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Best Poems Written by Husna Mirza

Below are the all-time best Husna Mirza poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Poor Child's Saying

In autumn the trees
were shedding their leaves

i was sitting in the light
watching the lovely sight.

i felt the moving breeze
which indeed made me please

there i was- among the rocks
my feet didn't wear any shoes nor any socks;

i looked at my clothes;all dirty and torn
this was what i had months ago worn,

i was still the same
without a name

even the autumn was same
but every time it came

it re freshened my soul and made me glad
and forget all the things that made me sad

true, most of the rich are luxuriated and pleasured in jeweled lump
but the pleasure obtained by the mesmerizing nature's beauty lies within the reach of some...

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2013

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Something that lets you express
Feelings that you don’t wanna suppress

Something that can be of mixed emotions
Different themes and distinctions

Something that gives words the power
Of changing hearts, wills and bringing peace to war

Something that gives you your right
Of freedom of speech may you be black or white

Something that can touch your heart, fill your eyes with tears making them watery,
And that something is none other than poetry……..

Poetry on Poetry
Contest entry
Date: 1/18/2013

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2013

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Why is it so that you have to fight ?
when you know you're all brothers and this aint right...
Why is it so that you have to be greedy?
when you have enough, more than the poor and needy...
Why is it so that you have to be jealous?
when you know its not right and may even hell us...
Why is it so that you are not thankful to the ALMIGHT?
when you see others can you bear such a sight?
Why is it so that you have become blind
with fame and pride just in your mind?
But the time will come when you all will see
and regret and weep and then no one will be

forgiven and will be sent to an unimaginable place no man has seen
and there they'll be punished and wont even have their family there to lean.......

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2013

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Dilemma of An Overthinker

days go by and i am the same
things around me change
yet my mind thinks the insane
good things happen
but i stale on worse ones
opportunities missed and i live on regrets
my head spins on a thousand stories
interpreted in ample different ways
dwell on thoughts that dont matter
ignoring things that actually matter
if it's not perfect it's nothing
grinding myself everyday
fear clouds my mind-what if
worst case scenarios I entitle myself to
criticizing everything that makes me- me
highlighting my insecurities
not letting me be
you'll never be enough
you don't deserve love
walls built around me so i don't wound
you chose to break the ice-i choose you
oh how i wish i showed my true self
how i wish i would show what i really feel
do what i want to do
so at the end of the day
I wouldn't come back to a miserable me

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2022

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Birthday Wishes

Would time resolve everything
If mine stopped
A silver lining holds me together
Little push and I may leap
Would happiness surround me
If my smile fades forever
A patient prays on his deathbed
Let me live he weeps
Another cries from her warm bed
Take me to the skies
Before the sun rises
I wish to be gone

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2022

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Cold as ice ,
she tossed the dice
Knowing where she lay ,
all the sixes came in her way

Violet lips those noticeable blues, 
rosy roman ,important cues
That put on smile no one could miss
fighting that one evil hiss,

For who could curve up that line
when there were others all across in the opposite sign,

Wonder as you may the meaning of these words
but only those superior ones can understand,
those one in a million among their herds..

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2014

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Dysfunctional Family

Life isnt fair
And it starts at home
When you're the responsible one
Even if you weren't there
You get exploited and used
Yet still it's not enough
Whatever the issue
It was because of you
If only you would get your act together
That would solve all of our problems
You were a mistake
I wish you weren't born instead
Funny how the world praises me
When at home it's all scorn and spite
No wonder I don't recognize love
When all I've learnt to accept is hate

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2022

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There was this boy i knew so hard to please,
the expressions he wore showed no signs of ease;

usually you would find him with a frown
and walk away with his head bowed down.

sometimes he would simply stare into the space,
no expressions showed his pale, placid face.

surprisingly the boy was a star;
a topper, an athlete, ready to start the car!

Rare questions to which no one knew the answer, he would know
An artist he was, his creative hand would show.

Inspite of having all these gifts, he would remain miserable;
For who knew what went within him, stopping him of what he was capable.......

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2013

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Lost Soul

young, headless and heartless
wandering amongst the crowd

forgotten the songs she sung
or the walls she painted
stories she read

stomped away her shadows of memories
unaware they follow her subconscious
habits she remembered to forget

her beatleass heart beat dead
torn between the people that surround her

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2021

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The One and Only Almight

Sometimes when thou feels crushed from within
Thou would want to share the sin
On sharing thou may not be satisfied with what thou got
So thou would regret sharing at all

Let me ease the ache for thou
Share it with the One and Only above

Neither does He spread it out
Nor does He ignore thou along
He does what will satisfy thou a lot
Bring peace to thou soul throughout

For a while thou may feel relaxed
But if the feeling comes again

Once more I can ease the ache for thou
Share it with the worthy One and Only Almighty above...

Copyright © Husna Mirza | Year Posted 2014


Book: Shattered Sighs