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Best Poems Written by Beth Sullivan

Below are the all-time best Beth Sullivan poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Iron Gates

I know it must get hard in there
to keep your chin-up high,
But, don't let anyone get you down,
Keep praying and never stop trying!

You feel like your part of another world,
When your locked behind prison gates,
One where men don't have love in their hearts,
But, instead feel so much hate!

Hatred for those who abandoned them, when they
were only babes,
Anger for who put them there, inside their iron
Resentment for the women who are'nt being true
while their men are away,
Longing for their families who still love them 
true, unconditionally forgiving their mistakes,
Faithfully writing them letters each week, 
waiting matter how long it takes!

There are good people living behind those gates too,
You should know, because you are one,
Just seek out the good men around you, do your best
and don't forget where you are from.

Stay true to yourself and never waiver from your 
morals and beliefs,
Do your time and come home get started on
the new life you seek!!!

Copyright © Beth Sullivan | Year Posted 2005

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The best advice I could give you, especially you young kids,
Is never, ever do drugs...if, your life you "really" want to live!

You may live to be one-hundred years old, doing your drugs everyday,
But, emotionally, spiritually and mentally...boy, are you gonna'' pay!

I can tell you this from experience, an addict I've been for years,
I curse the day that I first used drugs, it has caused so many tears!

Drugs, they dull your senses, your numb until their gone,
They turn good men into thieves, good women into bad mom's!

Not everyone that uses drugs, are bad people I agree,
But eventually, we're all hustling the same...cause', nothing in life is free!

We spend all of our spare money in the beginning, then its not enough,
Our habits, they grow so rapidly...that soon we are selling our stuff!

The drugs we do, they blind us to the world we live in each day,
We can't see the walls that are crumbling down, 
No more car cause' the payments weren't made!

"Thank Goodness," most have family they can fall back on in hard times,
For awhile, they can keep us afloat...but, eventually we get more behind!

We think no one can tell, that we're doing our drugs all the time,
But, boy are we mistaken...we might as well wear our own sign!

A sign that says, "DRUG ADDICT," "ALCOHOLIC," or "PILL POPPIN' QUEEN,"
Because, the toll that drugs take on our bodies, can most definitely be seen!

You know the rest, soon your house is gone too...along with all furnishings inside,
Next, are your, "PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS," your "SELF RESPECT," and then you "PRIDE!!!"

Copyright © Beth Sullivan | Year Posted 2005

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Our lives are continually changing,
From, the moment we're born until the 
day that we die,
Sometimes its good, other times its bad,
But, we accept it because its just a fact of life!

Some people are creatures of habit, that like all
of their days the same,
Others, like life in the fast lane,
Afraid of being put on a chain!

The chain of predictability, with no surprises in store,
They prefer to take each day as it comes,
But, always hoping for a little bit more!

It doesn't matter what your preference is, 
Things will "always," eventually change...we may choose 
at times to fight it,
"But, go with it if you want to stay sane!!!"

Copyright © Beth Sullivan | Year Posted 2005

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Mirror Mirror

Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is honest? It's your call!
Of all my friends and aquaintances...who's fair?
Which ones are talking behind my back?
Which ones really care?

Show me which one's that I can trust?
Which ones, in my life that I should keep,
And, which one's to leave in the dust?

Mirror mirror, I really can't tell?
Which one's will reach Heaven,
And, which one's will reach hell?

"Please," won't you tell me who's fair,
just and true?  But, more so who's dishonest?
Could they be you???

Copyright © Beth Sullivan | Year Posted 2005

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I Wonder?

At times, I st and wonder,
Why we're not all the same?
God made us each look different,
Is He the one to blame?

I don't think it's any one person's fault,
Or, even God Himself,
But, I do believe we should talk to Him,
If, we're ever needing help!

It should'nt matter what color we are,
What size, shape or form,
And, who decided anyway,
What is to be the morm?

So, on this day I say to you,
"Treat Everyone the Same,
If you don't, look in the mirror...
...that is the one to blame!!!"

Copyright © Beth Sullivan | Year Posted 2005

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"i'Ll Be Watching"

I'm not living here anymore,
I've gone home to stay,
God, He came and picked me up,
Just the other day.

I won't be here for you to call 
upon the telephone,
But, don't you worry...I'll be around,
You'll "never" be alone.

I'll keep a watchful eye on you,
In case, you need a hand,
And, I'll be there when the precious 
babes first begin to stand.

God has called my name out of the, 
It was just my time to go...I led 
a very fulfilling life.

I'll be just a heartbeat away, every
time you think of me,
Just close your eyes and I'll be there,
Try will see.

Every time you whisper my'll 
feel me in the wind,
The crisp wind on your'll know,
is just my loving hands.

And, when it rains...please know, that these
are just my heartfelt tears,
From, watching my loved one's live their lives...
in the coming years. 

I leave this one, last message for you, but this 
is not goodbye...for I'll be lovingly watching you,
From, way-up in the sky!!!

Copyright © Beth Sullivan | Year Posted 2005

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Short Cuts

People come and people go,
And, after all is said and done,
What do we really have to show?

Material things can all be replaced,
Fellow-man is our most valuable commodity,
Why are we all sitting back and letting one
another go to waste?

We all have our own problems and someone
else for which to blame,
But, in the end it will be God,
To whom, bad deeds will be explained!

For, no man can judge another,
Equal's we are to Him,
Though, the way we all take short cuts...
...our chance to Heaven is pretty slim!!!

Copyright © Beth Sullivan | Year Posted 2005

Book: Reflection on the Important Things