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Best Poems Written by Jesus Manriquez

Below are the all-time best Jesus Manriquez poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Fear Not My Young Sibling

Young one, I will guide you as best as I can
But you can't always be stuck holding my hand

Young one, the world is yours just don't be afraid
When your world seems to darken, that is me casting you shade

Copyright © Jesus Manriquez | Year Posted 2011

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A Little Too Far South

Prevented by chains of numeric organization
Ready for more but only stuck in contemplation

Just like a soldier told “Stay at your station”
Liberty and justice, now that’s a sensation

Life is hard but they hardly know my situation
My brain reaches panic due to this unjust nation

No reason to give up just told to be at ease
Calmness soothes, but causes time to freeze

Action and reaction, time to break this chain
Analyze, critique, sit and watch in pain

Bleakness and some turmoil come eat at the soul
Trying to start but stuck already on hold

Why or how, are but just some of the inquiries
Is my life going to always be stuck in this misery?

Bide your time, they say patience is a virtue
But waiting only does so much, it may just hurt you

Sip softly come drown your sorrows
Might as well who knows if there even is a tomorrow

Thieving and lying answering the devil’s call
Open arms ready to catch you right when you fall

No papers or numbers considered insignificant
Ride this train called life and look you’re diligent

Endurance is without a doubt the key to success
You can keep going as long as you have that thump in your chest

3 2 1 time to come to an end
Maybe I will drop more stories some time again

Copyright © Jesus Manriquez | Year Posted 2011

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Caramel Complexity

Your hair is dark, 
Your stature petite
If your beauty was my opponent
I would already concede defeat

Smooth and soft, 
Silk is what describes you
To describe your skin, 
I couldn't do it in a haiku

The reason being 
Your beauty is divine
Delve into fantasy 
Wishing you were mine

Soaring to the stars
Breaching past a cloud
My mind comes to panic
When I hear this beauty's sound

Her voice is soft
Her eyes hypnotize
Your heart like a pool
Where I would dip inside

Maybe it's lust
Maybe something more
Who knows exactly
What this future holds in store

But for now I contemplate 
Wait for the proper time
I don't know your name,
And you surely don't know mine

You pass me a gaze
Confusion in the highest
I guess the question is
Which one of us is shyest?

Yet another gaze 
This one directly to my eyes
Am I a fool?
Am I letting this chance pass by?

I remain serene
Looking confident on the surface
Why the smiles and gazes
What is their actual purpose?

Unsure and in doubt
I formulate a plan
I summon courage
For courage is what makes a man

The action is about to begin 
When I tell you to sit next to me
I do not know what to call you, 
So for now it will be caramel complexity

Copyright © Jesus Manriquez | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jesus Manriquez Poem

Comfort At the Reaper's Scythe

Reared and disciplined 
But never in immortality

Confined to repetition
Wading through banality

Longing for an aura of comfort and peace
I run from the reaper, as if I could escape that beast

She stalks me adroitly
I wait for her steel

My sweat is profuse
My soul I can feel

Warm is her touch
Gentle her demeanor

Loving her embrace,
A beauty if you have seen her

Before I could contemplate
Even the most logical thought

She marked me on her list
And of me, she never forgot

Oh reaper, come take me away
Vanquish the weak, but with you I wish to stay

Feeling so gelid without your caress
You whisper softly, "Come my child and lean on my chest"

I follow blindly for your voice is my nepenthe
Never could I expect such beauty to be so deathly

My soul I give to you and to you alone
Even the mightiest of kings, will one day give you his throne

My lady, come hither and remove my strife
I pray to you softly
Comfort me with your scythe

Copyright © Jesus Manriquez | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jesus Manriquez Poem

Demon In a Shadow

Silent and swift
In the shadows you rest
Plotting your course of action
Your victims are what's next

You strike when least expected
The light causes you pain
Your method of attacking is cowardly
But of that you feel no shame

In the shadows you delve
In sin you find your peace
I think I see you coming
No it's just the movement of the trees

Muscles clench 
I know you are near
Remain calm
Of you I have no fear

Though you are a demon 
and indulge in profanity
I must be lax
I will not resort to insanity

My pathways are lonely
But only to some extent
You seem to be in proximity
With me your life is spent

Following me cautiously
Wishing to do me harm
I know I will conquer
That is why your presence is of no alarm

You laugh with much malice
And I return the favor
You come very close
But your threats have lost their flavor

I come to you now
When the odds have switched sides
Your are now my victim
And my victims will die

My prey I have made you
At my approach you retreat
I knock you to the ground
And shout "Get on your feet!"

Mostly empty bluffs and promises of danger
I have been through this before
We are familiars, far from actual strangers

Return to the shadows 
from which you came
I strike with all might 
and cast you to the flame

A vile creature
Your deserve no mercy
You tried to cause me pain
But your lies do not hurt me

I wake up to realize 
This was all just a dream
But it felt so real
I could have sworn I heard you scream

A nightmare of a demon
Who whispers my name
You appear so real
But you are only in my brain

No matter, I dare you
To try and strike me once more
I am the champion
And your corpse I will leave to the floor

I await your return
Your remarks are very shallow
I grow bored of this
I come for you demon in the shadow

Copyright © Jesus Manriquez | Year Posted 2011

Details | Jesus Manriquez Poem

Justice the Panacea

Swift and elegant

You know what is best


But the masses blemish your name

They cause painful distress


Your heart and mind unified in singularity

Your actions are just, but they are often in scarcity


Pray softly, 

May your deeds come to light

There is distinction between permissibility

And that which is right


I know you will come soon and cause revelation

Do so hastily, and without hesitation


I ask you kindly, 
Recall the individuals which need you the most
I believe you will not let me down,
and to you I give this toast


For Justice the panacea and the remedy to us all
Your empire is grand, and your evil exploiters will fall

Copyright © Jesus Manriquez | Year Posted 2011

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Vanquish and Rejoice

Feet firm and steady on the ground
Don't fire yet, wait for the first round

The shrapnel flies,
it's already too late

The enemy is advancing
your life is now left to fate

Contemplating about your past
how once in your greater youth

Your searched far and asked why
Seeking out, justice and truth

Set out to serve your country and hold out her ideals
You are confident and ready, until you see what a bullet feels

Wounds the to the chest
Ringing in the ears

Life flashes by
Your face full of tears

Wishing to go back home
of find comfort in your platoon

The lead flies by
Your life may be ending soon

Your world turns to black
Your vision goes to obscure

You wind up back in a hospital
They say rest is your cure

Reminisce of the events which got you to this moment
Medicine is your remedy, it's usually something potent

They claim you a hero, for your valiant deeds
But just recalling the events causes you to freeze

The horrors of war scar your inner mind
They send chills right down to your spine

You were raised to fight back, as if there were any other choice
It seems like you have been brain-washed
To simply vanquish, and rejoice...

Copyright © Jesus Manriquez | Year Posted 2011

Book: Shattered Sighs