle his family 
down, I'm sure it'll be near 
some water a quiet place where 
the view is really nice, he'll 
gather up those with him and 
start building the second 
Claibourn's  Paradise. He'll have 
a big jug of water filled with ice 
to the brim, smiling and 
working with loved ones all 
surrounding him. No more pain 
no more strain, no more clear 
plastic pill dividers, now he's 
relaxing working a crossword or 
showing people how to make 
those paper airplane gliders. He 
loved his kids so much 
endlessly I'd say, he tried his 
best to be there even on the 
darkest day. I could go on and 
on about my Grandpa there's 
so much more to say, these are 
only my thoughts imagine the 
countless others  in this room 
today. I Love you Grandpa, 
Grandpolio and thank you for 
being you, I hope one day I can 
be a legend to my family too. 
See ya when u get there....

Love ya Grandpa,
Neil Thirstrup

Copyright © Neil Thirstrup | Year Posted 2013

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My Love


Who is the one beside me 
holding up my weight? Always 
there no matter how much is 
on her plate! Her hair so pretty 
with that shiny Auburn gleam, 
her eyes a soothing brown with 
a perfect shade of green. Her 
smile so big and bright it 
lightens up my day, I love to 
see her approaching me and 
also walking away:). Her spirit 
sparkles her personality is 
addictive, she's got me all 
wrapped up my heart so 
constricted! Her voice can calm 
me it soothes my achy ears, 
the way she looks at me takes 
away my weary fears. She 
knows me better then I even 
know myself, she worries about 
my well being watches over my 
health. She's knows the man I 
am knows when something's 
wrong, can read me like a book 
remember my words just like a 
song. She even knows what 
size shoes I wear pants and 
shirt, her memory so keen 
she's always so alert. I still get 
butterflies when she touches 
me, I am so very lucky she said 
yes when I went down on one 
knee. Her parents led her thru 
life definitely raised her right, 
her morals are firm, faith is 
strong and for her family she 
will fight. It was fifteen years 
ago that I asked her to be my 
lady, five years later after that 
God blessed us with a baby ! 
Instantly I knew the mother 
she would be, she didn't want 
to put him down held him close 
constantly. Four years later we 
decided ones just not enough, 
if the second one is like 
Chandler it wouldn't be so 
tough. Again God blessed us 
and sent our second little boy, 
Caden came into this world our 
2nd bundle of joy!! Our boys 
have got to be the luckiest 
brothers on planet Earth, cause 
God chose her to be the woman 
who gave them birth. She's a 
woman now the one who holds 
my heart, she grabbed it and 
squeezed it at hello, owned it 
from the start. The saying " she 
loves me like Jesus" is how she 
makes me feel, I can feel it 
thru her eyes my soul knows its 
for real! Hollie Thirstrup, that's 
her name, my one and only 
Love, My very bestest friend, 
my wife, my angel from above! 
I hope she knows that still 
today she makes my heart 
race, can still make me blush 
you know bright red turns my 
face! I will be by her side til 
death do us part, theres 
absolutely nothing that will 
keep us apart. If I leave this 
earth before you just 
remember one thing, my love 
for you is endless keeps going 
around like a ring! I LOVE YOU 


Copyright © Neil Thirstrup | Year Posted 2013

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Road Trip

Road Trip
Roaring motor, full tank of gas, 
candy paint covered the car,
Odometer reset, shades on, the 
wheels shining like a star.
Another mission we're on 
without a phone, no GPS,
Didn't matter where we were 
going, ain't got no worries-zero 

Throttles down, top is dropped, 
wind blowing through our hair, 
Racing thru the turns and 
traffic, passing with no care! 
In due time we'll make it, 
arrive to our destination,  
Properly revise our plan and 
find the nearest gas station.

Copyright © Neil Thirstrup | Year Posted 2013

Book: Shattered Sighs