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Best Poems Written by Alastaire Arendse

Below are the all-time best Alastaire Arendse poems as chosen by PoetrySoup members

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Men who fear to cross a road
which leads out of the dark
will never know the light that shines
upon the truth writ in these lines.

To give offence to the offender
Is not the true intent,
but more to place a lamp that glows
where immorality sorely grows.

How can one be blinded thus
and stub a naked toe
when someone dares to point the way
for all to see as clear as day.

No doubt, anon the world will frown
if nighttime comes too soon,
wondering why you snuffed the flame
that burns the crooked path of shame.

I crossed the road in darkness
and never saw the light,
from darkness into darkness
embracing horse and harness.

The fool is always guilty:
broad the road he chooses
but somewhere in the night,
there is a shining light.

A man was standing by the road
unnoticed in the dark;
the darkness was as light to him
his light had never dimmed.

Accused by death itself,
I confessed that I had sinned;
a man came in our presence
and spoke in my defence.

"I'll serve his crime
and pay the price 
whatever is imposed."
Thus the case was closed

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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The Face of Love

When death stood at my threshold,
I chose to die to life not lived
for I was drowning in my sorrow:
life nor death showed me tomorrow.

Squirming in the depths of death,
I hated that it took so long!
I summoned death to end the pain 
but he had nothing more to gain.

Someone touched my inmost being
and told me there's no inbetween;
this voice within called out to me
"Where will you spend eternity?"

"What does it matter," I replied,
"life and death is all the same."
"Die not to this death in vain;
I died for you," the voice explained.

As if urged, I stood erect
after wrestling on the floor.
"Call to her by that sweet name;
she will quench your burning flame!"
I called and asked if she would help 
a man who had no wish to live. 
Her answer fails me yet today
for she agreed and not be swayed.

She spoke about eternity 
and life with love always, 
though I wanted but to know 
if she could live with such sorrow.

Her kind and gentle voice 
put my burning heart at ease 
when I saw no cause to live, 
she gave all there was to give.

With love and hope and laughter
she brings God's grace to all:
shows he saves the destitute 
and cares for men of ill repute.

I have heard in tales of old 
that angels rescue dying men
and wise old women talking
how the devil feared her calling?
Like the mother of the Lord,
strangers came to bear her gifts
and placed it in the gentle hands
that prays for souls in every land.

I have had the privilege 
of living life through her 
for in her great compassion
she saved me from depression.

You would be encouraged
to speak to her some time 
for in her eyes are love and hope
that tells you that you'll cope.

She would hold your hand
like a little child
and lead you to the King
while joy will be the song she sings.

When you meet with humbleness
and look into her gentle face,
you'll see that love is in her smile 
as love shows in a little child.

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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The Missing Generation

As the eagle soars 
above the mountains,
so the missing generation 
hides beneath the valleys.

Secrets kept in hidden places 
corrupts the souls 
of generations past 
and generations to come.

The death of saints 
is brought to nought
while the rise of evil grows 
till it achieves victory over men.

Words become meaningless 
and speaks the more;
names are changed 
to suit the suitor.

The hush is audible 
and the generation dies 
within itself 
to be exposed to the world.

The end never comes 
but perpetuates the lie 
that is 
yet is not 
till death becomes the cruel fate of one.

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2022

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We have come full circle!
Freedom from oppression equals 
corruption less deception.

The law of the land is zero!
Fraud and theft are over and above
pie to leave nothing!

The right to protest without violence
and freedom of education is none
from 27 to nought.

Death of peace plus an apology
has been deferred to 9×19mm casing
evidence lost at 20mm.

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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A Thought Not Spared

The loneliness that grips the heart
of a youth who sleeps outside
is strengthened over Christmastime
when carols call the tide.

Cold of night caress his arms 
with fingers hoard by frost 
while broken tips of ragged gloves 
have long ago been lost.

His clothes have not seen better days 
for none so far they've known, 
shoes have never borne his feet 
which trudge upon bare cobblestone.

The tales he tell of hunger be 
and beggars simple feats; 
in paper dreams, his only wish 
lay wrapped between white sheets.

How soon do we forget the plight 
of children on the street; 
we celebrate with Xmas trees 
while they from pine cones eat.

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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The Season of Poetry

Winter's days are penned
In the annals of seasons
From browning to frost.

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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My Little Room

The Lord spoke softly to me:
"Go into your room,
close the door behind you
and pray to your Father above.

You screamed "Come out of that room!
Hell knows what you do in that room!
The people want to see you out of that room!
You spend too much time in that room!"

The poet writes in aesthetic words,
"Perhaps you should greet the visitors;
it is the right thing to do.
Be humble, show kindness and respect too.

The Father lovingly says,
"I understand, my son,
that you want to pray;
talk to me when you are done.

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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You Are My Friend

The tap on my keyboard 
is the closest 
I have ever been 
to my friend 
but we are joined by the God 
who brought us together 
on a keyboard 
to do good works 
which he had prepared 
for us to do 
before the world began.

Let us not tarry, my friend;
you bring joy
to my otherwise sordid life
and encourage me in the Lord
and therefore I can speak
of Jesus and his love!

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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Atop a hill 
            outside a town, 
            a haven like none else 
            is found 

            beneath a crooked tree 
            an ancient bastion, 
            a shadow cast 
            on Mount Zion: 

           'twas my guilt; 
           a price was to be paid, 
           along with every sin 
           upon his head was laid 

            on the Cross 
            the pure reflected light 
            shone luminously 

            sin forgiven 
            by his love 
            set free 
            Noah's dove:

        In Christ rejoice
to the Saviour, sing and pray,
honour Greatest Love by choice -
give the Lord your life today!

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021

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She walked the path of righteousness
where her foot, through faith,
would not be moved.
Her days were long
but still she walked
the way of which the Lord approved.

Mother of my mother,
the love you bear for every soul
I cannot imitate,
for it was real
and true to heart:
a love the that I must intimate.

The accolade you would refuse,
and humbly so decline
but honour bound to any other
who bears a cross with such resolve
while teaching me to do the same,
I can't endear like you, Godmother!

Copyright © Alastaire Arendse | Year Posted 2021


Book: Shattered Sighs