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Best Poems Written by Alexandra Espeset

Below are the all-time best Alexandra Espeset poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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On Eating

There’s a grinding in everyone’s mouth. 
Something cacophonous and discordant
That resonates perfection.
It sounds like continents in your throat
Villages of little fluorescent bulbs,
Branding stories on your tongue
And crunching into you
Until you become the philosopher of the world.

Copyright © Alexandra Espeset | Year Posted 2013

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For Mama

Do you remember when we chased fireflies across the Serengeti?
How we woke at dawn to find the cheetah queen,
shining red like the sky?
And how after that,
Bobbing up and down with the clu-clunk of the land rover,
The breeze of African morning staining each cheek,
We held hands tight
And couldn’t let go?

We were like the sunrise finding its earth you and I,
Pulled together by the curvature of the light
And the flicker of the cheetah‘s run across the plains,
Strings of your past and mine
permeating inside each heart
So that we could taste each other’s beat and
Feel each other’s footstep.

It has always been like this for us
The experience of something age-old and secret
A silent permutation from out there to into,
Becoming part of our skin,
Cells of history
Radiating into us
the awakening of today and each.

Do you remember,
How I climbed the mountain and you watched?
How you,
like a teacher threw me into the river,
And hollered for me to swim,
With chest floating between the clouds?
And how when I came out sputtering,
You gave me a towel,
Dried me off,
Then threw me back in?

And I swam into you,
Again and again,
Between your embrace
To feel your heartbeat,
That was my heartbeat.
To see your smile which formed mine.
And everyday was filled with something new
With the smell of articulated vowels
Ah, Eh, Ay ya, Cha.
From the kitchen to our mouths,
To our blood
that made me into that river 
and you into that mountain
And us into the sky.

Copyright © Alexandra Espeset | Year Posted 2013

Details | Alexandra Espeset Poem

Never Forget the Trash

Tiptoeing through word pockets	
Seems childishly delightful.
I litter kisses on your cheek
and hop into giddiness.
Nuzzling warmth into skin,
Smiling and saying nothing,
Patiently diluting the imminent explosion.

But the heart is not the head
And I want to tell you everything.

There is too much for
Simple sugary glee 
And I am desperate to share each sun burnt phrase,
Over and over again
So that we can peel away 
Non functioning syllables
Useless falsities and shy giggles of sweetness.

Let us dig and dig and dig until  
A painfully scribbled page appears
With nonsensical verses that 
Stab and scar and swell
And we un-crumple everything
Remove forgetfulness from the trash
And make it beautiful.

Copyright © Alexandra Espeset | Year Posted 2013

Details | Alexandra Espeset Poem

10 Reactions To Flower Petals

The world quickly dissipates in your hand
and petals droop solemnly without forgiveness.

Here, a woman’s hope is crushed 
Because of one malicious rose
And the lonely dandelion
You plucked at seven 
without heart,
who loved you not,
haunts you threateningly in your gut,

Copyright © Alexandra Espeset | Year Posted 2013

Details | Alexandra Espeset Poem

On Any Given Evening

Corridors with wall sized windows are always places of rummage
Where copper candlesticks glisten and
Wood is polished by dirt particles from strenuous journeys.

Everything emits faint smells of 
Brandy and vermouth -
the sweat of great silver haired storytellers.

Glasses flood downwards 
staining tabletops and armchair sides:
Musings of grey, wrinkled Gods pondering over
50 year vendettas and century long betrayals. 

Hardwood floors creak and crack with the footsteps of ghosts:
Generals, grandmothers, and cousins in love.

Luminous forms of dust reveal nothing and everything,
Cycling unto itself over and over again.

Copyright © Alexandra Espeset | Year Posted 2013

Details | Alexandra Espeset Poem

So This Is the Way Storms Work

You whispered. 
And ragged butterflies bled into the earth, 
Grasshoppers cut through clouds, 
And in mounds, roses grinned their jagged teeth
Quietly tucked in satin.

Copyright © Alexandra Espeset | Year Posted 2013

Book: Shattered Sighs