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Best Poems Written by Robert Needles

Below are the all-time best Robert Needles poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Blessed Hands

I see the fields of a thousand years, Stretched before my eyes, And the hard work I've endured throughout those years, Seeing the fruits of my painstaking labor, That blood and sweat have produced. I've rid my fields of the hatred of the world, Held the bugs of disease at bay, Kept the rabbits of famine from reaching life, And squashed the snakes of drought, Watching day by day the evils dying, Withering away like the dust in my mind, Watching my life's work grow before my eyes. The pain that plagued my heart once, Is now lifting into the setting sun, Blowing off into the breeze of yester morn, Into the whistling ends of time. Towards the gates in the glorious heavens, That guide the lost souls of this world, With their mighty trumpets. My field is a reflection of my life, The perils I have faced day in and day out, And the hardships I have had to endure, Near to the brink of my own destruction, And the constant showers of tears, That once shrouded my blurry vision. I leave this world with this gift, To show them what can be accomplished, Through hard work and sacrifice. Things can be rewritten, Fate is not always the way it is meant to be, You must make it your destiny, Shape your own future, Or the crops of existence, Shall wither and die.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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Dreaming 'Land of the Irish Isles' Part 1

It's a brilliant and starry night, The moon overthrows it's light, As shadows dance across the warm wet earth, Like fairies illuminating the murky forests, With their otherworldly glow, Playing hide-and-seek, Beneath the toadstools, And the hollows of sleeping flowers, It is quite mesmerizing. Think of vast emerald green hills, Rolling towards the sea for miles, The coastline with the sound of colliding waves, The heavenly scent of the sea breeze, Drawing you closer toward it, Beckoning for you to enter, As the minute fish that flip into the air, Almost seeming to fly into the still night sky. Just thinking about it reminds me of a poem, To my love, I give thee the sky, The earth, The stars and the heavens, The land and the sea, The creatures that dwell in and upon it, The fire that burns on a cold winter night, The crystal palace wrought from the shimmering ice, Everlasting life and faithfulness, And most of all, My never ending love to thee, My sweet goddess of eternity.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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He Walks No More

He walks the moonlit moor, With eyes all aglow, Hunting down his next victim, Bringing death unto us all. His ears are perked up, Listening to the sounds, That fill the night sky, From the bats to faint footsteps, And horses neighing in the distance. He makes his way through the woods, Seeing the faint lights of the streetlamps, Showering light upon a figure, Huddled beneath it's glow. He licks his lips, Tasting the fresh blood that will soon, Fill his slathering jaws, The tender flesh tearing in his teeth, The high shrill screams echoing into the night, That will end in bitter silence. Moving through the woods, Keeping his eyes plastered to the figure, Knowing if he looks away for a moment, His victim may flee without a warning, And thus he may be vulnerable to the hunter. For aeons he's wandered the world, From Japan to the Polynesian Islands, And now the US is where he resides, Feasting on the aristocratic flesh, Of prominent families. He stops at the edge, Turning his head, Looking for any that may stop him. Nothing but the figure seems to haunt the night, Beneath the fading streetlight. Thrusting himself out, he runs, Forcefully through the thickened night, Towards the careless human, Claws stretched out before him, With blood-lust burning within his eyes. Suddenly he stops and lunges, Landing on top of the person, And begins ripping at their throat, Realizing there is no blood, Is when he feels a sharp pain in his side, And drops to the ground. His yellow eyes look about, And see a figure in the dark, Smoke fills the air around it, It's the hunter he fears, He tries to scramble to his feet, But is brought down by another piercing pain. The figure moves closer, A barrel of a gun comes sliding into the light, Followed by the figure wearing dark clothes, Walking slowly through the night, Gun pointing down at the beast, That lay wounded before him. He musters up enough strength, To lift his heavy body, And tries to lunge, Bang!!! Is the last thing his ears register.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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Haikus Set One

Pain Fire and acids burn flesh Putrid smells escape from deep black holes Blood seeps from the heart. Soulrow Blood, Bone, poison, water Combine to form my beating heart Dark soul of terror. Broken Broken heart of love Shattered is my long lost dreams Love is long gone. Wounds Paths of dirty blood daggers Pierce the undying flesh of my body Pain is but a memory.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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She was taken away from me, At such a young age, We were just newlyweds, When she fell deathly ill, To an unknown sickness. The doctors could do nothing, But hope that the sickness would pass, Each day; she grew frailer and sicker, Till the sickness consumed her, And she no longer could hold on, And passed on that fateful night. Till this day I still hear her, Begging me between coughs, To stop smothering her with her pillow, Watching her squirm weakly, Until she layed limp, My hands were once so gentle, Now that of a murderer. I felt her heart give way, Heard one last word, Escape her muffled mouth, As she sipped her last breath. Now on this night, She stands before me like a silhouette, A horrid creature of decay, Smelling of death, With blackened eyes, And blue peeling lips. “My dearest Ophelia, Forgive me” I cry, Falling to my knees, Seeing a sneer run across her lips, As she blows ashes into my face, Burning my eyes. “Please I cry” as blood pours like tears, Spilling from my dry throat, Feeling my innards as they burn, As my charred body falls, Falls to the ground in ashes, As I part this world, Into my own hellish torment.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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The emptiness I fear, is all too real, Still seeing everything as if I was there, Burning in my hands, the itch on my face, Screaming...yet nothing escaping my lips, Feeling the warm blood as it pushes it's way up, Bubbling against my teeth. The paramedics came, But I was never found, A part of me was left in that place, To die beneath the silver moon, That seems to hover above my resting place. Death...I was never scared to die, Only scared of what my life was, Wishing that death would change my perspective, Clear me of the doubts that troubled me, Vanquishing all the spirits that seemed to haunt me. The bandages were always there, Constricting me from moving, Like twisted chains bounding me to this world, Confining me to an eternal life, Where the light felt like the fires of a thousand suns, Roasting me alive. I believe now that the veil has been lifted, The days just seem to grow dim, My heart aches so badly from within my chest, As I feel the jolts shoot through me, Knowing this existence must come to an end, That I'm far too long gone... I've flat-lined...

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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Driven Off By Life

Fated to reside in this world of the living dead, Being hunted by the creatures, Who once were my friends and family, Now crazed beasts that want to devour me. There was no nuclear bomb, Or a leakage of some super compound, I have no clue what happened, They just began to change, Becoming more primitive and less social. I'm always on the move, Hearing their shrilling cries, Knowing that more victims fall, As they move in on me, Eventually I'll have nowhere to hide. I fear that day shall be today, I'm confined in this place, Trapped in a corner like a rat, Frantically trying to find a way to escape. Their moans and cries seem louder, And the last of the light is dimming, I can feel their breathe upon me, This is the end for me. They will confine me, Lock me away from everyone, They say it's for my own good, And that I shall never hurt anyone ever again. I only pray that they end my pain, Not make me suffer, Through their experimentation, That made me this way, It was your fault, I was just your human guinea pig.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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Endless Sea of Lost Dreams

Rolling waves seem to create, And yet destroy, What they began to mold, Tucking and sliding about, Tossing and tumbling, Like large water-droplets. The sea reflects everything, That mirrors in it's surface, Spinning it around like a great big wheel, Reaching far beyond eternity, To the lands of my birth. I wish that I could just drift away, On those calm, yet peaceful waves, Returning to those calm waters I once knew, And loved so very dearly, Where fond memories still lay dormant. But this prison seems to bind me, To this place of no return, A paradise unlike any imaginable, Where only me and my thoughts dwell, Shifting like the sands of an hourglass, Being flipped over to begin anew. I watched as the tide came in, Pulling the last rays of the setting sun, Out into the never-ending vastness, Of the deep crystal blue sea. And the stars began to twinkle in the sky, Like warriors of old, trying to guide me, Guide me back to the one I love, Who's memory shall soon fade away, With the passing of time. But I will hold onto this piece, And will wish upon the stars, That one day I will make it back, Back where I belong in your arms, And close to your everlasting heart.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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Mad Tea Anyone

Welcome to a world of imagination, Where nothing is what it seems to be, A world unlike any other, A world, Where being mad is normal. "Come sit with me, Care for a cup of tea, Come, come be seated please, We have much to discuss", Exclaims the hatter. "About shoes and ships; and ceiling wax, Cabbages and kings, And why the sea is boiling hot, And whether pigs have wings." "Peculiar you say? My child; I have no idea what you mean, What is so peculiar about me? Do I have rat in my teeth? Or is my hat too big for my head?" "What do you have to say Hare?" He looks over to the old dingy rabbit, Whose eyes seem to droop forever, Watering every time he blinks, As thick drool, Spills from his open mouth. "I say kill her, slice her throat, I have the jelly knife here, I wonder what she'll taste like in me tea", Says the hare with an evil cackle. The hatter speaks unto the girl, "I'm sorry to inform you, But the tea party is over for you, You wandered into our garden, And were never invited." Out pops the door mouse, From his cracked sugar bowl, Running towards the girl, With what seems to be rusty hooks, He jumps onto her head, And gouges her eyes out. She screams in utter agony, As the hatter removes the pins from his hat, And begins to impale her heart, In jumps the hare, Slicing her throat over a cup of tea. They all resume their seats, And sip their tea. "I say, this is a fine cup of tea", Says the Hatter, With tea drizzling down his lips, "Such a lovely party, And so glad you could have come, With so many memories, This is the last one of our song, Goodbye Alice, You were one bad child".

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012

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Dark Expanse

Fading into the black expanse, I feel my life as it slowly passes me by, Flashing before me like one of those picture shows, Spanning from my childhood, Up until the day I left home, And abandoned all that I loved. I went off to seek my place in the world, Because I felt like a caged bird in that town, That had it's wings clipped long before it could fly, Imprisoned in a place where people came and went, Never staying for periods more than a few months, And ultimately, leaving me to die inside. But one day, I came upon something new, A new lease on life you might say, I took it without thinking of the consequences, Was hoping that it was my ticket to fixing that which was broken, To replace the hurt and pain that dwelled in me, But...I was wrong. There is no sound here, Just an endless abyss of tiny lights, Glittering far off in the distance, Like long lost beacons, Trying to welcome me home. I feel peace here unlike my home, The cold air I can feel enter my lungs through a small cavity, My life line cut when I was thrust out into the weightless atmosphere, From a devastating explosion, That was caused by an unexpected meteor shower. I sent out a distress signal, But know they won't make it in time, I'm millions of miles from the earth, As well as the closest station. With my last breath I breathe, I remember everyone's face, Back when life was still grand, Knowing soon I'll be at peace, And lost to this life I once lived. The stars are my home now, The earth is my light, The heavens will soon part, As time takes me away, Back into the dark expanse, That will blanket me in eternal slumber.

Copyright © Robert Needles | Year Posted 2012


Book: Shattered Sighs