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Best Poems Written by Joalisa De Jesus

Below are the all-time best Joalisa De Jesus poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Sad Little Boy

Everytime I look in ur eyes
I could see a sad litte boy
I don't know why
That boy is so sad
Everytime I tried to figure out
He won't tell me
Everyday as the day and  night go pass
He keep taking darker, sader, and quieter
Everyday I sit next to him to figure out what  is wrong I got nothing 
All I could get a kiss and a hug back nothing more than that
One day
This little boy didn't wake up in the moring
To come out to play with me
He had to go to the hospital all day
The doctor said that he was understand too much stress
He has heart disease but the stress it killing him more
I had to ruch in the room
To see him and tell him that ' I love u with all of my heart. You need 
to world to me. Without u I am nobody I won't be could to live. I don't 
want any other guys because all of them sick they suck. They are a pimp. 
I want u because u understand me. U want me for me. That is all I need. 
I don't need sex to live on. I don't need money to live. I don't care if 
people think that u are a loser and a failiure. I don't believe them. I 
don't see u as a loser and a failure. I see u as a handsome loney smart 
and the best guy that ever meet. I want to just love u for u. Please 
take my hand and tell me that u promise me not to leave me and promise 
me that u will talk to me like I am ur best friend.'
At the moment that the boy heard him crying
He woke up
He turn to his left clean the tears off the little face and said ' don't 
cry. I am going to be fine. I love for who u are. I will not leave. I 
can't live without u. That why everytime a dude hug u I get  jealous 
because I am afaird that they will take u away from men'
The girl said ' no sweetheart. U are mine. Everything that I wanna I 
find it in u. I love u for life.
They kissed.

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

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Meaning of True Love

I hate marriage today 
not alot of people married each other for love 
some people married the person 
they are tired of looking for love 
some people married the person married 
because  of what 
they like what see on the other person body 
some people married a person 
the other person makes more money than they do 
 very few marry 
because of
I hate love today 
nobody understand the 
true meaning of love 
oh love 
where are you 
I ha been opening doors 
All I had found was 
Boys playing basketball 
Dogs darking because the meal was good 
 noboyfriend of mine 
no guys for me 
no love....
I was so tire 
I was so heartbroken 
So i gave up on searching for love 
I sat down on my puaech set looking up in the sky 
and tears started to come out of my eyes 
and didn't stop until there was a river of tears 
I had cry a river 
I couldn't find my true love 
I contuine to cry a river 
A Man came to me 
Sat down next to me 
wrapped my tears up
Asked me why I cryied a river 
As I was telling him 
I felt his hand around me 
I felt warm being there 
WE contain to talk 
I knew that my true love had finally came 
I looked up in the sky and Smile 
the sun came out and dried out my river 
left a rainbow 
oh love....
oh love...
oh love...............

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

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Are You Done Acting Dumb?

Yo Girl 
Calm Your Butt Down! 
You think that You are the 'Bumb' 
'Ha Ha Ha Please rake a 'hike! '
Yoou think You are 'Better'
You are dreaming 
You think You are 'Prettier'
' You are Just Jealous' 
You can't cook 
You are lazy 
You are 2 faced 
You are so so spoil 
You are the spoilest person that I ever met. 
You around 
tell me that you know how to act 
Oh Please 
Let me asked you something 
Are You done acting dumb? 
You are not 'Prettier '
You are just 'pretty' 
You are not 'better' 
You are just 'good' 
You are not 'smarter' 
You are just 'smart'
You are not the 'bumb' 
You are 'alright'
So stop talking all this 'nonsense' 
You need to fixing yourself 
before I fix you for you 
Start treating your boyfriend right 
broke up 
because you are going out with my brother and he deserve somebody better 
plus he is too I mean way too cute for you 
so stop acting dumb and get your life together 
before you lose your life 
Are you done acting dumb?

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

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What Is Your Problem Little Dude?

What is your problem dude? 
why you always give me an attitude? 
why always calling me names? 
why you always like to see me mad and hurt? 
You can have an attitude
You can can't give me an attitude
Because, I  already have one 
you better not start with me 
name calling 
that is what you like to do
I had been called by different names from all of my life
so you can call me whatever you want 
but You can't call me a hoe
You know what? 
I think that you are jealous 
I got a man 
and I bet that you like me 
someone who is a punk like you 
can't express their feelings
and that is shame 
Thanks God that I am not dating you 
If I did
 could be done with you 
I am here for you
I know that I can't change things 
I can gab able make you happy for once 
You better start letting out your feelings......
I notice that you love to 
make me mad
pick on me 
call me names
but why? ....Do you like me or something? 
do you want me? 
What is your problem little dude? 
why are you hiding? 
Just tell me
what is your problem little dude?

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

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I Am Not Jealous

This will might sound like I am jealous
ButYou could never flirt with meIf you have a girlfriend You just broke 
my heart into little pieces
Because I had so much love for you
So much that I could not explain how much I love youBut you broke itYou 
hurted me You made me cryYou was flirting with me all the time
Calling me a cutie, sexyTelling me that you love me But You are going to 
married a lady that
You had not been with for long. You guys were just going out twiceBut I 
don't know whyI am getting all upset over this When I got a manHe loves 
me for meHe is greatBut
I just guess
I am little upset
What you had done
Had hurt me so bad that
It will always stick

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

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My Heart Is Done

Seven time my heart had been broken 
Boken into pieces 
There was only a little piece of it 
You took it 
You took the last piece And
Didn't handle it with care Now it is all broke all gone 
All gone 
My heart is gone 
I am sitting here with no heart 
No heart
I don't know what to do
I had been crying 
I had been crying 
I had crying myself to sleep 
I had been crying all day and night 
I have no heart 
I had been crying 
I had been sitting in this cold world 
All alone The world is so cold So cold...And dark...So dark.. And black
So black... here no red...No red... 
Oh red where are u? ..I
 am siting here crying and hoping one day I will find red...
My heart is done 
People had been walking all over it Now 
I don't have no heart Because I
t is all gone All done So done... So done...

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

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I am going crazy 
I miss you, I cry 
You had go so far 
I feel that I am losing you 
I don't know what to do 
but, I all want to is sitand crying 
I don't know what to do 
I am lost without  you...... 
Please come back to me 
I want to hold you in my arm 
that is all I want to do 
sweetie, I miss you....... 
I been crying all day for you to come back to me 
I miss you...
it hurt when I am all lone, and I don't have you....
I miss you... 
Baby, when wiil you come and clean  up my tears 
when will you come and get me out of this cold place and in to your warm arms? ? ? 
I am so cold, so cold, so cold...
I won't be warm until I have you back 
it is like I am in a freezer and don't want to come out until you come back 
I miss you....

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

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I don’t want to be with you
I don’t want to talk to you
I don’t want to see you
Because you are a player
And you know that being a player hurt people feeling
But you still being one
And that make no senses
If you love your girlfriend, you didn’t want to hurt her
And if you love your girlfriend, you could not have been a player
So that mean you are not a good boyfriend
So get away from me
I don’t want to have a boyfriend, who is a player like

I had a feeling that we should end our relationship for good
Because I am tired of looking back at our relationship
And see how we fight
We had fight a lot
The fighting is making me tire of you
I am not trying to said that I am mad that you because our relationship was not 100% perfect
I know that no relationship is 100% perfect
And I know no relation fights like our
I feel like I had been dating the wrong man for two whole years
So I think it is time for you to go
So give me my last kiss
My last hug
And give me a handshake and say
Goodbye forever
Don’t call me
Don’t write to me
Don’t come over
Because every time I see you or hear from you
I will ignore you, 
I will hate you forever and ever
I lay down to

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

Details | Joalisa De Jesus Poem


I am proud
Proud… proud…
Of what you said
You can say anything…
Anything that you want
You can do anything…
Anything that you want to do to me
Because your words are nothing
It means nothing to me
To me you look like an old chatterbox
That keeps on talking and talking al thought the day
I just had to push your button and
All you do is talk and talk
All I have to do is listen to you
You are nothing to me but a chatterbox
I can just put in my bag
I can take you out whenever I want to
I just rewind you
All you do is talking
Talk… Talk … Talk…
You will never put me in the blue or the darkness
You are nothing to me
You are just an old
Chatter box….

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009

Details | Joalisa De Jesus Poem

What Is a Slut and Not a Slut?

two girls  walking down a block
two boys watched them
first  one girl was real beautiful 
she had on shorts 
She was still a virgin 
One of boy yelled ' Slut' 
last girl was no better looking than the first girl 
Her shirt  didn't cover her belly button
Her pants covers her legs 
she had high hells 
The last boy asked her if she could have sex with him
She said ' Yeah come on let get hot' 
the first boy asked the same question to the first girl 
The girl said ' No thanks I could rather save my virgin for my husband.' 
she walk away 
the Boy called ' Slut'

Copyright © Joalisa De Jesus | Year Posted 2009


Book: Reflection on the Important Things