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Best Poems Written by Chanele Therockstar Lovelace

Below are the all-time best Chanele Therockstar Lovelace poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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I am sitting in this hospital bed,
pushing this medication button - that
I think is broken, and I am wearing this paper
sheet connected with a string in the back.

Hospitals aren't very warm, nor do they get HBO
or high-speed Internet.

I want to be in the real world,
drinking my Starbucks,
talking on my cell phone & looking up stocks
with my PDA

I want to grab a slice of pizza, get in  my car,
eat while I'm stuck on the Freeway.

Most of all I want my clothes back!

Copyright © Chanele Therockstar Lovelace | Year Posted 2005

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I need, I want, I crave a distraction.

A distraction from the mundane, the Constant
struggle & the pain.
I know it is the same daily problems we all must
deal with...But, I need a Distraction!

Even for a day or a hour.
An hour would give me a reason to ignore the idiot
in front of me with,
the blinker on for 7 miles.

A Hour would help me forget that although the
lane I choose at the grocery store says,
"Express Lane 10 items or less" the man in front of
me in this line has choose to have exactly 23 items
plus, a pack of gum he picked up near the cashiers
That hour gives me the patience to almost notice
that he didn't have to shuffle through his stupid
little purse full of coupons to figure out he didn't
have the matching items for them.

A distraction from the mundane, the Constant
struggle & the pain.
I know it is the same daily problems we all must
deal with...But, I need a Distraction!

If I had a distraction maybe I could try to forget
the fact that I just paid nearly extremely too much
at the gas pump because of a war that majority of
my country isn't sure who & why we are fighting.

I need a distraction from seeing homeless chased
away by police from begging for change, yet the
homeless shelters are so, over-filled and
under-funded that, the homeless are charged to
take shelter within them.

A distraction from the mundane, the Constant
struggle & the pain.
I know it is the same daily problems we all must
deal with...But, I need a Distraction!

Copyright © Chanele Therockstar Lovelace | Year Posted 2005

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I Do Love You

I wrote this poem for you.
However, keep in mind it is a poem about my love for you.

I don't love you because you are a size 5.
We both know you couldn't possibly fit into such a small size.

I don't love you because you have the beautiful blue eyes,
shaped like perfect almonds.
We both know yours are a little uneven and one is brown the
other more black.

I don't love you for your beautiful hour glass figure.
We both know its more like a pear.

Before you get mad, keep in mind this is a poem about my love
for you.

I don't love you for your beautiful smile.
We both know you kind of look like a chipmunk when you smile.

I don't love you because you wear the most expensive clothes.
We both know you shop at discount stores and thrift stores.

I don't love you because your make up is always flawless.
We both know you rarely wear make up, and when you do
probably due to lack of experience you don't wear it well.

Now stop throwing things, keep in mind this is a poem about my
love for you.

Although you don't have the smallest waist, perfectly sized &
spaced eyes, perfect make up and a list that I not dare to
continue mentioning.

Yet, I do love you.
I know I love you because when I am around you:

my heart skips a beat,
although I know I am standing still,
I feel as if I can float and touch the heavens
I cry at the fact that there aren't words to describe my love for

because when I am around you,
I have the need to touch you,
to hold you,

I DO love you, and for that, I thank you.

Copyright © Chanele Therockstar Lovelace | Year Posted 2005

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Message To My Love

As I walk through the valley of the
shadow of death, I present no fear.

For I know my time here was meaningful not
wasted, for you were near.

It wasn't something that required chase,
you naturally appeared.

For this I courage up grace, for my
destiny was made clear.

So sorry my physical shell wasn't strong
enough to continue, a little longer.

You know emotionally & mentally I would have.
Unfortunately growing old with you and
being hand and hand, isn't in our future,
but after I am gone, don't doubt our love.

Keep your faith.

Move on.

Know, you will continue to be loved.

Copyright © Chanele Therockstar Lovelace | Year Posted 2005

Book: Reflection on the Important Things