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Best Poems Written by Vianney Forewah

Below are the all-time best Vianney Forewah poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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The Future With Ai

The future with AI is already here,
A world that's changing, with each passing year.
We've come so far, from the first spark of AI,
With endless possibilities, that reach for the sky.

The current possibilities with AI are vast,
From medical diagnosis, to predicting weather that will last,
Smart home technology, that knows our every need,
Digital personal assistants, that keep up with our speed.

The future with AI, a world of wonder and awe,
A leap into the unknown, that leaves us in awe.
From smart cities, that know our every move,
To self-driving cars, that easily groove.

But with the wonders, come fears of mankind,
As we question the consequences, that we may find.
Artificial intelligence, that will soon outsmart,
And replace us humans, with a robotic heart.

But with the fears, come opportunities that shine,
As AI creates more jobs, that we cannot decline.
From automation, and the rise of new technology,
To vast amounts of data, that help us make discoveries.

AI will affect jobs in different sectors,
As automation takes over, and humans become electors.
Retail workers, truck drivers, even doctors and lawyers,
Will all be affected, as the world undergoes new voyagers.

The government and scholars agree,
AI is a force that's here to stay and help set us free.
With new policies and regulations, to address our fears,
And new programs and investments that help us persevere.

But with the research, comes a glimmer of light,
As experts suggest a future that's so very bright.
A world that's safe, and filled with endless possibilities,
As AI continues to help in all human activities.

The future with AI, a change that's here to stay,
A bright new era, that's unveiling every day.
With a world that's smarter, and more efficient than ever,
The future with AI, a world we'll cherish forever.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

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My Cybersecurity Journey

In the world of tech, where cyber threats run rife,
To be an expert in cybersecurity is life.
The journey to expertise is one worth telling,
So come along with me, let me start from the beginning.

First, let me say, it wasn't always clear,
That cybersecurity was my path, it's odd I know, my dear.
But one fateful day, an attack we did face,
Our company's data was gone without a trace.

It was a wakeup call, and I heeded the alarm,
I knew we needed to be safe from cyber harm.
I read every book and took every course,
I was determined to stop any future data loss.

My core values were established, to protect and to serve,
To defend from malicious attacks with assertive nerve.
Integrity, honesty, and loyalty were my guide,
To master this skill and keep data safe on our side.

I had to keep updated, every new threat in sight,
Just like data and systems, against time and events we fight.
Then, it was time to put my skills to the test,
I started in small environments where I'd invest.

I'd see how the hackers gained entry, for any weakness they'd seek,
So I would devise ways on how to make our system's security thicker.
I worked hard and was promoted to lead the charge,
And my mentor would always tell me, "stay on guard".

My journey continued, expanding my knowledge every day,
There was so much to learn and so much more to say.
I took on leadership roles, always teaching and guiding,
Passing on the expertise, the knowledge with a binding.

As I look back now, I realize how far I had come,
From a novice to an expert, the journey yields the outcome.
The core values of cybersecurity have molded my way,
From the tech that we use and the people we say.

Integrity, honesty, loyalty are values I hold dear,
To protect and to serve, without any fear.
To be the best, the expert, and keep our data secure,
And always be proactive, never complaisant or obscure.

Deep within, cybersecurity is a passion of mine,
A world that's forever changing, in defense we combine.
It's the core values that got me to my expertise and to believe,
Those values will forever remain, they'll never cease.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

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Rush of Waves

The ocean's waves, they rush ashore,
With such ferocity, they often roar,
As they crash upon the rocks below,
Their sound is loud like a thunderous show.

The sea salt dashes 'cross my face,
As it hits me with its salty embrace,
I stand here, feeling the rush of waves,
My soul is free, my spirit 'graves.

I feel the water anoint my skin,
As I feel its wetness soak within,
I take a deep breath and feel the ocean's might,
Rushing towards me, so fast and bright.

As the waves recede, to return again,
I hope to feel their power once again,
To stand before the ocean and feel its force,
To ride the waves, with nature as my course.

Oh, the rush of waves, how I love thee,
Your beauty so fierce and wild and free,
I cannot help but stand here and admire,
As the ocean's waves rush higher and higher.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

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Africa My Africa

Africa my Africa, land of my birth,
The cradle of life, the heart of the earth,
From the deserts to the plains, from the mountains to the sea,
The beauty of your landscapes never ceases to amaze me.

Africa my Africa, where the sun rises with pride,
And sets in a symphony, painting the sky so wide,
Your wildlife roams free, majestic and wild,
From lions and elephants to cheetahs so mild.

Africa my Africa, land of a thousand tongues,
With cultures so rich, its stories and songs,
Dancing to the rhythms of the drums,
African music enchants, its melody never numbs.

Africa my Africa, where the traditions run deep,
From the birth of a child to the ancestors we keep,
Respect, honor, and unity we uphold,
Through the good and the bad, through the hot and the cold.

Africa my Africa, where the beauty lies within,
From the love of community to the strength of our kin,
As we walk together, hand in hand,
We will overcome any challenge, we will make a stand.

Africa my Africa, land of my soul,
In my heart, you're forever whole,
Through the storm and the strife,
My Africa, you give me hope, you give me life.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

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Phil the Tech Enthusiast

There once was a tech enthusiast,  
Name of Phil, and in him an obsession did persist.  
It was with his laptop that he couldn't part  
And so he took it, truly, everywhere he'd start.  

In meetings, at school, and even in the loo  
The laptop never went off, no matter what he'd do.  
He called it his wife, with love and a smile  
Said it kept him going, every day a new mile.  

Late at night, you'd see Phil's face aglow  
As he worked on his laptop, with no desire to go  
To bed or to rest, for work was all he'd know  
As he typed away, letting his ideas flow.  

But it wasn't just work, it was about knowledge too  
He surfed the web, acquiring new skills in all he'd do  
From cooking to carpentry, he wanted to learn  
All while maintaining his core tech focus with every turn.  

People close to him, they knew him well  
And they knew, wherever he went, his laptop he'd sell  
His devoted companion, his trusty friend  
On whom he could always rely in the end.  

And yet, in his mind, it was more than mere attachment  
It was a tool, a means for his advancement  
In the world of tech, and in life as a whole  
He longed for success, to reach his aspirational goal.  

In one hand Phil held his laptop tight,  
In the other, a hot cup of coffee for the night.  
They were the perfect companions, through thick and thin  
Simply inseparable, like a twin.  

People often wondered, would he ever break away?  
From the glimmering screen, that kept the world at bay  
But Phil knew what he needed, and it wasn't far  
Reaching new heights, reaching for the star.  

Here's to the tech enthusiasts, out there in the world  
With their laptops by their sides, always unfurled  
For passion and drive are what make us who we are  
So let's keep typing away, reach for the next bar.

let's remember, as we type away each day,  
That our laptops are more than just screens in a way  
They're part of our journey, what makes us unique  
A reflection of our drive, our purpose, our mystique.

So let us salute Phil, for his drive and his heart  
To chase his dreams and let his obsession play a central part  
For in this digital age, and in all that we pursue  
Our laptops are not mere gadgets, but a part of our soul too.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

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The Moon Girl

In the stillness of the night,
Amidst the glow of the stars,
There was a girl who found delight,
In the beauty of the moon afar.

She gazed upon its beaming face,
With wonder and adoration,
And felt a sense of inner grace,
Brought forth by the moon's illumination.

The Moon Girl was her name,
And all who knew her saw,
That her beauty too was the same,
As the moon's soft, radiant awe.

They said she had the moon's charm,
The same grace and mystique,
That captured all within her arms,
And left them feeling unique.

The Moon Girl loved the night,
When the sky was black and deep,
And the moon lit up the way with light,
As she wandered in her dreamy sleep.

She loved the moon's shape and form,
Its phases and the way it shone,
And its attributes that left her warm,
As she basked in its glory till dawn.

The moon's light was her guide,
In the darkness of her life,
And the moon girl found solace derived,
From the moon's beauty and its strife.

She loved to watch the moon rise,
As it climbed its way up high,
And the way its light sparkled like fireflies,
In the darkness of the sky.

The moon taught her to love,
The beauty of the night,
And embrace the stars above,
As they twinkled with all their might.

She cherished the moon's attributes,
Like its calming and soothing power,
That washed over her like gentle slumber,
And kept her safe until the hour.

Its constancy and resilience,
Were virtues she learned to hold dear,
As she persevered with all her brilliance,
Through all the pain and fear.

The moon girl was a beauty rare,
Her dark complexion like the night,
Her eyes shone bright without a care,
As they reflected the moon's light.

Her hair flowed like the ocean waves,
Black as the emptiness of space,
And her grace so naturally displayed,
Like the moon's soft and gentle face.

Just like the moon shines bright,
So does her beauty blaze,
As she walks in the moon's light,
Radiant in all her ways.

Her love for the moon,
Is what makes her all the more divine,
For in the moon's reflection,
She shines with beauty so fine.

So, let us all take note,
Of the Moon Girl's beauty and grace,
And gather round the moon we dote,
As it illuminates our face.

For in the Moon Girl's love for the moon,
We find inspiration and delight,
And in her likeness, we are attuned,
To the beauty and wonder of the night.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

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Death of a Loved One

The pain of loss, so hard to bear,
As death of a loved one takes to the air.
Though their body dies, their soul lives on,
Leaving many questions, with hope we're drawn.

For whom then do we grieve, we may ask,
The ones that passed, the ones that task,
Or is it for ourselves, left behind,
To deal with the memories, to always remind.

If we could see beyond this mortal plane,
Where our loved ones reside, far from the strain,
Where their soul is free and full of light,
Would our grief ease, to lose hold of the night?

Ignorance shorn, if we could perceive,
The beauty of death, farewell we'd receive,
With a heart full of love, and memories so clear,
A new script we would weave, free of fear.

As we mourn, let us turn to the light,
And hold memories close, in the depths of our sight,
For death of a loved one will never be easy to bear,
But their soul lives on, forever in our care.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

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A Wisdom Download

A wisdom download, divine and true,  
A message from the universe to me and you,  
A spark of light that illuminates the dark,  
A flame of hope that ignites the heart.  

Sometimes it comes as a lucid dream,  
Where reality fades and visions gleam,  
Or it may be a telepathic call,  
Whispering secrets that enthrall.  

It could be an instant knowing,  
A feeling so deep, it keeps on growing,  
Guiding us on our path in life,  
Easing our pains and calming our strife.  

These insights come from beyond our realm,  
Beyond what we can see or even helm,  
A divine communication, a sacred sign,  
That everything is okay, everything is aligned.  

There are moments when we doubt our fate,  
Lost in the chaos of a world so great,  
That's when the universe sends us a sign,  
Reaffirming that everything will be just fine.  

It may come as a feeling or a hunch,  
A little nudge that calms the soul's crunch,  
A beacon of hope, a sign to press on,  
A message from the universe that we belong.  

The universe's wisdom is not for the few,  
It's gift for all, for me and for you,  
If we are open and our hearts are light,  
We can receive its guidance day or night.  

Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe,  
Focus on being aware and then perceive,  
What the universe wants to impart today,  
Its wisdom is there always and on display.  

Life is beautiful, and sometimes scary too,  
But always remember that the universe is true,  
Its lessons guiding us through joy or strife,  
Making sense of meaning and purpose of our life.  

So, in the moments when you need direction,  
Look to the universe for its profound attention,  
Find comfort in its whispers and its touch,  
Allowing its wisdom to help you so much. 

These insights may come in ways quite small,  
But their message is significant to us all,  
For they illuminate our path and ease our fears,  
Guiding us towards a life that's full of cheers.  

So stay open, receptive, and trust the flow,  
Believing in the universe and let its wisdom grow,  
For together you will journey, through the highs and lows,  
Creating a life in which peace and joy truly flows.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

Details | Vianney Forewah Poem

The Vision of a Young Boy

Amid the chaos of the world outside  
The young boy's heart beat with a restless tide  
Aspiring for greatness beyond the norm  
But his path to purpose was often forlorn  

He tried his hand at many things  
Exploring the world on wings  
From science to commerce, to tech and more  
He sought a calling unlike any before  

Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to years  
As he searched for his purpose among his peers  
But the light he chased remained just out of sight  
All he saw was a tunnel, deep and infinite  

At twenty-five he stopped to reflect  
And take stock of his past, with introspect  
He saw the muddled mess of his prior ventures  
And started to ponder and rearrange his textures  

He knew not what lay ahead  
But he knew what lay behind instead  
And so he made a conscious choice  
To live with intent and a clear sense of voice  

One step at a time, he began to walk  
Towards the shadows and the light they begot  
Mistakes were made and lessons were learned  
And slowly but surely, the embers burned  

Fuelled by his newfound intent  
The light that once escaped him started to relent  
And out of the abyss, a vision took shape  
That of a man who could bend fate  

Through the veil of uncertainty  
The boy saw his purpose finally  
And with that vision in his eyes  
He tackled obstacles and soared through the skies  

At thirty years, he'd come so far  
To find his calling, his North Star  
With every stride and every leap  
His impact on the world began to seep  

Now, he looks to the skies with hope  
Wielding his vision as an unbreakable rope  
For this boy, once lost, is now found  
His purpose concrete, his destiny sound  

And though his journey still has miles to go  
He strides with determination, full of glow  
For he's seen the world through a different lens  
And knows his vision will take him to the ends.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023

Details | Vianney Forewah Poem


Romance is a notion, a feeling, a call,
It adorns life with beauty, with grace, with enthrall,
A love that ignites the heart, that soothes the soul,
It's a bond that unites, that makes the world whole.

When the heart flutters, like a butterfly in flight,
When the eyes meet, and the world turns bright,
When the air is filled with magic and wonder,
That's when romance, a love so pure, sets asunder.

From the first heartfelt glance, to the first tender touch,
The journey of romance is an enchanted rush,
It's a journey of trust, of passion, of love,
With every beat of the heart, it blesses with a dove.

As romance blooms, like a rose in the sun,
Every moment, every thought is filled with fun,
The memories of tender words, turning into a melody,
It's a symphony of emotions, of love, of empathy.

The moments of laughter, the moments of tears,
Every memory of romance, relives the happy years,
It's the joy of giving, the joy of receiving,
A love that continues, and keeps on believing.

In the walks of life, in every twist and turn,
Love gives resilience, it's a vital lesson to learn,
It's a bond that nurtures, that heals the heart,
A love that's a masterpiece, a work of art.

As the sun sets, and the stars twinkle bright,
The love between two souls, shines with a new light,
It's a masterpiece of perseverance, of hope,
A love that triumphs over every trial and every slope.

From the first innocent kiss, to the commitment so pure,
Romance is a journey that makes the heart soar,
With every rhyme, with every tender word,
The path of romance is an enchanting world.

So, let the love between two hearts forever linger,
And let the bond between two souls grow stronger,
For romance is the essence, the epitome of love,
A gift that flourishes, that transforms, from above.

Copyright © Vianney Forewah | Year Posted 2023


Book: Shattered Sighs