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Best Poems Written by Jamie Kennedy

Below are the all-time best Jamie Kennedy poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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My Mother, My Strength

I know her grief and her pain
I know the look in her eye
But her determination is her gain
And her attitude to strive is not shy

She walks with her head held high 
She makes it seem easy, not hard at all 
She is not wiling to give up and die
And she will get up after every fall

She has God on her side and hope in her heart
She has fought this for over ten years and ten more will be fought
She is my mom and she is courageous and smart
And she shows so much strength it gives me might

Copyright © Jamie Kennedy | Year Posted 2006

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Questions Unanswered

Sometimes, I wonder what I could have changed
Sometimes, I wonder if all my hopes and dreams were hanged 
I know I could never please him 
See, there was my dad and then there was Jim

I worked and sweat and tired
I worked two jobs in high school and didn't get fired
I got straight A's and was a mechanic he made
As a child we were close, as I grew our relationship fade

I would ask what I could have done more
I would ask why all the put downs, what were they for
I would ask how come he didn't love me,
How come everything I did was never good enough for he

See, its too late now, we walked away
I refused to see things his way
He refused to see things mine
I guess everything will be fine

He is my father, but I just can't  care
he has done to much for me, anymore, to bare
He chose to miss the rest of my life
Little does he know, two grandchildren, he will never put in the same strife

Copyright © Jamie Kennedy | Year Posted 2006

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My Life Is Hell On Earth

Help me , O Lord
I'm so tired of being bored
I'm tired of trying 
I'm tired of crying

With all the strife
I'm losing my life
I can't talk to my kin
They walk out of my life and then back in
I just want to die with a big glass of gin

My life is slowly fading away
And everyone pretends it will be okay
Dad quit trying 
Mom quit crying
I feel like I'm dying

I do My job filled with hate
I realized this can't be my fate
Drinking, I will stop in my time 
My voice will be heard not mimed 
I will save money, I'll have at least a dime

Dad says my life is hell on earth
But I say I'm just getting started

Jamie Leigh Kennedy

Copyright © Jamie Kennedy | Year Posted 2006

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A Parent's Advise

Chase down your destiny
Run down your desire
Teach your heart to hope a little
Teach your brain to cope a lot

Teach yourself to love a little
But don't be to vulnerable
Teach yourself to trust a little 
Teach yourself to pray a lot

I won't always be there to hold your hand
I can only take you so far
But I know one thing for damn sure
I'll be there to watch you walk

Copyright © Jamie Kennedy | Year Posted 2006

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Her Eyes Never Lies

She smiles all the time
She never laughs, she thinks it's a crime
You can see the pain in her eyes
The pain and fear in her eyes never lies

She has been through a lot and suffered even more
She can not sleep or rest and what's it all for
Her brain plays a twisted game
She is so lost in her head she can't even remember her own name

Pain is all she knows
But this can't be what she sows
Her heart is numb and can not love or feel
All the pain and hurt, no medicine can heal

So all though she smiles all the time
And she thinks laughing is a crime
You will always see the pain in her eyes
Because the darkness in her eyes never lies

Jamie Kennedy

Copyright © Jamie Kennedy | Year Posted 2006

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Why My Little Girl?

I watch my child in her delay
Waiting for speech some day
Holding my heart in her hand
Her mind is slipping through my fingers like sand
She has an emptiness in her eyes
She listens but makes no connection or ties
I feel as if I failed somehow
So what can I do for her now
She is the butterfly in my life
Yet she is all lost in strife
Please tell me why my little girl
Why my precious baby girl?

Copyright © Jamie Kennedy | Year Posted 2006

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We all need to love a little 
but we can't be to vulnerable or brittle
We need to find our own way
We need to have our own say

We all need to be individual people, right
We all need to follow our own light
We have to march to our own beat
We all need our own feat

But there is always a time to join hands
There is always a time to release the bands
To raise our voices in one united yell
And to declare we haven't fell

Our lives will prosper as individuals and as one
We need freedom and safety to have fun
We have to stand together and fight
We, together, have unbeatable might.

Copyright © Jamie Kennedy | Year Posted 2006

Book: Reflection on the Important Things