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Best Poems Written by Melissa Perry

Below are the all-time best Melissa Perry poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Who Am I

where am i to belong in this corrupt judmental world
where do i stand in society? what am i classifed as? who am i?
am i the way i am becuase of what ive seen and done
or am i like i am because i was meant to be this way
or am i even me
cant you see who you are
or do you have problems too
we dont always seem to appear what we truly are
we all put on an acts at times
then how do we knoe which act is real and which in not an act
were able to give reason and explations with no explantaion
we say everything happens for a reason, when we have no explanation 
we love to hurt, and when we hurt, we want love
some cant feel love and have recieved so much
thoes who havent recieved love can love uncondiantlly but is it the right love?
people see and hear what they please, never do they believe what they truly feel
cant you see what you do, hide from the tru you
cause your always too concenred about who

Copyright © Melissa Perry | Year Posted 2013

Details | Melissa Perry Poem

How It Is

you were crossing my mind the other day
a part of me just wanted to shoot you a text and say hey 
but i knoe we left on unfriendly terms
all the love build just stopped and disinfected like a germ
you ment the world to me at a time, 
but now its like all i dread on is that final goodbye line
we were one and now its as if nothing has ever begun
i knoe it hurts deep inside
so bad it makes you wanna hide & cry
but we both just sit there and deny
we loved enough to let go, but i wonder why these feelings still arent so
i thought love was everlasting, apparently not i guess some hearts are blinded 
and peoples feelings just go passing

Copyright © Melissa Perry | Year Posted 2013

Details | Melissa Perry Poem

The Real Me

the real me is somebody nobody is able to see
the real me is somebody i cant even be
the person i am is not what i see
the person i see is not what i wanna be 
im deciesive on where i am, and where i should be
yet i knoe where ive been and what ive seen
and i can tell you i never had somewhere to lean
it all builds up, then relases, sometimes you still cant see
where your meant to be after you break and people act obscece
my mind is racing, so i keep blazing
foggin up what i cant accept and seeing what i want to
trying to love, with no love in my soul
so much light and love waiting to be bloomed 
the real me is someone who was hurt so much
it became normal
the real me is a real person trying to find the light and fufill
evetyhing that i cant get in a pill !

Copyright © Melissa Perry | Year Posted 2013

Book: Reflection on the Important Things