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Best Poems Written by Khaleel Graham

Below are the all-time best Khaleel Graham poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A man turned red with rage,
He was going through an angry stage,
He saw a black man named Ray,
Get hung by the KKK,
And he just had to flip the page

A man turned red with rage,
He was going through an angry stage,
He saw a Jew named Joshy,
Get killed by a Nazi,
Then he just had to turn the page

Then he saw a Japanese man named Sukai,
So he thought this page was okay,
Then he saw a plant go boom,
And everyone went zoom,
So he just had to throw the book away

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2012

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The Story of Love

He liked her,
She liked him
He looked back,
She looked back,
But she wanted a different him,
So he looked away, sadly,
Wanting to talk to her,
But never worked up the nerve,
Never stopped thinking about her,
She kept making fun of him,
He still wanted her,
But she got the other him,
But the other he got a new her, 
She, heartbroken, looked for him,
He comforted her,
They fell in love,
He got her,
She got him,
Now they live happily ever after,
Never letting go of their love

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2012

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Young lady with a twinkle in her eyes
Ready, with her past in disguise
Thighs tight
Bulge in her green dress
Rythmic swaying body
Drawing eyes to her chest
Steady and slow
Stride heel to toe
Show ‘em what heartbreak
Forced you to know
Sweetest fragrance 
Flows in her curls
So bright
She puts her own shine in her pearls
Lover of classy dine
But tonight her majesty wasted
Another non arrival
Lips she never tasted
Rolls in sheets
With only her flask
Mental note
Men always come last

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2013

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Eye Candy

Eye Candy
Eye candy, visual sweets
Fed to us by what appeals to our 
Lustful taste
Desires that we chase
And assets that we embrace
See the flesh puts its hand
Into the world’s candy basket
And tries to claim what’s ours
Whether it takes days weeks or hours
And sooner or later 
We get to things sour
And find a familiar face
And on our path to treats
We attempt to trace
The places we’ve been
And bras that we’ve unlaced
But nevertheless we never find
That one fulfilling treat
And no matter how many times
Someone else’s sheets become
Our home for the night
We don’t feel love
We don’t feel trust
What has become of us

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2013

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What Is Joy

The feeling of warmth,
When with families and friends,
Receiving gifts,
Learning new styles and trends

What is joy,
Is this the feeling,
This bright warmth inside me,
My scars are healing

Comforting, bright colors,
Dazzling colorful lights,
People having a good time,
They are your shining knights

Atmosphere full of sharing,
No sight of this thing called hate,
Look at that beautiful sunset,
Time to go or we’ll be late

Is this what real joy is,
Spending time with the ones you love,
A true sign of peace after a flood,
Like that olive carrying dove

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2012

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If Only

If only there was a light that would brighten my day
A light to guide me when things aren’t going my way
If only there was something to illuminate my path
To cure my depression, to calm my wrath

If only there was a rock that would help me defend
To build up my strength, sturdy until the end
If only there was a stone that would stay strong when I’m weak
To raise my spirits, whose support I could seek

If only there were roots that would anchor my tree
Gather new nutrients, help bare new leaves
If only there were a stem that would hold my seeds
Support the blooming flowers, and keep away the weeds

If only there was a woman to love my head to my feet
But a woman like that, I have yet to meet
“If” shouldn’t bring your hopes up, I should say
Because we would never stop living if “If” was a day

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2012

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Sorrows Reflection

A man feels that the world’s against him,
He ends up being the laughing stock,
Is called ignorant by many,
Trying to stand tall, he hides this sadness, no, this is deeper, sorrow,
He hides his sorrow behind a mask,
A mask that makes people laugh,
A mask that makes him look happy,
But people close know it’s a fake,
Made fun of because of his outer appearance,
Because he was so different,
He would keep it bottled up,
So much that they would pour out of his eyes,
When he was fake laughing,
People would see this sadness, and ask, “What’s wrong?”
And he would reply, “Nothing.”
The world he lives in,
The world he interacts with,
Treats him like dirt,
Adds more to his misery,
The man looks into the mirror to see his reflection,
And what appears?
A man that looks just like me

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2012

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The World As I See It

The world as I see it isn’t exactly rainbows and butterflies
More like a huge on and off storm
Gray and glum, barely freeing sunlight
Save the shiny trickling beams
Down the crevice within the clouds
Where the gloomy sky is ruled by corruption and greed
And the abundant puddles are overtaken by misfortune and impoverishment
The storms exist from colliding air pressures
Which have different ideals and proposals
But cease to get along
And because of them, small organisms on the surface
Must live through conflict 
And suffer through the consequences of social injustice
But cries are answered
And the heavens respond
When the clouds part and the sea stills
And those narrow trickles of light
Turn into full on oceans
And light floods the surface instead of water
The colliding forces compromise
And everyone else finally benefits
From the world’s delicacies
Although it was not what was originally intended

Copyright © Khaleel Graham | Year Posted 2012

Book: Shattered Sighs