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Best Poems Written by Wailani Fig

Below are the all-time best Wailani Fig poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Details | Wailani Fig Poem

Emotions Painted By Drama Faces

In a world where emotions paint the scene
Two faces appear, with distinction
One wearing the happiest grins
The other drowning in sorrow

The joyful mask, beams with the brightest grin
Hiding the tears and fears that comes with life
Laughing and dancing like nothing matters
Concealing the struggles and heartaches

The mask grinning makes its eyes wrinkle
Not showing what it hides behind the mask
Not showing the facade of happiness it puts up
Not showing the battles it fights

Yet next to it, sits a face of sadness
Showing its drooping eyes that cry in the night
And its frown that sighs when no ones around
Hiding its emotions sincere and profound

But beneath all of that,
It still wears hope
That illuminates across its face
Helping us to cope

In a life where drama is everywhere,
We wear these masks
Both the joy and sorrow, to tell a story
Of the beautiful tale of human emotions

Copyright © Wailani Fig | Year Posted 2023

Book: Reflection on the Important Things