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Best Poems Written by Sigu Ray

Below are the all-time best Sigu Ray poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Shadows of Regret

In shadows cast by dimming light,
Regret takes hold and consumes the night.
A heart weighed down by choices past,
A soul burdened by memories amassed.

Oh, the roads I did not explore,
The untrodden paths forevermore.
In hindsight's grasp, I am left to see,
The toll of choices that burden me.

I ponder now what might have been,
If I had embraced the chances unseen.
The whispers of dreams left behind,
Echo reminders of a restless mind.

Oh, the chances I did forsake,
In fear's grip, my spirit did quake.
Now I yearn for what slipped away,
Lost in the tides of yesterday.

The moments lost haunt my soul,
Their absence is like an endless toll.
Yet wisdom grows from seeds of rue,
A lesson learned, to start anew.

For in the depths of regret's abyss,
Lies the spark of hope, the chance of bliss.
To mend the wounds, to heal the strife,
To embrace each moment, seize my life.

Though shadows of regret may linger near,
I will forge a path free from doubt and fear.
With courage bold, I will strive to find,
A brighter future, leave regrets behind.

Copyright © Sigu Ray | Year Posted 2023

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Whispers of the Unchosen Path

I wonder if I did not stay,
What paths my life would gently sway.
Would destiny unfold anew,
Or fade like whispers that I once knew?

In the realm of infinite chance,
Would joy still dance its blissful dance?
Or would regret with mournful sigh,
Embrace my heart beneath the sky?

The road untraveled tempts my mind,
With secrets hidden, left behind.
Yet, in this place where I remain,
A tapestry of memories reign.

For in the choice to stay or roam,
We shape the life we call our own.
So, as I ponder what could be,
I find contentment, here, with me.

Copyright © Sigu Ray | Year Posted 2023

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Gratitude's Light: Illuminating Life's Darkest Hours

In shadows deep, where darkness resides,
A flicker of light, a grateful guide.
When life's tempests rage, and trials befall,
Gratitude flame, it conquers them all.

In hardest moments, when hope seems lost,
The whispers of gratitude bear no cost.
For even amidst life's darkest plight,
Grateful hearts find solace, shining bright.

When tears stream down and burdens weigh,
Gratitude light keeps despair at bay.
It kindles strength, ignites inner peace,
And grants a respite, a sweet soul release.

With each challenge faced, a lesson learned,
Gratitude ember, forever earned.
For in the depths of life's bitter strife,
Grateful hearts embrace the gift of life.

So let us cherish, in times of despair,
The blessings we find, though they may be rare.
For in gratitude glow, we shall prevail,
With love and grace, our spirits set sail.

Through storms we journey, steadfast and true,
Guided by gratitude, our hearts anew.
In the darkest hours, we rise above,
For gratitude light fills us with love.

Copyright © Sigu Ray | Year Posted 2023

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Gardening Rose

In wild gardens, a tale unfolds,
Love's endeavor, silently told.
A gardener's hand, gentle and true,
Nurtured a rose in a barren view.

Seeds of hope, he tenderly sowed,
Watching the bud's beauty bestowed.
But fate's cruel touch forced them to part,
Leaving a heavy ache in his heart.

No more tending her soil each day,
No more witnessing her vibrant display.
Yet in absence, he whispers a plea,
"May she flourish and be truly free."

Accepting their paths now diverge,
Memories of love forever surge.
With every prayer, his hope takes flight,
For her petals to bloom, pure and bright.

Though he may never see her grace,
In his heart, her beauty finds its place.
Unintertwined, yet connected deep,
A love that blossomed, a secret to keep.

Copyright © Sigu Ray | Year Posted 2023

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Explosions of Inner Turmoil

"Explosions of Inner Turmoil"

In depths of shadows, a tempest stirs,
A raging storm, frustration curse.
Life's intricate maze, puzzling strife,
I will pour my heart out in this bombastic life.

Oh, wretched world, my spirit foe,
Why dost thou mock me with relentless blow?
With bellowing thunder, my dreams shake,
Frustration fire, the ground it breaks.

Unyielding chains, they bind my soul,
In this labyrinth of despair, I roam, a fool.
Every step, a stumbling stone,
My dreams and hopes now turned to moan.

I yearn for solace, a fleeting peace,
Anguish grips and refuses release.
Like a phoenix in flames, my spirit burns,
In this cosmic dance, my frustration churns.

The clock cruel hands mock my plight,
Days melt to weeks, swallowed by the night.
Lost in a whirlpool of shattered desire,
A blazing internal fire consumes me.

Yet amidst the chaos, a whispering plea,
A glimmer of hope for my spirit to be free.
I'll rise from ashes, unyielding and bold,
With thunderous strength, my story unfolds.

Though frustration tides may try to subdue,
I'll forge ahead to dream anew.
In every obstacle, I'll find the key,
To unlock the doors, set my spirit free.

So, roar, frustration, with all your might,
I will conquer your hold; unleash my light.
For in this battle, I will find my way,
To triumph over darkness, come what may.

"Explosions of Inner Turmoil" shall be my tale,
A testament to resilience in life's fierce gale.
Through frustration storm, I shall prevail,
A symphony of strength, my heart shall exhale.

Copyright © Sigu Ray | Year Posted 2023

Book: Reflection on the Important Things