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Best Poems Written by Melissa Kennedy

Below are the all-time best Melissa Kennedy poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Who Am I?

I sit here thinking who am I 

Can I define it by my work

by who I date or lack there of

by the car I drive or how much money I make

those three little words cause me to stop and think

but no answer will come

no matter how hard I try

and I still don't know

and I begin to cry

I ask God can You answer me please.

His answer came so quietly…

There was no noise at all around

He said Dear child, you’re a jewel in My crown.

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2005

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Rising From the Ashes.

I'm sitting here in this room
these four walls are closing in.
All i do is sit and think
about the things that might have been.
What could I've done,
what should I've done
to change the ending to this story?
what could i do,
what i should do
so this pain does not destroy?
i fall. 
I pray.
I beg forgiveness.
I stand. 
I rise. 
I feel God's presence.
I'm cleansed.
I'm free.
I am a new creation.
All these feelings rising inside, 
love, trust, happiness, pure elation.
The old me burns away,
the new me rises out.
Each and every step ordained by God Himself without a doubt.
He made me in His image of this I'm sure,
and I make a declaration today,
with a heart that's true and pure.
To do God's will and praise His name in everything I do,
and because of His love I will never be the same,
nor would I want to.
To continue on the path that i was following would be foolish and unwise,
so here i go one foot in front of the other,
and from these ashes I will rise.

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2007

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I'M Looking...

I'm looking and looking and what do I see
I see an amazing piece of art created by a loving Potter's hand,
who took the time to mold and shape this piece.
Others may see flaws and imperfections,
may not like the size, or the shape, or the color that He chose,
but He didn't create this masterpiece for them.
He knew before He began what He had instore for this piece.
He knew that the outside was nowhere near as important as what was going inside.
I look closer and am still able to see His fingerprints
where He'd lovingly crafted the curves of His creation,
the different characteristics that He put in this piece,
to set it apart from His other artwork.
And as I look I realize that I'm not looking at a piece of art but a mirror.
It's my reflection that I see.
So the imperfections that you see in yourself, don't critize, because those, although you may 
not appreciate them, are the fingerprints left by the Potter's Hands.

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2009

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Who Is He???

You hear the song Jesus Loves Me
You sing along cause you know it
but is it mere words nothing to it
a nice song you've heard 
or could it be true
would you know what to do
if someone asked you
Who is He that your singing about?
Who is He does He really care?
Can you tell me who He is?
Do you know who He is?
We tell everyone that Jesus loves them
Do they really understand what that means 
all that He did
so others could live
He's not just a man 
look at His nail pierced hands
would you know what to do
if someone asked you
Who is He that your talking about?
Who is He does He really care?
Can you tell me who He is?
Do you know who He is?

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2007

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Not My Type

I come into this room,
people leave when I walk in.
Is it me or they just had to go? 
Who knows?
I’ve got Tupac in my ear, “I ain’t mad at ya!”
They one who stays acts as if I’m invisible, 
How dare I breathe his air?
“Dude, put your nose back down you’ll drown if it rains!”
I sit closer to you, make you uncomfortable?
I smile at you, you turn your head, check your watch,
check the door; get up and pace the floor.
Don’t worry your not my type.

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2007

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Your Judgement

You judge me by the way I look,
by the thickness of my thighs, 
by the width of my booty.
Yes, I hear the words you whisper, 
yes I see the looks you exchange.
I am a person.
On the inside, we are the same.
When you see me, already in your mind are the stereotypes:
Eww she must lazy!
Eww she must eat all day!
Eww she must be stupid, otherwise why would she look that way?
In school you thought it was funny to send you friends to ask me out, 
and to throw stuff at me as I walk down the hall.
The things you would say were asinine, to put it mild.
But take the time to think about if I were your child.
Although, it does hurt sometimes, I swear you will never see me cry
You will never see me shed a tear, 
or know the hurt that you’ve inflicted on me,
because a victim is not who I chose to be.
Don’t get insulated when I respond to the comments you make, or roll my eyes at your 
Because when I walk away it’s with my head held high.
Your judgment means nothing to me, 
because it’s not through that I find my self worth.
Hear my words and remember them well, 
because the looks you give speak to the type of person you are,
So if you feel the need to pass judgment on someone 
pick up a mirror and check out your self.

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2009

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At the Moment

In your eyes I see sorrow, pain, hurt and sadnessm, at the moment
but also a great capasity for love and happiness.
Though there is no smile, at the moment,
but I see remininse of former laughter.
You may express feelings of self doubt, at the moment,
but remember the confidence you once had?
Every moment good or bad is an oppurtunity for learning.
What's done with that knowledge is up to you.
Remind yourself that a moment is only a small amount of time,
and you can't know true happiness unless you know true sadness.
Don't get stuck in this moment of turmoil and pain, 
because you never know what the next moment holds for you.

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2007

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He Gave

He came in my life when there were things I didn't understand
He walked beside me and stretched out His hand
I took it gratefully and thanked God above
That He sent us His only Son to show us true love
He gave His all for you; So give your all to Him
He bled and died for you; So you have to live for Him
There is nothing that could ever take my hand from His 
I'll love Him forever, and this is how I'll live
Jesus is my Saviour, I hope He's yours too
But if He's not..well.. I'll pray for you
He gave His all for you; So give your all to Him
He bled and died for you; So you have to live for Him
Cause in a moment in a twinkling of an eye
Jesus will come and carry us home to our mansion in the sky
but in order to receive
first you got to believe that...
He gave His all for you;So give your all to Him
He bled and died for you; So you need to live for Him

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2005

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The Christian Father

When a man becomes a father
No matter what he's done
He becomes a teacher for his daughter and his son.
Some men teach good things
While others teach them wrong
But when a man has Jesus 
He teaches them to be truly strong.
When you grow up with a Christian Father
You start above the rest 
Because your Daddy's learning from the absolute very best.
When you get older and become a mother or a father
You let your light shine 
And bring Jesus to your son and daughter
And give Him to them to find.
So when you become a Parent 
Remember what I say 
They watch what you're doing
So take time to pray.

Copyright © Melissa Kennedy | Year Posted 2005

Book: Shattered Sighs