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Best Poems Written by Rosemary Martin

Below are the all-time best Rosemary Martin poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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If anyone told me that one day I would grow to hate you id say that it was a lie,
If anyone told me that one day id see you and feel sick to my stomach
and right then and there just want to collapse and die,
I would say it was a lie.

I hate you,
You remind me of everything that I don’t have 
The most precious thing to me,
You remind me 
every time I see you 
that I don’t have a family.

I used to love you,
I used to love you when you reminded me, 
That I was young and free
And that I could be like that for as long as I wanted to be.

But now,
You remind me
Of infertility,
You remind me of my bareness
Of yet another unsuccessful pregnancy.

Instead of morning sickness I get PMT
I’m 32 years old
This is not how my life is meant to be,
So for this fact I hate you with a passion that burns from deep down inside of me,
I hate you because every time you turn up unexpectedly 
My husband is one step closer to leaving me.

If anyone told me that one day I would grow to hate you id say that it was a lie,
If anyone told me that one day id see you and feel sick to my stomach 
and right then and there just want to collapse and die
I would say it was a lie.

Copyright © Rosemary Martin | Year Posted 2009

Details | Rosemary Martin Poem

With You

Away from my troubles,
Away from this pain. 
Away from the promise of “Not loving again”
Away from the dark to where I can see,
Away from whom everyone expects me to be.
Away from the noise and into the calm,
I dream of my savior I am holding his arm.
I then ask the question “who am I meant to be?”
“And what does this life have in store for me?”
What is my purpose?
What do I do?
I hear a sweet voice “To thine own self be true”
“I will always be here whenever you need”
“I will always be there to help you succeed”
“Follow your dreams and make them come true”
“All that you need is inside of you”
“There is nothing you need that you don't already know”
“I’ve given you the seed; it’s your job to sew”
“Truth leads to knowledge and please understand 
I’ve given you the world in the palm of your hand”
“Follow your heart and then your mind 
Seek for the truth and then you shall find”
“When tempted by anger or jealousy step back,
For when the pendulum swings forth it will always swing back.”  
“Follow your spirit I’m inside of you,
There’s nothing in this world that we cannot do.”
“And remember my child “To thine own self be true”
“Remember my child that the father loves you”.

Rosemary Martin

Copyright © Rosemary Martin | Year Posted 2009

Book: Shattered Sighs