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Best Poems Written by Gabriel Levicky

Below are the all-time best Gabriel Levicky poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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For Yehuda Amichai

Gabriel A. Levicky

When a poet dies,
Rewind his piercing fingers
Open the gates!

When a poet flies by,
Brush your remaining hair
Build a tent 
In the heart of a new poem.

When a poet is born again,
Learn how to walk on the water
Reinvent long-lasting kisses.

Copyright © Gabriel Levicky | Year Posted 2012

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My Father Is Dancing With Death

Gabriel  A. Levicky


His elephant ears moved.
His ash face, straight from a collection of death masks
Those behind dust covered windows.
And yes.
His dentures, click, click run away,
Scaring very young nurses.
His legs, a pair of prehistoric bird wings
Ready to be folded
In case there is not enough room when under.
His watery eyes see a different future.
The one where he was a little boy, chasing dogs
In love with weeping willows.
His scary razor thin lips, once rich and juicy, gathering 
Silent questions
His mouth, a cave full of 
Hunting scenes, sacrifice-ready animals.
His hands, bloodlessly flipping 
So fast we can’t see it.
The exit sign ahead begged us to leave.
My dropped jaws followed. 
I turned around.
My father is dancing with Death.
His elephant ears like his clan banner, 
Wave in this stiff-air room,
Creating a draft
That changes everything…

Humenne, Slovakia March ‘09

Copyright © Gabriel Levicky | Year Posted 2012

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Dead Typewriter

Gabriel A. Levicky


Here I go again!
The not-so blind date
With history
Narrowed my and-I-thought-they-have-seen-everything eyes.  
All I can touch 
A paper, a report
Blown in from the past. 
Everything else becomes a crippling echo.
Paris 9.4.1942
Attention: Eichmann.

Time: 8:55 am, transport # D901/23
From Le Bourget-Drancy to Auschwitz
With 1000 Jews
Has been just dispatched.*
Each Jew received 2-week provisions.
Please confirm.

Neatly typed Pica letters report.
On a polished typewriter,
A victim of war,
Now long dead.
The earth is not round yet
It is not turning.
Only the past is rotating, whirling
In the autumn park carousel.
Now you feel it.
Now you don’t.

NYC, October’ 01

*Based on the found written report dated 9/4/1942, sent at 10:30 AM by an  anonymous Nazi officer stationed  in Paris
 to Eichmann 
in Berlin

Copyright © Gabriel Levicky | Year Posted 2012

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Our Journey

Gabriel A. Levicky
All this Universe and  all it takes is a blink of a right eye
While the other happily announces our end.
This journey is long & short at the same time.
Gods deserted this vastness 
Only their black hole mirrors remained.
Now it is gas and space, space and gas
Like a scoop of life melting 2 million light years away.
How I wish not to be afraid of rebirths and silent distances
Irrelevant to our cosmic insignificance.
It is a real race out there.
Who will invent another god soon?
Who will lick the memories in a glass jar?
Count cold fingers of unknown & borrow heat of yesterdays?
Who is wiser when everything is gone?
Your void is powerful enough
To be reborn as an imperfect ? mark.
Does this sun play  Ping-Pong with our Moon!
Tell me what else you need to believe in faith?
It is quite clear
Our journey is almost complete when least expected.
Never question echo’s depth
Rivers determination.
If you are lucky, you might forget
About yourself.

NYC, July 2012

Copyright © Gabriel Levicky | Year Posted 2012

Details | Gabriel Levicky Poem

For Kubra

Gabriel a. Levicky 
Who are you my burned, shimmering steppes  Goddess?
Perhaps Seljuk’s priestess
Holding a dagger that erases every illusionary age?
You’ve arrived like a confused, lost dove,
Carrying secret messages I wish I could devour 
Resuscitate as a different mirror.
Yes, you are here.
Boiling my blind, unbearable fantasy.
You might remember me as a speck of dust.
There is no one able to replace you.
So, I am searching in the ruins to build you a temple,
My Goddess of Now.
But, wait!
Don’t throw these keys away yet…

NYC July 2012

Copyright © Gabriel Levicky | Year Posted 2012

Book: Shattered Sighs