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Best Poems Written by Jenina Hanson

Below are the all-time best Jenina Hanson poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Strip Me

Strip me...
As you do, 
Youre claiming everything that I am
Youre seeing it all
Not just the physical;
The bruises,
The scars,
The imperfections,
(Even though thats just as hard),
But youre seeing what makes me
Who I am;
Youre stripping away layers of hurt
And pain in many areas;
Youre touching raw spots.
As you do this;
Youre stripping me emotionally;
Im letting you inside
By letting you see my body;
Im saying I want you everywhere;
Inside and out;
I want you to soothe 
The unsoothable parts
Im letting you feel me,
Touch me,
Do whatever you want...
Ive never known that kind of intimacy;
On the inside
Im trembling;
Im so afraid 
Youre going to see something
You dont like, 
Or dont want,
And that terrifies me;
The fact that you could hate something about me
And that could be a reason
To leave me...
I feel so insecure 
And I dont like it at all;
For your sake as much as mine.
I want you so badly, 
I want to let you in, 
Cuz I love you so much,
And youre the only person
I would let do this.
But I freeze up sometimes;
I dont know what to say,
I dont know how to feel;
Im just paralyzed with fear
Of rejection.
I hate that I didnt go all the way for you;
I feel like I don’t give you everything I want to;
And it sucks, like I don’t feel good enough 
And that you almost resent that
Im sorry, Baby for not giving it all
But it takes time I guess...
I dont know;
I want so bad to let you 'strip me'
Maybe next time I wont be so scared;
Its not you Im scared of;
Its me;
Whats going on in my head,
That I cant even explain;
Im scared Im not good enough
For you, 
And for myself...
That sounds messed up, 
And again,
I hate that Im scared,
Scared of putting myself out in the open
Completely like that...
It takes more courage than I have;
Maybe I can get that courage from you...
I want to...
I know I can...
I will...

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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Little Boy

I wish I could capture
    This little boy
On paper;
    In a picture,
A painting,
    Or pencil drawing,
But I cant freeze a two-year-old
    Who's constantly moving,
So I write...
    His round brown-haired head
Bobbing around the room
    Hiding behind a chair
Grinning from around the corner
    Squirming in 'Gramma Minnie's' lap
Too excited for a picture
    His bright blue eyes dancing
With mischief
    Dashing away from 'Daddy'
His clear laughter
    Bubbling up
When he's captured
    And Daddy swings him
Into the air;
    Its a perfect moment;
A little boy's adventures,
    Putting a smile 
On everyone's face.

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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Suicide From a Cliff

Standing back from the edge
Im hurting do bad
Cutting cant bury the pain
I cant bleed it out anymore.
Sobbing for what I couldnt had-
Shouldve had,
I find myself at the brink
Rocky hills surround me
Staring out over the world
Reaching with my arms
Looking up into the clear sky
I scream 
With no one to hear;
To listen to me rave about my life
My f***** up family;
Nobody listened,
When I was crying.
When my heart was breaking,
I had no one to love me.
When all hope was gone,
There was no shoulder to cry on.
No one even care
If I just disappeared.
Now the loneliness is unbearable
So I take one look back
Then face open air
Far below,
The falls roar menacingly.
I lean out
The foaming water and jutting rocks
Rush towards me;
I close my eyes
Beautiful sensation of flying 
Then nothingness...

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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A Walk With An Enemy

Tears trickle down her cheeks,
 She turns her head so the man they call her Dad
Cant see her cry.
 Was it always like this?
Did it slowly develop?
 Why cant it be different?
Again, nothing was accomplished;
 Nothing had changed.
She drives home
 Tears blurring her view,
Wishing with all her heart
 That things were better.

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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My Love

He picks me up when Im down,
Chases the clouds away,
And brings me back to sunshine.
He wipes away my tears,
Cleans the blood,
And holds me until the pain is gone.
I can be sadder than sad
And in 10 minutes he can make me smile;
Maybe a watery smile, but a smile either way.
Thinking about him gives me butterflies
And looking into his eyes I see so much love;
I feel so much love.
I dont know what I did to deserve this;
I know I'll never be lonely with him by my side;
I'll always feel safe, always be happy,
And know he wont leave me.
He makes me want to do things I never did before;
Things I thought I wouldnt want to do.
Any day spent with him is special;
I dont think I could have a bad day with him;
It would get better somehow.
He taught me how to cry, 
Taught me how to laugh,
He taught me how to live.

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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Is It That Hard

Is it that hard?
I tried, I was civil, 
Even pleasant;
I asked about your stupid jeep
When I knew all about it,
I answered your few questions
Very nicely and thoroughly;
 You asked about my interview,
I told you,
Later you mocked me,
Why cant I say
Or do
Anything right in your eyes?
I admitted my wrongs,
My failures,
But when I asked you
You denied
Wouldnt give a straight answer
I shouldve known;
I listened to it 
My 18 years and one day at home;
I expected it
I was told it would happen
But still I had hope
That maybe you would soften
Maybe you would give a little
But no,
You couldnt even do that
You couldnt admit you are
You are cruel
You are twisted
You are so messed up
You are pushing your family away
And you must know it;
Its so obvious
But you cant
Or wont see it.
I dont know what to do;
I try,
I call,
I meet you
And accomplish NOTHING.
I dont want to have to do this
Im so tired of it
My own mother is terrified of you
My little brothers
And my beautiful sisters
Are scared 
To do anything 
You dont approve of;
Youre killing them slowly
Like you did me,
Thats why I left;
Thats why I ran;
I couldnt take it;
They will leave too;
You will be alone,
With no one to control,
No one to abuse,
No one to tell your rules to,
No one to manipulate
No one to listen to you,
Your lies,
Your critisism,
Your bullshit;
Im done; 
If you want to change,
If you will admit to being wrong,
If you will attempt,
Im willing
And ready to see you,
Im ready to see my family again,
But not you;
You are an ogre,
Youve said it yourself.
(Sarcasticaly of course)
Im waiting for you;
Is it that hard?

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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Tough Times

All this hurt inside

I've learned to hide so well

Trying to forget it

Burying it deep..

But when i'm in the dark


It all wells up

My heart is torn

I feel so empty

So comepletely alone

When i pray,

I hear no reply-

Why aren't You by my side?

Hearing my cries?

I sob into my pillow

Are You still a part of me?

I feel so small

The tears aren't washing away the hurt..

In this wasteland

I was told to trust the Unseen-

I know You're invisible,

But I need assurance

In my pain;

I need Your Love;

I need to feel Your arms holding me

Until the pain is gone..

Then I hear a Voice

In my head-

Somehow I can listen

I feel His hands

Fixing my heart

Holing my soul..

He is here

Right beside me

Why do I doubt?

I know I'm safe

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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I walked a broken road, Why couldnt I see, Why did I refuse to admit that You were my only Hope; My only Chance of survival? Instead, You were my last resort(option); My last call. I tried everything I knew, I thought I could make it without You, But I was beaten down, bruised, cut open, and torn apart, lost and alone; I needed You. All I had to do was cry out, but something held me back; My pride was so strong. Then I hear Your Voice, Reminding me how much I need Your Help; I needed to give it up, And fall into Your ever-loving Embrace, Because You are the only One who can save me, The One I cant live without, My loving Father.

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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She stares out the car window
Solemn and quiet 
Compared to the heated argument 
That just erupted in the front seat...
She daydreams
Waiting for the day she can leave;
Get away from this living hell
Far as she can run
Make her own decisions;
Her own life
Out from under Daddy's thumb...
Its always the same;
The fights, 
Then stony silence for days
The hidden bruises
The pain-
Physical and emotional hurt-
Hypocritical lectures from 
''The Master'' (Daddy)
Ruined relationships;
She lives with a broken heart-
Broken and half-way healed
So many times
It feels like it was never whole-
Tears trickle down her cheeks
She quickly rubs them away
Before Daddy sees.
And she daydreams again...

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011

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The Definition

I am the definition...
I am the definition Of sorrow; I am grief-stricken. 
I am the definition Of hope; I am reaching forward. 
I am the definition Of a broken heart; I am falling hard. 
I am the definition Of contentment; I am sated.
I am the defintion Of fear; I am a cowering lamb.
I am the definition Of courage; I am like a lion. 
I am the definition Of hatred; I am poison. 
I am the definition Of love; I am a beating heart.
I am the definition Of what you think...

Copyright © Jenina Hanson | Year Posted 2011


Book: Shattered Sighs