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Best Poems Written by Dana Walker

Below are the all-time best Dana Walker poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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There's a difference between you and me
Unfortunately no one opens up enough to see
Trust amd respect is what we are told
But being the nice guy is getting old
While growing into the woman i am today
I made a few bad choices along the way
Family, friends and strangers too
Will always have their own opinion of you
My past  is something i cannot escape 
Because everyone is holding onto my mistakes
Im not the same girl you knew last year 
If given the chance you'll have nothing to fear 
No lies, no games, no bull i promise 
I may hurt your feelings but ill always be honest 
I wanna be friends and give you a shout
Say that to a man n he thinks ill put out
Changing my ways n doing things right 
Yet friendships n relationships still end in a fight
What am i doing wrong to all of you
Im trying my best yet im still getting screwed 
Second chances are given n im always there
But when im in need all i see is an empty chair
Do i turn my back n become a 
Turn on and off like a light switch
Because thats what i see in everyone i know
I cant take it no more its starting to show
My walls are up high n very tight 
I wont let them down without one hell of a fight 
I wanna be shown that im important n special 
Seems to me that its just to stressful 
Im sorry for the things ive said n done
I wish that forgiveness will be given by someone 
Almost 30 and its been a crazy life
I just wanna stop paying the price
I've learned my lesson n laid in my bed
Wont do it again, id rather be dead
All i want is to be given a chance
I think i deserve another look, another glance
If not just know i do understand 
I realize  got way outta hand
Even if you wont give me a try
My life ill live with my head held high
Yes there's a difference between you n me
Im going to let go n finally be free!

Copyright © Dana Walker | Year Posted 2022

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Grade school, high school, college n university,
Our lives were laid out for us to succeed.
Decisions, decisions, Will i make the right choice? 
I could ask for guidance, will they hear my voice.
My life started out on the right path,
Tho the positive things sure didn't last.
Never made a team n struggled with my grades,
Would have switched places if they were willing to trade
At recess I sat alone under the big maple tree
The girls and boys just laughed an talked about me
Always the last one to be picked for a team
Why did they have to be so cruel and mean.
Can't say I ever had a good day, not even one
So i said "screw this" n began to run.
Responsibilities were gone, i no longer cared,
My family n loved ones just stood there n stared.
Self medicated, doctors, hell even a shrink 
There is no fixing me despite what you think
Just wanted to feel better, whole n complete
Nothing i tried gave me any relief.
The days turned into weeks, months into years
Would anyone even notice if I just disappeared.
Life never changes no matter how hard I try 
So what's the point I ask, as I sit here cry.

Copyright © Dana Walker | Year Posted 2023

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A Love Story

This is a story of two lovers,
A boy and a girl, destined for each other.
They met by chance, and it felt like fate,
Their love was pure, it was no debate.
Their eyes locked, and their hearts skipped a beat,
They knew right then, they were meant to meet.
They laughed and danced, under the moonlit sky,
Their love was magical, it felt like they could fly.
They promised forever, to each other they'd stay,
Nothing could break them, they'd find a way.
But as time passed, their love started to fade,
The spark that once burned, slowly decayed.
They fought and argued, over little things,
Their love was slipping, like a bird without wings.
They tried to hold on, but it was too late,
Their love was crumbling, and there was no escape.
They said their goodbyes, with tears in their eyes,
It was the end of their beautiful paradise.
But even though their love came to an end,
They'll always cherish the memories they spend.
For in each other's hearts, they'll forever remain,
The boy and the girl, who once shared a flame.
So this is the story of two lovers torn apart,
Though their love will live on, in each other's heart.
For sometimes, love doesn't work out as planned,
But the memories and lessons will forever stand.

Copyright © Dana Walker | Year Posted 2024

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Have faith

This is a story of two lovers,
A boy and a girl, their bond like no other.
Their love was pure, their passion strong,
But fate had a different plan all along.
Their love blossomed like a spring flower,
Hearts entwined in a magical power.
They promised each other forever and more,
But little did they know what was in store.
As time passed and days went by,
Their love started to wither and slowly die.
The boy became distant, the girl felt alone,
Their once perfect love had now turned to stone.
They both tried to mend what was broken,
But the damage was done, words left unspoken.
The boy blamed the girl, the girl blamed the boy,
Their love turned into a battlefield to destroy.
They said hurtful words, they did regret,
But it was too late, how could they ever forget.
They both moved on, with a heavy heart,
Their love story, now just a memory apart.
But deep inside, they both knew,
Their love was real. It just needed to renew.
Years went by, and they met again,
Their hearts still ached from their past hurt and pain.
But as they saw each other's eyes,
They realized their love never died. 
They hugged and cried and said, "Im sorry,"
Their love rekindled, like a burning fire in glory.
For they knew they couldn't live apart,
They were each other's missing part.
This is a story of two lovers,
Who broke each other's heart but again found each other.
Their love was tested, but it never died,
True love will always find its way back, no matter how hard it tries to hide.

Copyright © Dana Walker | Year Posted 2024

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Second Chances

For love is not always easy, not always kind,
It is the bond that ties us, body, and mind.
We refuse to give up, to let go of what we hold dear,
For in each other's arms, we have nothing to fear.
Through the stormy seas and darkest nights,
We cling to each other, our hearts continuing to fight.
Broken but not beaten, we try to rebuild what was lost,
Holding on to love, no matter the cost.
It isn't easy to forgive and forget, 
But letting go will be easier than living with our regrets.
Loving each other after trust had been broken,
It is a journey of redemption, a promise never spoken.
For in each other's eyes, we see
That I was meant for you, and you were meant for me.
Knowing that together we could find
That our hearts are forever entwined.

Copyright © Dana Walker | Year Posted 2024

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Flashbacks of the days I wish I could forget,
The harsh words spoken, cutting deep like a threat.
Trust shattered like glass, scattered on the floor,
Leaving scars so deep, we can't ignore.
Mental health issues, a heavy burden to bear 
Anger, anxiety, depression a constant nightmare.
Bipolar swings like a pendulum's sway,
From highs to lows, I struggle to stay.
Depression weighs heavy on my soul,
The darkness consuming, taking its toll.
Add them all together, its a rollercoaster ride,
Leaving me exhausted, with nowhere to hide.
With doubts and fears, anxiety grips tight,
A constant battle, day and night.
From the demons that lurk within,
Seems Im always at war, I can never win.
Can we move on together and put the past behind?
Forgive and forget, have peace of mind.
Is there light at the end of this darkened day?
Should we keep trying, or let love fade away?
As I reflect on the mistakes we've made, I ponder.
Where did it all go wrong, I wonder.
I thought I knew love, its warmth and its light
But now I question, was I wrong, not right?

Copyright © Dana Walker | Year Posted 2024

Book: Reflection on the Important Things