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Best Poems Written by Di No

Below are the all-time best Di No poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Depth of Being

In the depths of existence, where truths reside,

I seek the meaning that life cannot hide.

Through whispered echoes and moments sublime,

I unravel the secret, the essence of time.

It's not in the grandeur, the fortunes amassed,

Nor fleeting pleasures, they fade away fast.

The truest meaning lies in connections we weave,

In hearts that touch, in the love we receive.

For life's profound purpose is found in the soul,

In acts of kindness that make others whole.

It's in a smile shared with a stranger in need,

Or a gentle word that plants a hopeful seed.

The truest meaning lies in moments of grace,

In compassion that's shown, no matter the race.

It's the bond of family, the embrace of a friend,

The support that uplifts, a helping hand to lend.

It's in chasing dreams with relentless pursuit,

And finding purpose in passions that root.

To leave a mark, however small it may be,

In making a difference, setting spirits free.

The truest meaning lies in the lessons we learn,

In growth that follows each twist and each turn.

It's in overcoming obstacles that arise,

And finding strength within, where resilience lies.

It's in embracing both joy and despair,

Knowing that life is a tapestry, rare and fair.

For in the contrast, the highs and the lows,

We find the depth that true meaning bestows.

So let us cherish the moments we're given,

Live with intention, a life truly driven.

In love and connection, our purpose is clear,

To make a difference, to hold what's most dear.

For the truest, most profound meaning of life,
Is found in the love that erases all strife.
To touch a heart, to leave a lasting trace,
And fill each day with compassion and grace.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2023

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In the vast expanse of life's grand tapestry,

Where dreams are born and destinies take shape,

There lie the trials that test our souls with glee,

And shape us into beings of courage and faith.

Oh, how we yearn for happiness' sweet embrace,

A shimmering mirage, forever in our sight,

Yet on this path, we encounter hardship's face,

The labyrinth of existence, our eternal fight.

Through murky depths and shadows cast askew,

We stumble, we fall, but we rise once more,

For within us burns a flame that always renews,

A spirit unyielding, a heart that fiercely soars.

With every trial faced, a lesson is learned,

Each setback a chance to discover our strength,

For it is in the darkest hours we discern,

The power to conquer, the will to go to any length.

We chase our dreams with fervor, unbridled,

With passion as our compass, we forge ahead,

Though obstacles may tower, unbeholden,

We find the strength to conquer fear and dread.

The pursuit of happiness, a lofty endeavor,

An elusive quarry that dances beyond our grasp,

But with each step, we come a little closer,

Through courage, resilience, and the will to clasp.

For in the depths of struggle, we find our core,

A resilience that defies the tests of time,

And as we navigate life's tumultuous shore,

We emerge as warriors, our souls sublime.

Embrace the trials, for they shape who we are,

They mold us into beings of wisdom and might,

For the pursuit of happiness is not too far,

If we march forward with purpose and light.

So, let us not falter in the face of strife,
But embrace the challenges that life bestows,
For in the crucible of trials, we find life,
And the pursuit of happiness forever flows.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2023

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Ode To Tennessee

Oh Tennessee, bard divine, what gems you've given,
Of truth and pain from your wrecked life riven.

Though critics scorned, your genius shone  
In shabby rooms where oft alone,

You typed amid plumes of smoke, your soul's sad cry -
A Streetcar Named Desire, my oh my! 

Your plays laid bare the human heart,
Its longing, fear, and rage did chart.

Upon the stage a confessional 
For souls as torn as yours, so full
Of doubt and dream deferred. You mined rich ore
From depths of pain to gift us more - 

The Glass Menagerie, Night of the Iguana, 
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - your canon.

New Orleans, Key West, and New York too, 
Knew the demons that plagued you.

You wrestled words in the lonely night,
Until they shone with meaning's light.

America was your restless home, 
Yet no theater bears your name.

Oh, who could write like Tennessee? 
His plays revealed his agony.

So let us praise his lasting art,  
That bared the torment of his heart.

He made human truth his muse, his fate.
For Williams was a playwright for the ages,
Who filled our lives with his brilliant stages.

Perhaps someday, we will name a stage on the great white way to honor him and his plays, where future generations can go to appreciate and praise the likes of Stanley, Maggie, Brick, and Blanche, and yes Big Daddy.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2023

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Fruit Fly, Cockroach, Random Lie

Fruit fly, cockroach, random lie, here we go eternity sis-boom... bye. 
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, just like that, I am gone, after living out, like water up the spout it's all days gone bye. 
Like a riddle, It's long, it's short, it goes by quick, after all, is said and done we don't really give a lick.  
Chased the dream until I screamed, some attained, some elusive but at a price that is utterly too abusive.                                                         
          Fruit fly, cockroach, random lie, here we go eternity sis-boom... sigh. 
We just leave as we should because it's time, time for God's next trick.  Rich man, poor man it don't matter none we have had our fill and our fun. 

Next man up, fasten your seatbelt it's quite the ride, don't want to fall until it's your time to die........
          Fruit fly, cockroach,  random lie, here we go eternity... my oh my!        

Everything true was just mere lies, some more, some less but lies nonetheless, deceived, distressed, completely undressed.

What to think, what to say, when all of one's beliefs are taken away, press pause? restart? reboot you say? It's all a bit late, it's all rather moot, wouldn't you say? 

It's all very odd to begin the decline when everything seems strangely fine? It all weighs so heavily though on your mind. 

Best not to think, just do! try to win each day as it's all anew. It's good, it's bad, it's happy, it's sad, my son calls me dad so I'm not feeling mad, just happy to be and, not, not be and to be as long as I possibly can be.  Is that the answer? maybe? we'll see.......
         Fruit fly, cockroach, random lie, here we go eternity... Please don't cry

For we die each night, Born again every day, take it or leave it, it's better that way. Take it!, take it, I say, try to make it just one more day, what more can one possibly say, but be thankful for just one more precious day. 

Like the common fruit fly and cockroach, our life span is but a blink of an eye before we die, just minutes off the cosmic clock of which we have no apparent  key to its eternal lock

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2022

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In this age of constant flux and strife,

Where shadows dance upon the stage of life,

We stand amidst the chaos and the noise,

Seeking meaning in the trials we must voice.

Technology surges with relentless force,

Connecting us in ways never known before,

Yet in the vastness of this digital realm,

We yearn for touch, for warmth, for the human helm.

Amidst the clamor of divisive views,

We seek unity, empathy, and truths,

Boundaries blur as cultures intertwine,

Revealing the beauty of our shared design.

But still, inequality stains the land,
And injustice clenches its iron hand,

We strive for justice, equality's embrace,
To heal the wounds and erase prejudice's trace.

In the whirlwind of progress, we find solace,

In the pursuit of knowledge, we find promise,

Exploring the mysteries of this fragile Earth,
To protect its wonders, its intrinsic worth.

And as we navigate this complex terrain,
We're challenged to rise above the mundane,
To extend a hand to those in need,
To plant seeds of kindness, to foster love's seed.

For in the tapestry of these modern times,
We find our purpose, our stories intertwine,
Each thread, unique, yet woven as one,
A testament to what humanity has become.

So let us stand tall, unyielding and strong,
Embracing the rhythm of life's vibrant song,

For in the ebb and flow of this grand dance,
We forge our destiny, we seize our chance.

In this era of challenges and grace,
We find our footing, we find our place,

Together we strive, hand in hand,
Navigating the currents of this wondrous land.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2023

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Fruit Fly, Cockroach, Random Lie

Fruit Fly, Cockroach, Random Lie Fruit fly, cockroach, random lie, here we go eternity sis-boom... bye. 
Dust to dust, ashes to ashes, just like that, I am gone, after living out, like water up the spout it's all days gone bye. 
Like a riddle, It's long, it's short, it goes by quick, after all, is said and done we don't really give a lick.  
Chased the dream until I screamed, some attained, some elusive but at a price that is utterly too abusive.                                                         
          Fruit fly, cockroach, random lie, here we go eternity sis-boom... sigh. 
We just leave as we should because it's time, time for God's next trick.  Rich man, poor man it don't matter none we have had our fill and our fun. 

Next man up, fasten your seatbelt it's quite the ride, don't want to fall until it's your time to die........
          Fruit fly, cockroach,  random lie, here we go eternity... my oh my!        

Everything true was just mere lies, some more, some less but lies nonetheless, deceived, distressed, completely undressed.

What to think, what to say, when all of one's beliefs are taken away, press pause? restart? reboot you say? It's all a bit late, it's all rather moot, wouldn't you say? 

It's all very odd to begin the decline when everything seems strangely fine? It all weighs so heavily though on your mind. 

Best not to think, just do! try to win each day as it's all anew. It's good, it's bad, it's happy, it's sad, my son calls me dad so I'm not feeling mad, just happy to be and, not, not be and to be as long as I possibly can be.  Is that the answer? maybe? we'll see.......
         Fruit fly, cockroach, random lie, here we go eternity... Please don't cry

For we die each night, Born again every day, take it or leave it, it's better that way. Take it!, take it, I say, try to make it just one more day, what more can one possibly say, but be thankful for just one more precious day. 

Like the common fruit fly and cockroach, our life span is but a blink of an eye before we die, just minutes off the cosmic clock of which we have no apparent  key to its eternal lock

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2022

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The Little Fish That Could

The Little Fish That Could

Once there was a little fish,
Who wanted to be big, not small and squish.

She dreamed of swimming with the big fish crowd,
And seeing the world from way up high and proud. 

But the little fish was just too small, She couldn't keep up, not at all.
She tried and tried, but it was tough and often found herself feeling rough.

One day, a wise old turtle swam by,
And saw the little fish give a sigh.
He asked her, "What's wrong, my dear?
Why are you looking so sad and drear?"The little fish said with a frown,
"I want to be big and swim around. But I'm just so small, it's hard to keep up,
And sometimes I feel like giving up."

The wise old turtle nodded his head,
And this is what he kindly said:
"Little fish, don't you know it's true,
That even big fish were once small like you?" 
Just keep on swimming, day by day,
And soon you'll grow in every way.
Your dreams will come true, just wait and see,
And you'll swim with the big fish happily."

The little fish felt better and smiled,
She knew the wise old turtle was right all the while.
She kept on swimming, with all her might,
And grew up big, and oh so bright! Now the little fish is big and strong,
And swims with the big fish all day long.
She learned that if she kept on trying,
Her dreams would come true, and she'd keep on flying.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2023

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Just a Moment

Just a moment.....

A whale breaches the surface and soars into the air, an eagle swoops down and plucks a fish from the water swimming without care, 

a woman gives birth, another miracle being on planet earth, joins the human race as we awkwardly evolve into outer space,  just as an old man slips away into death's final embrace after living a lifetime visible in each wrinkle on his weathered face. .... 

a child is starving as a mother helplessly watches with pain in her heart and disgrace on her face, begging the Gods for mercy and to be in some other place.... 

a volcano erupts, spewing the gut of history into the sky, as a young boy becomes a man with the future in his eyes,  

a rocket blasts off carrying humans deep into space in a leap of faith heretofore unknown for a date with history far from home......

Moments that capture the eternal from the desperately fleeting. These are instantaneous moments of joy, exhilaration, pain, and sadness that span the spectrum and devotion of human emotion......all intertwined to form the essence of life.  

We have endlessly struggled throughout time to define what we are and why. Perhaps to define, its like a fine wine that has undergone a resembling activity over time.....

our experiences and knowledge get passed on, not unlike the process of a fermenting wine..... 
all the moments of our lives are each a frame of a film that takes a lifetime to produce. 

Nearing the end we get a preview of sorts, a sneak peek, a sip of the wine that has defined our time. It streams endlessly in our mind, so have a seat, enjoy the wine, and don't eat too much popcorn, it's showtime, no spoiler alert, there is no doubt because no one knows the ending until the final moments have played out.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2022

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Circus of Madness

The world's a circus, as they say
A madman's dream, a drunkard's bed,
A freak show, a carnival of sin,
A place where nothing makes sense within.

It's all just random, some would say,
A spinning wheel that's lost its way,
A game of chance with no real rules,
A dance of fools and drunken ghouls.

The rich get richer, the poor stay poor,
The honest ones, they suffer more,
The crooks and thieves, they rule the day,
The good guys always seem to pay.

It's all just madness and true sadness.
A carnival of day and night,
A world of chaos and despair,
A place where no one seems to care.

But still, we strive, we fight and try,
We live and love and sometimes cry,
We hope for better, dream of more,
And in that hope, we find the door.

For in the madness of this life,
We find the strength to stand and fight,
To face the chaos, take a chance,
And in that moment, find romance.

So let the world spin round and round,
Let madness reign, let chaos abound,
For in the heart of every man,
There's still hope, a master plan.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2023

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Life Is a Riddle

Life is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, A fleeting moment of joy and misery.

It's a journey we take, without a map, Navigating through trials, and mishaps.
It's a beautiful struggle, filled with pain, A rollercoaster ride, through sunshine and rain.

It's a puzzle we solve, with each passing day, Through laughter and tears, we find our way.

We search for meaning, in this vast abyss, Hoping to find solace, in love's sweet kiss. We yearn for purpose, in a world so vast, And find our place, at last.

The human condition is a paradox so grand, A curious blend, of the heart and the hand.

We strive for perfection, with every breath, And learn to embrace, life's dance of death.

Ultimately, it's the moments we keep, The memories we cherish, forever to reap. So let us savor, this precious gift of life, And embrace its beauty, free from strife.

Copyright © Di No | Year Posted 2023


Book: Reflection on the Important Things