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Best Poems Written by Tarrah Girard

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Little Sister

I walk down this dark path knowing where it leads,

holding a small flower gently in my hand,

As i walk the air is heavy as if the air is pressing all around me,

I reach my destination a large old decrepit building,

Still showing the burn marks on the windows and door,

I hear a scream in the distance,

Looking around knowing that no one is really there,

Just that this building holds so many memories,

Memories that are so hard to shake,

Walking up to the steps to the door,

Memories of lost ones flow in my head like a flash flood,

That day I lost her,

I lost my baby sister,

I wish I could take it back,

Take back what I said to her,

"I hate you, your the worst sister ever",

But really I don't hate you,

I miss you every day,

Wishing I could turn back time and change the last thing I said,

But I can't,

So every year I bring you your favorite flower,

Hoping you'll forgive me one day,

I think placing the fragile Daisy down on the first step,

Turning and walking away,

Looking back at the scarred house every so often,

The wind blows,

Faintly heard in the wind "I forgive you"

Copyright © Tarrah Girard | Year Posted 2011

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Everyone is different,
Don’t you see?
Many act alike,
For one reason or another,
Those that act alike,
Conceal their real selves,
Putting a mask on to hide from all,
Running to there secret hiding places,
They don’t want to be hurt by others,
None of us do,
You all hide behind that mask of yours,
Show your real self,
See how it feels to be picked on,
Could you handle it?
Worlds cut deeper then any wound ever inflicted,
They last the longest,
Those are the only real scares you will remember,
Physical scares can go away,
Or forgotten,
So how can you justify what some have done?
You can’t,
Those who suffered from this will never forget,
Some never forgive,
Some take it to extremes,
Anyone can help even a little,
Even a little help can save someone,
Save someone from a lot more then they can imagine,
Standing up for what you believe in,
Don’t let anyone put you down,
They see you fall and they attack like hungry lions,
Upon their kill,
These things are never forgotten,
The feelings are never gone,
Someone you see hurting?
You may not know them,
Take the time to get to know them,
You just might see they aren’t that different,
After all,
They aren’t very different from you,
Or I.

Copyright © Tarrah Girard | Year Posted 2011

Book: Shattered Sighs