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Best Poems Written by Shann Allyson Maurice Hernandez

Below are the all-time best Shann Allyson Maurice Hernandez poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Rest In Peace, My Friend

I didn't know you,
I'm sorry for your loss, dear,
I don't have the clue,
But know everything's clear,
No, you don't want me to fear,
Hope to see you soon.

Copyright © Shann Allyson Maurice Hernandez | Year Posted 2012

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Encouragement From a Lost Friend

There was once a boy from a town in a city,

that always made my day of every minute.

We would always play hide and seek once

a week, and have conversations every day

and night, for his name is Sebastian.

Once separated, all fell from the stars

that held the dull moon. Though apart and

no longer together, he would always be

in my heart and in the black sky. Shattered

and broken hearted, strangers found my

path and for years became friends. For those

who betrayed and stabbed my back, I couldn't

leave behind my revengeful mind.

Relationships and friendships were said to

last forever long, but what would that do

when some left me hanging from a forgotten

wall? With no fame and no super talents, I

became strong for what life could bring me.

With the thought of my lost best friend, he made

me stronger every single day. Thinking that I

would be alone in the world, one single person

could change my thoughts alone, whether if

they're there or not. With no more hundred or so

friends to follow, I now only follow those who believe

in me and still have humanity.

Though still apart and all alone, I have encouraged

those who surround my joyous life than just me alone.

Standing guard to those who love me and to those

who take care of me, I live my life to the fullest

and to not make any worries and sorrows. With those

thoughts and actions in hand, I thank my lost best

friend to lead me to the life I want to live.

Copyright © Shann Allyson Maurice Hernandez | Year Posted 2014

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Me of Need

Anger within me
Anger rose through me
Me who waits
Me who wonders
Wonders all night
Wonders all day
Day and night
Day to weeks
Weeks to months
Weeks of loneliness
Loneliness rose through
Loneliness deepens
Deepens in my heart
Deepens in my mind
Mind of those confusion
Mind of those weaklings
Weaklings are weak
Weaklings are numb
Numb feels weird
Numb is no more
More of love
More of hate
Hate is love
Hate is everywhere
Everywhere where there is love
Everywhere that goes
Goes unnoticed
Goes towards time
Time consumes
Time is everything
Everything I desire
Everything I want
Want is need
Want to live
Live through the days
Live through the nights
Nights hold the stars
Nights hold the moon
Moon shows the rabbit
Moon is one of my light
Light brightens my day
Light is wonderful
Wonderful friends help you
Wonderful friends talk to you
You is what I want
You is what I need
Need you in my life
Need so bad of your love

Copyright © Shann Allyson Maurice Hernandez | Year Posted 2014

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Beauty In the Mark

Classic going,
Where are you going,
It's not time to go yet.

Why so childish, if you're so gloomy,
On what you just said.

It's not about hate,
It's not about beauty,

Why can't you just admit
That we have beauty in a different way?

There's nothing to prove,
What you want to believe.
If not, then you're just naive.

There are a lots of beauty everywhere;
Beauty in nature,
Beauty in everybody,
Beauty in eyes,
Beauty in the world.

Why can't you just admit,
That who ever we are,
We are considered beautiful?

Copyright © Shann Allyson Maurice Hernandez | Year Posted 2012

Book: Shattered Sighs