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Best Poems Written by Nico Jagga

Below are the all-time best Nico Jagga poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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When I Die

when i die
the clocks will keep ticking
the earth will not mourn
even you my love will not miss  a heartbeat
nor will you pause to hold your breath
all the warmth and emotion inside will escape me
the earth will accept me cold

and all this makes me wonder 
will i be treasured inside you
even when memories of me grow faint
will you still see me in your surrounds
will you hear my voice

or will i my love,be no more
out of sight out of mind,,,,

Copyright © Nico Jagga | Year Posted 2013

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A Broken World

dying is easy
living is hard
so i heard 

 i ask you

look around you

what do you see
other than a broken world

so much torn
survival every day
has been moulded into an art

people everywhere
their suffering silently mirrored
in hollow eyes
no hope no smiles

eyes once so hopeful
now lifeless 

i have no answer nor any solution

there is no remedy nor any salvation 
and i can offer none

people are struggling through life
bearing their own cross

attempting to provide 
for those who rely on them

i close my eyes shut 
i silently ask
"please understand if i do not want to see"

i find my solace 

in the smallest of mercies
enabling me to every day 
put on my harness 
shielding myself
the broken world

it is there for every one to see

Copyright © Nico Jagga | Year Posted 2013

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Cross Roads

In life
So i have learnt
There are always 2 roads to 
Always a cross road 
And maybe  its just human 
Maybe its just one of life's 
That it is always our mistake to 
Our error to learn from
I have not worked it out for 
Nor have i found any answer 
from within
But i ask you dear friend
Is it not odd
That when one stands at the 
cross roads
The road that looks inviting and 
In hindsight proves to be wrong
It leaves me with a wry smile
It leaves me with wondering 
One always wonders 
Whether the road not chosen 
Would not have been better
 'Cos it always seems that way
With the benefit of time gone 
It is sad however
It is true
One would never know
Because no matter how
The choice cannot be reversed
Time cannot be turned back
Leaving one to wonder 
What would have been had i 
not chosen you

Copyright © Nico Jagga | Year Posted 2014

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Time Passes Slowly 
Bobby Dylan said
When I was young and I  
sought to conquer 
my own Everest 
I suppose he was right
But then,as time passed ,
And the conquering of Everest 
became a daily fight
I realized with a fright
When Bobby Dylan said that,
He himself was still young
And now at seventy plus
 I am sure
Bobby will agree

Time actually moved so fast
 Today, i still endeavour 
 to conquer my own Everest
I realize now that I overtook 
my own youth
And I am freewheeling to my 
old age
Time oh precious commodity
Full of humor and irony
Why else would you only pass 
slow to the youthful and 
I can't write like Bobby Dylan 
nor a song like him can I sing
But if I could 
I would 
place this lament 
before his door
Time flies and that's for sure

Copyright © Nico Jagga | Year Posted 2013

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Darkness darkness
Why do you visit me
Even now when the sun shine 
so bright
Never did I know
Never did I comprehend 
How darkness of mind
Can cloud day and night
How blackness of the soul cast 
a shadow over light
I try to escape from my tomb 
So claustrophobic and tight
The deep darkness within my 
Blinding my outlook on life
Blinding my sight
Ever so dark no escape in sight
How ever much have I tried to 
welcome the sun
Invited into my heart the light
I battle on for evermore
From within the cocoon of 
Cutting through the womb
Forever thirsting for the light 
And yet I have to concede
Like a valiant soldier giving up 
on the fight
I am welcomed back into  my 
own darkness 
Regardless of whether it is day 
or night

Copyright © Nico Jagga | Year Posted 2013

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In My Eyes

In my eyes- an ode to my daughter
In my eyes you have always been
The most wondrous being I have ever seen
In my eyes even when you were small
You were destined  to grow up standing tall
In my eyes evene when you tried to be mean
I could still see the softness inbetween
You are my reason to carry on
Even when i feel weak i know i must  be strong
In my eyes I see you grow
I know the time will inevitably be
When you will move on in life and say goodbye my daddy
Remember once and for all
Even then
In my eyes you will always remain small

Copyright © Nico Jagga | Year Posted 2018

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Darkness Bright

Darkness oh darkness

I ask myself “can it be ?”
Or is it only me that am able to see

So much light 
In the blackest of night

Is it only me that finds comfort 
in the blackness of your womb?

Is it only me that feel so free ?

Released from the shackles that is life
The every day struggle 
The strife?

How can it be
That what was once so feared 
Has now become revered
What once was so damned 
Has become my solitude
My silence my rest

Darkness oh darkness
Where others see monsters
I see light

The moon has become my partner
Nothing more do I seek
No desire for the sun
No daylight do I crave

As with it comes the chains 
The metamorphosis into being a slave

The ever enduring chase  after 
a life that forever in the day
 seems so far out of reach

Darkness oh darkness

How much wisdom within 
Ready to be unlocked
Ready to be taught

The promise of your own enlightenment
The shelter from the light

And yet, the paradox is so clear
For in darkness I can see all that I really need
That I hold dear

And now I seem to understand 
Now I seem to grasp
The night has locked within
 life,clarity and peace

Copyright © Nico Jagga | Year Posted 2021

Book: Reflection on the Important Things