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Best Poems Written by Rachael Turnage

Below are the all-time best Rachael Turnage poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Are we too busy thinking of tomorrow?
Trying to stay two steps ahead in the game
That we forget to cherish here and now
Remember to live today.
I can honestly say I am guilty.
I admit I am constantly planning for the future
Sometimes I don’t enjoy moments as much as I could
Due to wondering what is next in line.
Maybe when I’m old and grey (hopefully) and looking back
That I realise I did alright. I really didn’t do bad
A lot of experience in my life
But what if it’s only then, when I’m reminiscing 
That I am smiling because of my past
What about when I’m living it?
Instead of always fretting, if everything is the right move
Shouldn’t I enjoy it when it’s happening?
Try to make the most of the moment
As a cliché as it is to say
To live each and every day.
Love it for what it is, rather than thinking of tomorrow
Because we never know what tomorrow holds
What will be around the corner,
And it’s best to do something
Than regret not doing it at all.
Isn’t life at the end of the day
For living, not just for existing
Not for always assuming, contemplating of what’s ahead
As life can be exhilarating.
So I am determined, to go out and really do some living!

Copyright © Rachael Turnage | Year Posted 2006

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A Big Experiment

Does this world exist as we know it?
It’s the only way we know of, so it’s all we can see,
but what if there is a bigger picture,
not obvious to the eye,
not easy to comprehend in ones mind?
We all ask what is the meaning to life
(not in a depressive state)
but just generally wondering why.
What is the human race here for?				
What is each members purpose?
Could it be possible,
that it is all a big experiment?
By something we don’t know of,
created by something unexplainable,
What if the impossible,
is in fact possible.
To stretch our minds that bit further
and not think of ourselves as of utmost importance.
Just because we are the most powerful species on this planet,
does not’t mean we are in comparison,
to another existence. 
We can’t be the only living things
in such a vast amount of ‘space’
On the scale of things,					
our world is just another dot in the sky.
Although the human race is intelligent,
and powerful,
it is only what we know of.
What don’t we know of?
What else could be out there?
What are we really, on the whole?
Is this too much to even think about?
So confusing, so frustrating
because there are so many unanswered questions.		
So many suggestions.
Are all these just thoughts
in ones imagination?
Is that all it is, wild and crazy judgements?
Or could there be some hint of possibility,
(whether we’d like to admit it or not)
some possible reality,
in the madness of what has just been said?
Then again, isn’t the whole world madness?
The entire concept of all things is utterly mind-boggling.
Many thought Einstein was crazy,
maybe it’s these crazy thoughts that develop,
that are what keeps our sanity!

Copyright © Rachael Turnage | Year Posted 2006

Details | Rachael Turnage Poem


Do I listen to my doubts, my fears		
Or do I note my hopes, my desires
Do I listen to that little voice in me
That tells me to stop being so crazy
Or do I give way to the little thought I could make it reality
Just maybe, it could happen to me
Do I kick myself down when I wonder what its all for
Or kick myself up the ass knowing I can reach far
Pick myself back up, till again I’ll be feeling good
Do I wallow in self-pity, when something doesn’t go my way
Or pity the people that said no, knowing they’ll regret it someday	
Do I prove people wrong and prove myself right
Or do I fall down and lose that fight?

Will I keep going and face each problem, tackle each obstacle
Or will it become too much, that I give in, I fail
Will I keep belief, keep faith and stay confident
Or will I believe those who say I can’t, that I’m arrogant
Will I take it a step at a time and be patient
Or beat myself up wanting self-fulfilment
Will I let my insecurities get in my way
Or will they make me persevere, make me stay
Make me more focused, more determined
Or will I break
Will I go forward, even after a knock-back
Or will it stop right there, because I can’t take that?

How am I to know something’s right	
Or something’s wrong
How am I to know what I can’t cope with
Or when I can be strong
How am I to control my destiny
When sometimes I can’t control me
How am I suppose to know what to listen to
My heart or my mind
When sometimes there telling me something so different
I can’t decide
Gut feeling, gut instinct, to make a decision
A sensible move, or risk-taking?				
How am I to know?
Will I get to where I want?
What do I listen to?
Can I struggle on?

I believe I can, I know I can
Have my up and down days
But I’ve got to tell myself
That I’ll do it my way
Got to take the bad with the good
And the good with the bad
And you know what,
I’ll be having the last laugh!

Copyright © Rachael Turnage | Year Posted 2006

Book: Reflection on the Important Things