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Best Poems Written by Ivan Velasquez

Below are the all-time best Ivan Velasquez poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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A Soldiers Hope

Just wait, from how far you might be
One day I will fight so you can be free.

It doesn’t matter if I’m wounded
It doesn’t matter if I’m on the brink of Death
I will always keep struggling
So you can be healthy and safe.

I don’t care who the enemy is
I don’t care who I have to fight
I will have no doubt in giving my life
So you can be alive.

Im too young for war, where all hope is gone
But from now on as a soldier, my innocence is torn
I don’t know how far I must go
But one day, dead or alive, as a Hero, I will return Home.

I hope you don’t forget my name
I hope you won’t forget my sacrifice
Because besides I must kill and die
Everything is for your happiness and life.

Every time happens that the most honor full man
Is certainly the most lonely one
And the one that has to live more
Is the one who dies young.

My duty is to protect my people
My duty is to defend their freedom
Anyone who this is their willing
Will be received in God’s Kingdom.

Every time that the duty calls
We are the first ones to go to war
And when a young kid has to fight
You realize that he will never
 come back completely alive.

We don’t fight just with our weapons
We don’t just fight with our guns
But when we go to war
We have to fight with our hearts and souls.

Every war is useless 
Every war is the same
But we are the young kids
Who must perish from this Earth,
Due to the greed of a few old men.

War is the most horrofull thing that can exist}
It pulls out a young kid his Beast Within
And it breaks our hearts to fill our souls with hatred
And that we must be forced to kill.

In war absolutely no one survives
If our bodies doesn’t get slaughtered
Then our souls are the ones who are going to die
As we will never be alive, even if our bodies are still intact.

We are full of pain inside
We are full of hopelessness
We are the ones who sacrifice everything for everyone
But no one does nothing for ourselves.

We don’t have any luxury
We don’t have much money
But honorfull men like us 
Have something called “Glory”.

We don’t just fight on the battlefield
But we fight in every part of our lives
Every day we have to keep struggling
In order to be able to survive.

We have seen the most evil things in the world
Just because we decided to go to war
Besides our suffering, we can still have the hope
To find True Love, which is the only thing
Than can save what remain in our souls.

I wonder If I will get that hope
I hope that I can save my soul
Because besides so much fighting and war
A soldier can also be able to love.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

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Im a Soldier

I’m a soldier, reborn from the
Battles of the East
Conceived by loveless parents
Raised by a dysfunctional family.

I’ve been betrayed, forgotten, abandoned
Several times heartbroken
But the dream of becoming a soldier
Is the one who kept my head over my shoulders.

The chaos takes over my brain
The bad memories keep invading my head
But I never forgot the fact
That with the time, they simply fade away.

All over since my childhood
I always wanted to hold that rifle
Walking in a silent desert with my comrade
Nothing else but our duty is really important.

The teenage years were tough
Lonely, single, without job
It took me self-determination
To keep such dreams to live on.

I’m a soldier, a term of character
Is not a muscular body, is not a camo uniform
Is a state of struggle, self-confidence and courage 
Is the willing to sacrifice everything for each other.

Devoted and fanatical from young
I always knew that there belonged my soul
Since 6 years of age, I also looked to other things
But nothing but the soldier, remained as just a joke.

I haven’t realize what exactly is
Maybe the discipline, the training, the guns
Or the friendships, but if something is sure
Is that the soldier heals every part, of my wounded heart.

The civilian life affected me, almost corrupted me
But everything was a self-training
In order to shape, mold and test my honor and courage
So I could became as best as I can.

We’ve been through worse
But beauty also appeared in our roads
Every time we found ourselves alone
We just travel to another world.

Being affected from our hearts
We slowly reflect with our minds
Realizing that the past is the shade
And the future is the shine.

Maybe I can be a fierce warrior
But that doesn’t mean, that I can’t love without passion
From it, maybe I had ‘enough’
But maybe, I never really had it at all.

My living standards are very low
I just want to be somewhere I call home
If I knock again at my old house
I know that no one will receive me at the door.

I wonder how much I’ll remain sad
I spent most of my time alone
But it doesn’t really matter though
I realized that I’m at the hands of the Lord.

Because there is no Death for my soul
If I ever die in a war
Our actions strike like the thunder
But our names and faces, fade like the smoke.

I’m just a soldier, I just followed orders
May the Virgin Mary pray for my soul
Let the Lord judge me for the
Bad and good things that I’ve done.


Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ivan Velasquez Poem

She Will Be Free

After so many fighting, after so many problems
We never knew that we always needed from each other.

I am always afraid of talking to you
I am always afraid of getting close by
Maybe you believe that I’m bad, maybe you believe I’m not wise
But I’m the only one who would never let your heart fell apart.

We live in a world full of fake friends
We live in a world full of hypocrites 
But I know that such things are
Something that I would never be. 

I also know that I’m not perfect 
Just because I’m not like the rest
But men like me try to always do their best
Besides so much troubles and differences
Surrounding ourselves.

I can’t understand why you are with those fake friends
I can’t understand why do you lie to yourself
I just want you to look deep within your heart
So you can know what do you really want.

I know I’ve acted like an idiot
I know that I’ve screwed up before
I know that you may see me as a stupid joke
But I want you to be able to forgive
Something that people has never done to me.

I wonder if we had seen each other in the past 
I wonder if should had ever been together
But if we ended up in the same place, at the same time
Then we were both one, with our destinies on the same side.

You may judge me for how I am
But you have no idea, of the pain and suffering
That I had in my past, after being a normal kid
Who lived his life, as the way it should be.

I don’t know if I will survive this war
I don’t know whether if I will end up killing myself
But if there would be just one last thing I would wish to you
Is you to find peace and happiness within yourself.

It is out of my knowledge, why do you hate me so much
Everything that happened was for a reason I believe
No matter if it was right or if it was wrong
But this is how things are must to be done.

Its quite obvious that I’m a weirdo, but also with 17 years old
I think that I’m too young to fight and die in a useless war
But it fill me with peace, it fills me with hope
Just to think, that you are the only one who can save my soul.

The decision of saving me, is all by your own
Because there is no way that I can escape from this horrible war 
Without your hope, but it is totally up to you whether if my soul
Will keep living or if it will just fall.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

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I am a Loner, not because
no family or friends
But because I am trying 
to find the right place.

I am a Loner, since 14 years of age
Before that never had much friends
But at least I was happy
I was enjoying videogames, dreams and myself.

Somehow different, somehow retracted
I was just like any other kid
Wondering if there was that one right person
Who could pretty much resemble me.

I am a Loner, life has made me like this
It just happened when I never expected
Maybe I was living in a fantasy world
Maybe tragedy or destiny made me become one.

I am a Loner, places are what you make of it
There is no prosperity in where I am
So I have to move somewhere else
And accept whatever awaits me out there.

I am a Loner, not because I enjoy it
But because I learnt how to be one
"Family" and "friends" eventually forget about you
People need people, happiness and fulfillment
will not always depend only on you.

I am a Loner, Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Another walk in the night
Silence is my only companion
Life itself is definitely not bad
But we must always follow our hearts.

Rejection and betrayal might face you
But we must always move ahead
so we can improve ourselves
Life continues, there is a whole world out there.

There was no right or wrong
Because new perspectives are born
Sometimes we choose to be alone
In order to avoid what destroys our souls
But it doesn´t really matter though
As long as we adapt and move along.       4/6/2022.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ivan Velasquez Poem

Palabras Del Corazon

Mi nombre es Iván, no soy un amante
ni tampoco un novio
solo soy un joven soldado y un ser muy
Y me gustaria pensar que algun dia
tarde o temprano estare realmente enamorado

Solo quiero ver a esa mujer tan especial
abrazarla y decirle que siempre la voy a amar
Viviendo los dos en un mundo lleno de
guerras y maldad 

El amor para mi es algo serio
El amor para mi es algo eterno
El amor no es algo que empieza en enero
y despues termina en febrero

El amor es algo que nunca envejeze
porque el amor es algo que dura para siempre
Y sera algo que uno tendra
incluso despues de la muerte

Quiero a esa mujer tan pura 
Quiero a esa mujer tan especial
De solo saber que es leal e inteligente
es algo que me cautiva completamente

Saber cual es ella es una situacion dura
Es cierto que hay millones de mujeres 
pero el amor de tu vida 
solo puede ser una

Cuando uno comienza a actuar 
Ahi es cuando las cosas comienzan a cambiar
Estoy cansado de tanto soñar
Sobre algo que pasaria en realidad

Uno no tiene que ver lo fisico
Uno tiene que ver lo interior
Uno siempre debe poner el amor
donde esta la dignidad y el honor

El amor es sacrificio
El amor es coraje
El amor no es un ramo de flores
ni tampoco una cajeta de chocolates

La razón por la cual estoy tan solo
es porque soy timido y no fingo ser otro
Yo jamas manipularia a una mujer
solo para obtener un rato de placer

Mi destino no es casarme
Mi destino es ir al combate
Pero pienso que entre mas furia tengas al luchar
mas pasión tendrás al amar

Dicen que el hombre que mejor trata
a las mujeres, es el que mejor puede estar
sin ellas, concierne a mi experiencia, esta
teoria es completamente cierta

Las mujeres quiza no hagan mucho
pero son importantres en este mundo
las mujeres no hacen historia
porque se encargan de hacer el futuro

Una mujer no es un juego
Una mujer no es algo material
La mujer no es algo que tu usas
como un objeto sexual

No me interesa tener placer
No me interesa tocar el cuerpo de una mujer
Solo quiero sentir su corazón
para saber por primera vez que es el amor

El hombre que mas respeta a las mujeres
es de hecho el mas solitario
Y el que va traas ellas solo por su lujuria
es el que mas tiene placer y sexo
Y la mujer no se percata que un hombre así 
es mas que un vil cerdo

Pero el placer es algo que no importa
porque soy un hombre con un caracter duro
Yo se que mis intenciones son buenas 
y que mi corazón es puro

Yo no siento lujuria
Ni tampoco pienso en cosas impuras
Yo solo le doy mi lealtad a esa mujer
que verdaderamente me quiere amar

Me da mucha felicidad
Saber que tengo mi virginidad
Algo asi es muy especial
porque es sinonimo de pureza y dignidad

Si hay algo que es cierto es que es dificil de 
encontrar, a un hombre de verdad
En este mundo redeado de engaños
mentiras e infidelidad.                         2017.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

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Memories of the Fall

Passions, struggles and loves
They all appeared within my road
Filling up my early life
With the biggest ones of the fights.

How can I forget, That beautiful
Portuguese brunette in my classroom
She used to sit behind me
She was such a precious, stunning being.

I was most of the time frustrated
When thinking about Love
And I was so motivated
When thinking about war.

I was never really evil
I was never a savage beast
I was just that lonely wise kid	
Who only needed a kiss.
Never had much friends
I was more likely to be ignored
But eventually I turned to be
The most intelligent and outgoing of all.

Mommy was almost always sad
Daddy was never really there
Brother was drinking and partying
Without realizing he was committing
A  mistake.

I always made a difference
Staying away from alcohol, cigs and drugs
I committed myself to the Notion of Honor
Since the time I learned to walk.

I had up and downs
Like any other youth out there
I committed a lot of mistakes
But never had a single regret.

I turned out to be a poet
At 16 years of age
When this gorgeous Italian girl
Placed her eyes upon my sight. 

I was so anxious, I was so sad
I was thinking about how speaking to her.
When she ignored me in that night of April
Every moment was intense, every moment was so fast.

I was thinking about marrying
I was believing in True Love
But she wasn’t as I thought she was
And then I recovered my older soul.

Then this Brunette fell in love with me
It just happened when I never expected
So instead of loving each other
We were just hurting each other.

At the final days of 2017, came this beautiful night of my Prom
Everyone looked so good, Everyone had so much fun
I managed to give an innocent-simple kiss
To the girl that I once believed in True Love.

I wonder how it will turn out to be
Every single one of my deepest dreams
I know that in the future I will fight
I know that in the Future I will smile.

Ohh my teenage years, so happy, so sad
So much fantasies, so much dreaming
They will eventually become reality
As long as I stand up and keep fighting.

Times past, our vision rolls, Friendships are gone
New perspectives are born, nostalgia hits our souls
Our past is the witness of every single one of us
And Love is the most valuable memory of all.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

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L Amour D Un Legionnaire

Je m'appelle Ivan
Je ne suis pas un étudiant
Je suis un garçon solitaire
Et un Légionnaire de la France. 

J’ai écrit ce poème
Parce que je sens quelque pour toi
Avec le temps tu es devenue
Une grande personé pour moi.

Tous les jours Je vais à l’école
Et Je suis au Panama
Pour l’instant Je ne vais pas à la Légion
Parce que Je suis amoureux de toi.

Et vous avez gagne 
Le cœur de un Légionnaire.

Tes droits cheveux sont
Droits comme la nuit
Et ta délicate peau est
Blanche comme la lune
La couleur de tes yeux me
Rappelé le pêches au printemps. 

La soule raison pour laquelle
Je tombe amoureux de toi c’est parce que
Je pensais que tu étais 
Amoureuse de moi.

Amour l’amour, toujours 
Echoues à chaque tentative 
Vous n’êtes pas tombée amoureuse a un
Ordinaire, mais vous avez captive un Légionnaire.

Peut-être que tu n’as jamais  
Rien ne ressent pour moi, mais il
A toujours du lieu pour toi
Au cœur d’un Légionnaire.

Je dois y aller parce que
Je sais que t’ai blesse 
Peut-être que Je te reverrai dans cinq ans
Peut-être que Je ne serais jamais, a tes cotes
Et que Je mourrai jeune dans la guerre.

Vous pouvez coucher vos mots 
Mais vous ne pouvez pas 
Coucher vous sentiments. 

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ivan Velasquez Poem

When It Was You

Somehow it was always you
You were the one who had captive my mind
You were the one who haunted me in the night.

There is something very different in you
I know that it can be what we had gone through
Maybe it was your fulfilling smile
Which I know that sometimes I turned it
Into a broken heart.

I know that I will keep thinking about you
No matter how far am I
The memories of you are like if I have you 
In front of my sight.

I told you clearly in French
That I loved you, the message was loud and clear
But I did those stupid things
Just to make sure that you were feeling
Something deep for me.

I certainly wanted to feel your lips
It was never my intention to hurt you
That is something that I don’t want to live with.

Your stunning ethnic Portuguese-Italian beauty
Will keep chasing me I know
I want you to have clear
That is wasn’t because of me.

The only reason that it happened 
Is because I thought that you were in love with me
If it happened or not
Those are things that I don’t know.

Maybe you will ignore me, but will never forget
You will always remain in some part of my heart
The one of such a brave and wise man
Today you are reading this, tomorrow
I will be in war, fighting for what I truly love.

When I’m doing something
You just simply fade away
When I’m in those long hours alone
You eventually pass through my deepest thoughts.

From a man that seeks justice 
From a man that pursues glory
We both know it on the very inside
We still love each other.

I will never forget you
I’ll remember you at the other side of the world
But I’m very happy, cuz we found each other
And who would believe
That we would end up loving each other.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

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Quien Como Ivan

Who else is like me?
How far can he might be
My whole life I had been training
Preparing me for the toughest battles.

I never considered having a girlfriend
As something really important in my life
I’ve chosen the path of sacrifice
I’ve never ever forget about that.

I never had regrets
I live at two hundred percent
Every second of my life is learning
No moment is the true ending.

I’ve suffered cried and smiled
In every single part of my life
When the things get really dark
I will eventually find a spot of light.

Half of my life is reality
Half of my life is fantasy
Every time that I’m alone
Is because I’m trying to fight my inner war.

Every soldier has a different cause
They all wear same uniforms
But they all have distinct souls
This is why we love each other so much.

I feel so lonely, so isolated
I know that I will totally change
As soon as I join the Army
And perhaps again, I can be happy.

Civilian life just doesn’t fits me 
I live here all sad and bored
I know that my perspectives will totally change
By the time that I will engage on war.

No friends, no family, no wife
All the doors are closing
I need to do something with my life
As maybe as a soldier, I will see myself smile.

It is my decision
I know that I’m going to war
But after all the choices that I thought about
I realize that I never really had one.

My heart is suffering
That girl doesn’t longer 
Wants to know about me
My brain is burning, there is no stopping
When thinking about her.

I wonder the things that I can be
Maybe a teacher, maybe a farmer
But at the end of the day I realize
That the soldier is the real me.

When I engage on war
I know that it will not be something new
The fiercest battles that I had
Started when I was very young.

Maybe I can die young
Maybe I will not find my True Love
But I can only die once
I’m making sure it is worth it.
I’ve always lived with dignity
I’ve always preserved my virginity
But I just want to get a kiss
So I can finally feel how it is.

Who else is like me?
Who else is like Ivan?
No point of my existence
If not helping mankind.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022

Details | Ivan Velasquez Poem

War and Love

Love will always be there
Love will always be in my heart
Love is something I must take away from war
Will I fall in love again?
There is no knowing about that.

It is just the destiny
Just like a meteorite within the stars
Best things in life come when you never expect
This is something
I must never, ever forget.

As maybe one day, all my loneliness and desires will fade
I wonder if before the day I’m going to die
I will find that decent woman,
Who will rise my children in the day
And love me in the night.

I always go for difficult things
You never forget someone who you were once in love with
Such as you never forget holding that rifle
On that wide battlefield.

War and Love, are the ones who
Have captive my soul
After coming from that dangerous place
Before sleeping I know that she, again, will
Appear within my head.

Maybe distance can be wide
Maybe I can be on the frontline
But something is sure, I will always
Remember such eyes, I will always
Remember such fulfilling smile.

War and Love, it is never good enough
If I die in the battlefield, I want a beautiful angel
To pick up and heal my wounded soul.

War and Love, so much fighting, so much suffering
They will eventually going to hurt
But at the end
The happiness and glory is only for us.
War and Love, it is about suffering
It is about struggling, it is about giving
Everything to each other so happiness and glory
Can fulfill our souls.

Without war, there would be no further
Desires of love
Without love, there would be no incentive 
Of going to war.

Love is the most beautiful thing
War is the most horror full one
They both will pull out your tears
They both will make you feel very tired
They both will set your soul on a passionate fire.

After it happens, things will forever change
Your past beliefs just fade
So you don’t longer think the same
I always wanted indescribable feelings
I always wanted to be, where no one has ever been.

As for myself, there is no point of being alive
If you will never do something that could take your life
I just want to feel the beauty, of such place, of such moment
Of such night beneath the stars.

Maybe I can pass away young
In some kind of future war, but I still have
No regrets, cuz at least, I found adventure
And discovered the true meaning of love.

Sometimes I just want to relieve the pain
But without War and Love, everything
At the end will be the same.

Copyright © Ivan Javier Velasquez | Year Posted 2022


Book: Reflection on the Important Things